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Everything posted by Magma

  1. Magma


    Happy Birthday mate
  2. Facebook him and you can see pagefuls of her little cunt. Will do, but there was no need to talk about kevin like that
  3. If I can't have your mam's number, is there any chance of posting a picture of her fanny up then?
  4. Can I have your mum's number?
  5. I've got tickets to go see Meatloaf at the Metro Arena in December
  6. Congrautlations. All the best for you and your family.
  7. Which M&S u working at the one in town or the Metro Centre? And what Department? Wrong city I think. Ah right thought he was up here
  8. Which M&S u working at the one in town or the Metro Centre? And what Department?
  9. which mcdoanlds do you work in?
  10. which mcdonalds did you say that you work in?
  11. Magma


    Happy Birthday
  12. Exactly 3 weeks ago to this day I was banging your mam
  13. Magma


    Happy Birthday
  14. Magma


    your mam's a tiger when it comes to the bedroom
  15. Magma


    God if that's your mam she's hot
  16. Congratulations mate all the best for you and your family.
  17. My mam's not going to be here on Mother's Day as she is off to Egypt in the moring, and she also happens to miss my birthday.
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