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Making a murderer (spoilers)

Kid Dynamite

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I was on jury for a fox hunting scuffle.


The protester allegedly hit one of the fox hunters.


The protester's witnesses denied he punched him

The fox hunters witnesses said he did.


I had to sit around debating this with the other jurors afterwards. Loads of them were saying "Oh, but he looks a wrong 'un"


Complete waste of time and resources. At least I got a week off work on full pay.

Edited by Holden McGroin
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Finally started this last night.


This is excellent tv that could only be done by something like Netflix/Amazon and they're what I imagine the BBC will morph into eventually

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A mate from work ended up on jury duty and reckons he spent a depressing amount of time trying to explain to his fellow jurors that you have to consider the evidence presented to make your decision.


Apparently it was a weak as piss case but they all wanted to convict cos the bloke was ugly and a bit weird. Reckons the thought of being judged by a jury of his peers is terrifying now.


I had the other side of that when I did jury duty.


Basically a nice, polite, church going, pillar of the community type smashed a glass in the face of a side bitch. Jurors wanted to let her off despite overwhelming evidence proving her guilt beyond any doubt.


Had another assault case which was thrown out because a witness was chatting to the accused outside the courtroom about the case, or something like that. Think the judge was delighted to throw the case out because everybody on either side of the case was an arsehole.


The last one was a sexual assault and was fucking horrific.


re: the Avery case, agree with Gem's first post about it.


Also, they seemed to rely on the bill of sale and the magazine being with the house as evidence that the girl was there. Even if the police didn't plant them, that they're there doesn't prove that she was.


And does anyone have any idea why Brendan Dassey's defence lawyers didn't play the last hour and a half of the interview video where Dassey complains the police "got in his head"?


My lass hated Kratz's voice and stated, in a tone which brook no argument, "that man is a fucking weirdo pervert", took until the last episode but when the sexting revelation occurred... you've never seen a woman look so pleased with herself. :lol:

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I haven't read the full transcript myself but apparently in that interview there is additional evidence that further implicates Dassy that was not touched on by the TV series.

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I've just finished watching this. I agree with the earlier posts that the Averys and Dasseys look like a bunch of wrong uns. Also a doco is very selective on how it presents the facts.


However that said it seemed to me that there were massive holes and inconsistencies in the police case and I have no doubt whatsoever that they coerced the confession from Brendan and planted evidence to ensure Avery's conviction.


Seems incomprehensible that the convictions were sound based on the evidence presented. It's a massive indictment of American justice and the level of bias in the system and media. The level of collusion between the police the DA and the public defenders was also very disturbing.


Perhaps the most shocking thing for me was the trial by media, the unfettered speculation and slandering of the suspects and the way the police fed the press. There was no chance of a fair trial in that area after the way the press behaved. Fucking scumbags.

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Aye seen it and the earlier one about it, think it was called Paradise Lost.

Another coerced confession.


I started watching West of Memphis the other day but they were referencing the three Paradise Lost films so I decided to watch them first. I'm glad I did was West Of Memphis takes up the story much further on (I only watched ten minutes of it but that was the way it appeared to be going). I watched the first one last night and its really good. For me it isn't as biased for one side or the other as Making A Murderer or even The Jinx is. At the end of the film (they get up to the verdict of the trial) I wouldn't like to say whether they are guilty or not. There certainly seems to be some flaws with the prosectution case but at least one of the kids accused comes accross really badly for his own defense. Mind you, the parents of the victims come accross even worse in some cases. Really looking forward to the other two and West Of Memphis now. Edited by David Kelly
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