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“ I live in a hole on a dirt road in Bulgaria. 

The other day, I was talking to a bloke at the local war memorial when he asked me about Seaham Tommy. 
Said he’d been a fan ever since seeing it on Netflix. 
We had a good half hour talk about how his local football team was set up by sunlin’ glass workers, which he didn’t know about, then I asked him what he thought about the war memorial in Poocastle. 
He spat on the ground. 

FTM  Marras ”

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15 hours ago, Alex said:

Absolutely fucking mental, mental gymnastics over the Seaham Tommy thing. Like they’re offended but they’ve no idea why. Let alone coming close to articulating why. 
As an aside, I fucking hate almost all of it at this point. Not Remembrance or the war memorials marking the fallen. Just everything else and how it’s really just hijacked racist/nationalist/ jingoistic bollocks. White vans with big spitfire/Tommy/poppy/lest we forget etc. on them. Lest we forget what? You ignorant fucking cunts 


Getting away from the perma-comical MLF take on EVERYTHING I've thought for a long time about the remembrance fetishism. There was a pitch side bugler at arsenal last week and I'm thinking it's October? If it was remembrance weekend fair enough but when you're calculating when the last home game will be before RD and going back a fortnight to get your military personnel on the pitch are you overdoing it? 


Lest we forget?  


You can't forget something you've never witnessed.


It needs scaling down a bit in my eyes and the original point of RD and the people who lost fathers, uncles, sons etc is now being a bit hijacked by the usual bull's clems. 

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15 minutes ago, Howmanheyman said:


Getting away from the perma-comical MLF take on EVERYTHING I've thought for a long time about the remembrance fetishism. There was a pitch side bugler at arsenal last week and I'm thinking it's October? If it was remembrance weekend fair enough but when you're calculating when the last home game will be before RD and going back a fortnight to get your military personnel on the pitch are you overdoing it? 


Lest we forget?  


You can't forget something you've never witnessed.


It needs scaling down a bit in my eyes and the original point of RD and the people who lost fathers, uncles, sons etc is now being a bit hijacked by the usual bull's clems. 

I’ve seen a few British Legion “ads” where they’re explaining that monies raised are going towards caring for ex-service folk with disabilities, housing troubles etc. 

It definitely seemed like a deliberate shift in focus on their part, even though that’s been part of their efforts for a while. 

I have a strange sense of why I wore/wear a poppy on the 11th- it’s solely to remember the poor fuckers who had no option but to go to war because of conscription, and died as a result. 
 I’m otherwise fairly anti-military tbh. 

Most ex-squaddies I’ve met have been insufferable pricks, and I have no time for the likes of Help for Heroes, since any service personnel injured at work should be the responsibility of their former employer ( who they chose to work for). 

I realise KCG might be mildly chafed by this, but hey, whaddya gonna do???


The entire “Lest We Forget” car/van sticker crew can get fucked with a rusty Lee Enfield :lol:

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45 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

I’ve seen a few British Legion “ads” where they’re explaining that monies raised are going towards caring for ex-service folk with disabilities, housing troubles etc. 

It definitely seemed like a deliberate shift in focus on their part, even though that’s been part of their efforts for a while. 

I have a strange sense of why I wore/wear a poppy on the 11th- it’s solely to remember the poor fuckers who had no option but to go to war because of conscription, and died as a result. 
 I’m otherwise fairly anti-military tbh. 

Most ex-squaddies I’ve met have been insufferable pricks, and I have no time for the likes of Help for Heroes, since any service personnel injured at work should be the responsibility of their former employer ( who they chose to work for). 

I realise KCG might be mildly chafed by this, but hey, whaddya gonna do???


The entire “Lest We Forget” car/van sticker crew can get fucked with a rusty Lee Enfield :lol:


My take exactly, well said. If the state are going to employ people to go to war, the state should look after them when they're injured. 

