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Regeneration of the North East


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And on this subject is there anything people living up there at the moment can think that is worth mentioning.


As new info or add on to other themes i want to talk about like the mining past and its economical consenquences, the small business boom, the modernisation of the quayside, the stereotypes attached to the region etc...


any help or useful obscure links would be great



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Matt, I can e-mail you some stuff that might help if you want. PM me your e-mail. Although depending on what you use it for I may have to kill you.



cool, im prepared to take the risk :D


pm sent

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I predict that Rob will be holding court in this thread by lunchtime. :D




Sooner than that!!!!



I'd look at some of those books of old photos (from my time) - who was that guy who lived up the Scotswwod Road - Jimmie????? - took a load of pictures over the years and left them to the Records office - there are a couple of collections published


also http://www.sanddancer.co.uk/tynewear.htm

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And on this subject is there anything people living up there at the moment can think that is worth mentioning.


As new info or add on to other themes i want to talk about like the mining past and its economical consenquences, the small business boom, the modernisation of the quayside, the stereotypes attached to the region etc...


any help or useful obscure links would be great





Well Ashington in it's heyday was the biggest mining village in the world.


It's been regenerated now and all the mines are closed and all you can find there are the most backward people on the face of this earth! :D

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the re invention of the Shipbuilding industry from building any old rubbish to hi-value oil field platforms and FPSO's


The education services boom (low cost housing helped)


high disposable (not absolute) incomes from the 80's onwards fueled the shopping explosion and the party scene


housing - by the 80s almost all the real slums had gone


wimmin in the work force not sitting at home


cheap work force


investment in decent roads & the metro


development of highly specialised niche players in N Rock and Sage


accent seen as "acceptable & friendly" for call centre work


Image improvement - the Great N Run, Gateshead Sports Stadium


TV Series - AUf Weidersen Pet with a starring (!!) Geordie, the Likely Lads etc etc

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