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Everything posted by Cheese

  1. Other than the Dutch calling anyone arrogant (bizzarely some of the most arrogant people on the planet IMO, the dutch, make the French seem full of humility and good grace ) probably not too much to disagree with. Yep, we are arrogant bastards but our football clubs don't need the Russian or American Mob to beat puffed up Premier League teams.
  2. I really do love English humor.
  3. And this is what Dutch newspapers say about the match from thursday. Warning: it's not so pleasant for you guys. "In een ode aan mooi esthetisch voetbal vernederde het elftal de verpeste profs van Newcastle" >>> With an ode to beautiful esthetic football AZ humiliates the spoiled profs of Newcastle "Aanval won van verdediging, teamverband versloeg individualisme, stijl troefde lelijkheid af, inzet schoof desinteresse terzijde." >>> Offence wins from defence, team building beats individualism, elegant style trashes uglyness, strong effort pushed away lack of interest "Armoedig oogde het spel van Newcastle, de club die elk jaar weer miljoenen ponden spendeert aan spelers van overal en nergens, maar nooit een plat prijsje wint. Bovendien was de ploeg hautain en lui." >>> The performance of Newcastle was poor, the club that invests millions and millions of pounds every year in players from everywhere and nowhere but never winning a (small) price. On top of that the team was arrogant and lazy (note: well, you can stick this up .... ) "Het verschil tussen AZ en Newcastle is ook dat de Engelse ploeg geen vaste patronen kent. Het is toevalsvoetbal van over het paard getilde pseudo-vedetten, die parasiteren op hun talent." >>> The difference between AZ and Newcastle is that the latter is lacking fixed patterns in their play. It is opportunistic football from puffed up pseudo stars, parasitizing on their talents And than that coach of NU who is blaming the defence .... In holland we call that "ziende blind" or "there's none so blind as those who won't see"
  4. You guys had the pity to play against a team with very high ambitions. AZ's rich uncle mr. Scheringa - surely he is the Dutch Abramovich - has just one goal in his life: to beat Ajax in every way. He wants AZ as the nr. one football club of Holland and a regular and important CL-club. Money is no problem for this guy (he owns several private banks in Holland). AZ plays this year in a brand-new stadium which will be expand to a 40.000 crowd capacity within a few years.
  5. NU has underestimated the striking power of AZ. After the home match, English papers were talking about the defence of AZ (holey cheese or someting like that) ... but never, never underestimate the cheesy boys from Alkmaar.
  6. Yep, i can confirm this. Van Gaal said that Newcastle is not better than Utrecht. Now he is having a bad reputation also in Newcastle. In Holland we see him as a big joke, though he is an excellent trainer.
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