Going further, this is why I don't like charity in general. I'm not comfortable with individuals having to donate money for what are often essential services like hospice care. I'd rather be taxed and for these organisations to have a steady predictable income stream without duplication (i.e. better efficiency). I want the money that's left in my pay packet to be spent on my own family without constantly being made to feel guilty. 

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Anyone have a clue what Brian is babbling on about here? What's this famous Man City match he's talking about? I'm guessing it was at least a decade ago. I don't remember it. Maybe if I did, I'd love the MLF's too? 



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I agree 100% with Renton.


Charities are there to salve the consciences of people for things which should either be unneeded or catered for by the state. Ones started by middle /upper class bored wives are generally nonsense. 


I concur with MF on remembrance stuff - all respect to those called up or those who had to do national service but I don't care about the rest. I also think it's now about glorification and a "patriotism" test which abhors me. 

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Just now, Renton said:

Anyone have a clue what Brian is babbling on about here? What's this famous Man City match he's talking about? I'm guessing it was at least a decade ago. I don't remember it. Maybe if I did, I'd love the MLF's too? 



They had a couple of wins against them in Man City's "development" phase when they'd spent but hadn't won the title I think. 

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2 hours ago, Monkeys Fist said:

I’ve seen a few British Legion “ads” where they’re explaining that monies raised are going towards caring for ex-service folk with disabilities, housing troubles etc. 

It definitely seemed like a deliberate shift in focus on their part, even though that’s been part of their efforts for a while. 

I have a strange sense of why I wore/wear a poppy on the 11th- it’s solely to remember the poor fuckers who had no option but to go to war because of conscription, and died as a result. 
 I’m otherwise fairly anti-military tbh. 

Most ex-squaddies I’ve met have been insufferable pricks, and I have no time for the likes of Help for Heroes, since any service personnel injured at work should be the responsibility of their former employer ( who they chose to work for). 

I realise KCG might be mildly chafed by this, but hey, whaddya gonna do???


The entire “Lest We Forget” car/van sticker crew can get fucked with a rusty Lee Enfield :lol:

Lest we forget Started as a dig at the government about the bullshit propaganda which got all those poor buggers to volunteer to die in their thousands in the pals batallions. Yes servicemen should be cared for by their employers but that still comes down to is. Finally I would say a smaller percentage of squaddies are pricks compared to hgv drivers and fucking construction workers.

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22 minutes ago, Kevin Carr's Gloves said:

Lest we forget Started as a dig at the government about the bullshit propaganda which got all those poor buggers to volunteer to die in their thousands in the pals batallions. Yes servicemen should be cared for by their employers but that still comes down to is. Finally I would say a smaller percentage of squaddies are pricks compared to hgv drivers and fucking construction workers.


Oof. Take that MF. 


kick in nuts GIF

Edited by Renton
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2 hours ago, Kevin Carr's Gloves said:

Finally I would say a smaller percentage of squaddies are pricks compared to hgv drivers


1 hour ago, Renton said:


Oof. Take that MF. 


kick in nuts GIF

High percentage of HGV drivers are ex-military* tbf, so I agree with KCG. :lol:







* I never knew the SAS was such a large regiment in the past, tbh. 😉

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3 hours ago, Renton said:

Anyone have a clue what Brian is babbling on about here? What's this famous Man City match he's talking about? I'm guessing it was at least a decade ago. I don't remember it. Maybe if I did, I'd love the MLF's too? 



Of all their delusions, their being a well liked fanbase is the biggest 

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57 minutes ago, Alex said:

Of all their delusions, their being a well liked fanbase is the biggest 


Funniest thing is, they're not even hated. They're just not noticed. Other than STID where they were an absolute laughing stock, but they lack the self awareness to see this. 


Are we liked or hated? Genuinely don't know and don't care. We're definitely noticed though. 

Edited by Renton
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6 minutes ago, Renton said:


Funniest thing is, they're not even hated. They're just not noticed. Other than STD where they were an absolute laughing stock, but they lack the self awareness to see this. 


Are we liked or hated? Genuinely don't know and don't care. We're definitely noticed though. 


Nick de Marco noticed them, marra.





























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