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Here is a joke if you want to read it


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A bloke walks in to a bar, and says "G-g-gimme a b-b-beer."



The barman says, "Seems as though you've got a major stuttering problem."


The man replies, "N-n-no k-k-k-idding!"


The barman says, "I used to stutter, but my wife cured me. One afternoon she gave me oral sex three times in a row, and I haven't stuttered since!"



The man says, "W-w-wow, th-th-that's great to kn-kn-know..."


A week later, the same man walks in to the bar, and says, "G-g-gimme a b-b-beer."


The barman says, "Why didn't you try what I told you?"



"I d-d-did!" said the man, "It j-j-just d-d-didn't w-w-work... ....b-b-but I m-m-must say,















you have a r-r-really n-n-nice hoose!"





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Bloke takes his wife to the doctor:


"Doc, i can't understand it, nobody can figure out whats wrong with her, can you help?"


So the Doc runs a few tests.


Next week the Doc calls the bloke up and says:


"We cant be sure exactly what it is, but we've narrowed it down. It's either AIDS or Alzheimers"


Bloke:"Bloody hell! What will i do Doc?"


Doc:"Take her for a nice drive in the country, and if she finds her way home don't shag her."

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