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my list


first - metro

second - micra

third - golf gti mark 2

fourth - golf g60

fifth - peugeot 106

sixth - Audi S3

Fifth - peugout 106


story goes. metro was mine/ mums, got the micra soon after, then got a golf, and upgraded it to a g60, that got written off, then had to pootle around in a 106 for a few years, got a company s3 then got made redundant( so that went back). Went back to the 106. its ok, but not particularly quick.

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this is the first car i drove. thanks a lot dad. i tried driving it into the ground but the bastard thing wouldn't die. he only went and changed it right after i left home for uni. git.




Same as my brother. He had one of these, treated & drove it with utter contempt. Just kept plodding along. Comfy as well!!

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You must be flush owning that 11th car!


Was until i found out it only does 26mpg round town!


My car does 26.2 mpg according to Auto Trader. I've never gave a fuck about fule prices until I bought it, now I'm obsessed.


Asda's usually the cheapest.

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My first. Cost me £300 in 1992.




Since these I've had a fair few like.


Vauxhall Cavallier 1.6L

Ford Sierra 1.8L

Vauxhall Cavallier 1.9D


Vauxhall Omega Estate 2L Automatic

Mitsubishi Animal

Merc CLK270

Merc ML270


Current - Honda Accord thats about to go in the garage for a fucked turbo tomorrow :D

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You must be flush owning that 11th car!


Was until i found out it only does 26mpg round town!


My car does 26.2 mpg according to Auto Trader. I've never gave a fuck about fule prices until I bought it, now I'm obsessed.


Asda's usually the cheapest.


Can't be arsed myself. Tesco's is closest to me, plus the ol' clubcard points come in handy. Mind you, at about £70 a time to fill up it's hard to swallow. I could sell it & get a 'normal' motor..........bollocks to that.



JAWD. Turbo on a honda, dear oh dear, that's gonna hurt!

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