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Panic Attacks

Pegasus Bridge

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Just had a massive one in the cinema. I've been ill all week, and for some reason at the cinema, thought I was dying. Havent calmed down yet, wor lass is going spare.


I'd had a history of these and they are truly are scary. Dunno how to calm down. :D

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Just had a massive one in the cinema. I've been ill all week, and for some reason at the cinema, thought I was dying. Havent calmed down yet, wor lass is going spare.


I'd had a history of these and they are truly are scary. Dunno how to calm down. :D



Ive had them mate - not nice at all :gettin: . A good thing to do is to educate yourself on what they are, why you have them and what your body does during them.


Once you understand that your body is doing something its designed to do , it might be a bit easier to cope when you feel one coming on.


A trip to the docs might be a good idea too - mine gave me a small dose of Citalopram.


I know it feels like your gonna have a heart attacks or that your hearts about to explode in your chest but of all the attacks youve had - how many times HAS your heart exloded in your chest?




In all the attacks youve had - how many heart attacks have you had?




in all the attacks youve had - how long was it before you felt a bit better?


5 mins? 20mins?



I know its difficult but try and stay positive.








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Me fatha had one at work before, found out after that he had some liver infection so he's off the drink now like. Poor fella told me man he thought it was the end for him. :D

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I don't think I've ever had a panic attack but one of my mates used to get them when she was in a confined space. What was the trigger for yours, Laz?


Stress (relating to work).

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I get them too citalopram didn't help ask your Dr about CBT or EMDR. A good coping strategy is good. Recite the 19 times table in your head or count backwards from 1,000 in threes. All to get your mind off what is hapening. I have found that my gameboy helps me take my mind off it.



But sometimes it's awkward for him in the cinema :D


Before anyone else get's in there.

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