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Good episode that. The owner was too soft to run a business and the head chef was a lazy bastard who had become too stuck in a rut.


Almost got the lot for Ramseys Bingo too. The cooking for local business people has replaced the cooking for family recently.

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He's gone "Big Boy" crazy.



Ironic considering the dishwasher kid is only about 3 foot tall ;)



yeh, we renamed him the "goblin". Then there was the fat guy who left aswell who got named "the one that ate all the pies". :jester:

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That was quality last night like. What I couldn't understand was how the hopeless head chef left and got a job straight away in a pub then poached (shit pun intended) that fat kid (also rubbish) to go and work for him.

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I actually felt a bit of empathy for the chef. I think he was a bit of an intravert and as such had got a bit lazy. Had no confidence in himself so was always looking for the hassle free way. He was in the wrong proffession imo, not a leader, didn't show that he wanted to be one. Quite amusing that the new chef and the kid seemed to be running it better on their own at the end.

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I actually felt a bit of empathy for the chef. I think he was a bit of an intravert and as such had got a bit lazy. Had no confidence in himself so was always looking for the hassle free way. He was in the wrong proffession imo, not a leader, didn't show that he wanted to be one. Quite amusing that the new chef and the kid seemed to be running it better on their own at the end.



I thought he came across as a tosser myself, especially in the way he treated his staff. More importantly though, he came across as a shit chef.

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Came across as a boring, dour, useless bastard imo and the type that would need his hand dipped in the deep fat fryer every morning just to motivate him.


That young ugly lad was ideal, due to the state of his eyes it meant he could wash dishes in the back room whilst keeping one eye (pun intended) on the pans in the kitchen, should get paid extra for his disability imo, if you could class it as one


Ramsay loves an underdog, top man i reckon.

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