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US election 2016

Happy Face

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Another excellent read from my boyfriend about those rushing to blame wikileaks, comey, the press, social media and anything else other than the Democratic party itself...



:lol: Aye, as I mentioned the other day there are people blaming Bill Burr for it. The DNC fucked Sanders over big style, the pied piper stuff you posted the other week helped convince me they were using their 'contacts' in the media to divert attention from Sanders. I'm not sure if Sanders would have beaten Trump but I think he probably stood a better shot in hindsight.

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:lol: Aye, as I mentioned the other day there are people blaming Bill Burr for it. The DNC fucked Sanders over big style, the pied piper stuff you posted the other week helped convince me they were using their 'contacts' in the media to divert attention from Sanders. I'm not sure if Sanders would have beaten Trump but I think he probably stood a better shot in hindsight.


I think he would have. It depends on whether you believe Hillary lost because she's a woman, or because she's a corporate stooge and card carrying member of the establishment. Hence why I've said it would have been extremely interesting if Palin had run.

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Who would the MSM have backed if Sanders has won? The commie or the pussy grabber?


Realistically, Sanders is too old anyway.


Good question! Really not sure. They might have had to be balanced?


Probably Sanders in the overall scheme of things, progress from the left is always better than 'progress' from the right.


And yeah, but they were all too old for this. They should cap it at 60 or something.

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just what they need to combat trump - an unelectable leader 


The policies, man. It's all about the policies. You think I wouldn't prefer some charismatic, eloquent and persuasive individual heading up Labour?

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Kanye West said he didn't vote but if he had voted it would have been for Trump, he then said he's going to run for President in 2020 :lol: Everyone can breathe easy now we know that fucking planks opinion.

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Kanye West said he didn't vote but if he had voted it would have been for Trump, he then said he's going to run for President in 2020 :lol:




If you thought Trump was bad, get ready for the man who would be God.

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If you thought Trump was bad, get ready for the man who would be God.

:lol: I've been bringing him up a lot lately but Burr's bit about how Kanye would be really dangerous if he was a white guy is fucking hilarious, says the hair on the back of his neck stands up when he hears him talking on the radio before he realizes it's just Kanye West.

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Get and read some of these books Gloomy.




honestly man, you have no idea. i hate to go all j60 on you, i know you all know i'm a journalist and that i work for the mainstream media, so sorry if i'm hammering this point or if i appear a bit defensive, but i'd say i'm well placed to comment on this. i've seen how seriously our editorial independence has been fought for, and the layers of scrutiny that ALL reporter face. in my experience, the 'MSM' is absolutely nothing like how you imagine it to be. 

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honestly man, you have no idea. i hate to go all j60 on you, i know you all know i'm a journalist and that i work for the mainstream media, so sorry if i'm hammering this point or if i appear a bit defensive, but i'd say i'm well placed to comment on this. i've seen how seriously our editorial independence has been fought for, and the layers of scrutiny that ALL reporter face. in my experience, the 'MSM' is absolutely nothing like how you imagine it to be.

A Jew working in the mainstream media. Fucking hell, you are in trouble when Parky sees this.
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honestly man, you have no idea. i hate to go all j60 on you, i know you all know i'm a journalist and that i work for the mainstream media, so sorry if i'm hammering this point or if i appear a bit defensive, but i'd say i'm well placed to comment on this. i've seen how seriously our editorial independence has been fought for, and the layers of scrutiny that ALL reporter face. in my experience, the 'MSM' is absolutely nothing like how you imagine it to be. 

Happy to hear it brother. :)

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facebook gives equal weighting to fake stories as it does to stories published by the MSM. we're talking about outright lies, that are then shared millions of times across social media which then mis-inform opinion. 


this one in particular stood out




If I were to run, I'd run as a Republican. They're the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they'd still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific.


i bet you all remember seeing it. it was shared over a million times and was simply not true. trump never said it. 


so which media is the more trustworthy - old or new?


facebook adopting the media distribution model is troubling. it cannot be trusted to filter news. it can't weigh up whether something is fake or not. there's a fundamental conflict at the heart of FB's model. they're paid by advertising, which is not segregated by any editorial value system or guidelines - principles at the fucking core of the much despised mainstream media. 

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