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Ipod to car stereo


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I was thinking can you get anything that will connect my Ipod shuffle to an old cars speakers? (its hubbys tank of a jag) :icon_lol: It only has a cassette player in it you see. And Im sick of listening to the radio.

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I was thinking can you get anything that will connect my Ipod shuffle to an old cars speakers? (its hubbys tank of a jag) :icon_lol: It only has a cassette player in it you see. And Im sick of listening to the radio.



Only thing I can think of is getting a parrot hands free kit. Hands free calls and plays all your tunes through your car speakers.


Got one for our lass and she loves it.


With your fella being in the motor trade he might even be able to get a trade deal.

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I was thinking can you get anything that will connect my Ipod shuffle to an old cars speakers? (its hubbys tank of a jag) :icon_lol: It only has a cassette player in it you see. And Im sick of listening to the radio.



Only thing I can think of is getting a parrot hands free kit. Hands free calls and plays all your tunes through your car speakers.


Got one for our lass and she loves it.


With your fella being in the motor trade he might even be able to get a trade deal.


Thanks CT, I'm looking into that now. I knew there must be something i could get!

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I think this might do it, but Im sceptical...


Car cassette adapter


That would do it, and it's what I've used for years. The only issue is that sometimes you get these things and they only play in mono, and eventually the connection fucks up as they're pretty poorly made.


Enter this little beauty which I found just before Christmas:




I've had FM transmitters in the past, and the issue has always been that you were never sure which was the best frequency to use it on. The good thing about this one is it has a "Clearcast" button. You press this button and it scans the full range of FM frequencies and tells you which one is the clearest - that's the one you then use. It just plugs into the headphone socket, and the other end plugs into the cigarette lighter. You tune your radio into whatever frequency the "Clearcast" tells you to, and bingo you're broadcasting your tunes through your radio.


If you live out in the sticks this should work great, TR, as the FM frequency won't be saturated like it is if you live in a city where there's a shit ton of local radio stations. It works fine for me in Newcastle.


By the way, I got it for cheaper in Tesco than they're selling it on Amazon - probably less than a quid cheaper, but if you are gonna pay for postage as well and you have a Tesco handy, it might be worth a look.

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Now that looks good thanks Bianca. I've ordered the cassette adapter thingy then realised afterwards that it might not be any good for our cassette deck as its not an upright one :( But it was only £1.75 so no matter.

I'll see if it works and if not then order what you suggest, I'm liking the sound of the Clearcast button as I hate trying to tune things in :icon_lol:

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Thanks for the recommendation Scott, been thinking about getting one of those transmitters for ages.


Found the same one on eBay for £16 delivered if anyone else is interested: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/belkin-tune-cast-aut...7QQcmdZViewItem


No bother Dave, hopefully it works out well for you. This is my third FM transmitter - I had the very first iTrip and a later version of the iTrip - and like I say the issue I always had with them is I was never sure if I was picking the best frequency as results were mixed at best. This one fixes that, and it even transmits a description to your radio. :icon_lol: So where your display might say BBC R2 or whatever, it will say TUNECAST. What more could you ask for? :(

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