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    North East

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  1. Man United, Liverpool a very close 2nd
  2. Liverpool need rinsing by someone, fucking annoying smug cunts.
  3. Looks like it's going to be these cunts in the final. Mate isn't winning a cup in his 2nd season
  4. I dont think he's far away. KK is the one to beat but if we get a cup out of this, I think he's there.
  5. Starting to get a bit concerned at all these exits with no replacements. If Trips, Targett, Kelly all go, we have pretty much left our defence threadbare. Seems daft when there's still everything bar the league title to play for.
  6. Miley getting a last minute equaliser for Hartlepool
  7. Willock not been at it at all since he came on.
  8. Agree, I'd be surprised if he went in the summer, particularly if we secured a Euro spot. The team looks like it's a bunch of mates playing together which must have an impact on whether you want to stay or go.
  9. He's absolutely embarrassing at times. Makes me wonder whether he's had more than a few snifters before going live. Clinton Morrison is another one stealing a living. The guy talks about himself in the third person and has a limited number of phrases to trot out weekly.
  10. Like a completely different team today. Fair play to Bournemouth, completely bettered us in every department.
  11. Bang goes the winning streak. Will do well for a point.
  12. Fucking love the guy. Good football, good with the media. He's the new Messiah.
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