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Phone Line Problems


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At the moment none of our house phones are working, and thus the internet has a very varied and random degree of connection quality. The likely reason is because of a roof problem that means when we get rain there is a heavy amount of water falling from the gutter downwards where the phone line runs on the outside of the house, but just wondering if it could be something else?


The phones just crackle and calls to the phones say they are engaged. The internet works for a while, then disconnects, then will reconnect again, and sometimes works perfectly as usual. The phones, however, are constantly not working.


BT charge £150 for a guy to come and look at the phone line, and I'm not sure if he will necessarily fix it or just point out the problem at be done with it.


Any help is appreciated!

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This may sound dumb, but do you have a rain loop in the line?


Can't really find a good picture, but this is sorta what I'm talking about- USCG_ShootHouse_Drip_Loop.jpg


Basically, you try not to run a line straight down into a connection as the water (and more importantly the electrically conductive minerals in the water) will run straight into the plug/ socket/ whatever. If you put a bend in the wire so that the water will fall at the bottom of the loop and curve it back up into the connection, you don't get much (if any) water entering the picture.


Sorry for the late reply- works been a bitch lately. Post a pic if you're still having trouble.


Good luck!

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Urmm...can have a look tomorrow. Certainly not had a problem with it before the roof broke, mind. We haven't had rain for a few days and the phone is back in working order, albeit with a bit of a crackle on the line.


Problem now, while I'm here, is that when the phone rings the internet cuts out when it's picked up. Normally, i think, that's down to a dodgey splitter, so I might try and get a new one of them and see if it makes a difference.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The BT guy came yesterday and replaced an old line that runs on the outside of the house. The phones have started working again, but now everytime they ring and are picked up, the internet cuts off. I've tried to replace the filter, but it hasn't made any difference. Any ideas?

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