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  2. Agreed. But with the added bonus that having yet another unelected leader will surely just irritate more people, reduce their vote further, and probably motivate a tactical anti-tory vote (voter turn out is the only remaining concern for me now). Let's assume its Badenoch. I think she would be less popular than Sunak even, she's fucking lunatic. Bring it on.
  3. I don't see a change of leader making a difference anyway. The problem isn't the leader, it's that the party has been taken over by lunatics. They can out someone new in No 10, but if the next move is to say "Right, now you get to front up all the mad shit we want to do" then they're just as fucked as they were with the last leader. They're a party and a membership that wants stuff that only a tiny, shrinking proportion of the country wants. They're (as close to literally as you can be without quite being literally) circling the drain.
  4. Latest polling says 60% of people will definitley not vote tory no matter what happens before the GE. Sunak is trying to appeal to a pool that is only 40% of the electorate. Its an unrecoverable position. Things will move after the May elections. I cannot see yet another change of leader (an who?) will not make things even worse for them.
  5. KRYP "Steve, calm down son, calm down. If you need some patter for an introduction video ah'll do it for you, consider it a favour for all those 'raring to go/do it for the fans/bleed black and white/aah hate sunlin, me like' pieces we did together back in the day. Divvent fret though, aa'll not mention you getting sparked by Andy Carroll. Lol."
  6. The Rwanda thing is going through next week as well. I can't wait for the little div to finally get it through and then discover that it's just his latest worst nightmare as he now has to start getting planes in the air. He's just serving up another shit sarnie for himself.
  7. You just have to hope that most people can see that they’re now trying to hobble the next incoming government with their unwanted, unneeded batshit policies.
  8. I just hope they pay for hanging on to the autumn. Just a complete wipe out, less than 50 MPs, something like that. It's unlikely but I just want them gone and we can deal with whatever comes along to replace them after. Competence and professionalism seem to be in very short supply on the right at the minute though, so I wouldn't be surprised to see a good few false starts for either what's left of the Tories or anything else that sprouts up.
  9. Today
  10. They’re so bereft of ideas they’re basically continuing to pursue a culture war they’ve already lost. They’ve got nothing to offer to virtually anyone anymore. Couple that with the uncaring arrogance (I don’t think Sunak gives a fuck about the long term effects on the Tory party even) and you’ve got a zombie government slouching towards their inevitable autumn Armageddon. It’s morbidly fascinating in a way
  11. Aye, the pontificating fucking billionaire. And I know money doesn't guarantee your mental health, but it guarantees your security and removes A LOT of the worry and stress which normal people are under, which goes a long way towards it. He's just a spenky, clueless, uncaring little cunt.
  12. Trying to deflect from blaming younger people for the "sick note culture" only to then state that the increase in sickness post-pandemic is down to younger people is classic Sunak. At least there's a job for him on the history channel when his political career is completely obliterated. He says he wants to tackle the problem of mental health in younger people - but isn't prepared to look at the fact that the outlook for younger people becomes bleaker by the day. Can't afford to buy a house - because the barriers are too high, can't afford to rent a house - because private landlords are charging a fucking fortune, which has only gotten worse due to his predecessor and her suicidal budget increasing interest rates. The retirement age will be closer to 75 for them at the rate things are going and when they retire there probably won't be a state pension anymore. The price of everything is monumental - couples now need two good jobs just to survive.
  13. He must be trying to alienate any remaining support now.
  14. Again, he's speaking to a small and shrinking portion of the population who think that people with mental health issues just need to pull their socks up and get on with it. These people either already vote for him or have fucked off to Reform. Hes fucking clueless.
  15. Sunak is talking now about cutting sickness benefits. Could he be a more patronising robotic cunt if he tried?
  16. Actually, once I wrote that I did think Sally from accounts might be the exception.
  17. It's the best thing to happen in this thread this decade.
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