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Irrelevant Nick KP

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Posts posted by Irrelevant Nick KP

  1. Nick I understand your views, but to my mind it makes you NOT a Newcastle United supporter. And in any case if that is the type of team you want to support fuck knows why you picked Newcastle, hardly the most respectable club out there?


    Why do you pretend to support our club?

    I started supporting them when I was 10, and I started supporting them because I was born in Newcastle. I didn't even know that money was so important.


    A few years ago, I'd had my fill with listening to fans demand that chairmen spend spend spend.


    I'd also noticed that Man U fans and Chelsea fans quickly grew immune to feelings of pleasure, after a few years of winning loads of leagues (the CL became their one real source of pleasure). I also noticed how happy Fulham fans and Burnley fans were when they did much better than expected.


    That's when it dawned on me, what success really means. And it has nothing to do with buying trophies.


    If you don't want to regard me as a Toon fan, then that's fine.


    The fact that I was totally gutted, and still am, about losing out on that 9th place at the end of last season, is my reassurance that I'm a true fan - and that's more important than what other people think.


    Basically, I'm too busy hoping we do well, to worry about my own standing among Toon fans.

  2. Nick I understand your views, but to my mind it makes you NOT a Newcastle United supporter. And in any case if that is the type of team you want to support fuck knows why you picked Newcastle, hardly the most respectable club out there?


    Why do you pretend to support our club?

    I started supporting them when I was 10, and I started supporting them because I was born in Newcastle. I didn't even know that money was so important.


    A few years ago, I'd had my fill with listening to fans demand that chairmen spend spend spend.


    I'd also noticed that Man U fans and Chelsea fans quickly grew immune to feelings of pleasure, after a few years of winning loads of leagues (the CL became their one real source of pleasure). I also noticed how happy Fulham fans and Burnley fans were when they did much better than expected.


    That's when it dawned on me, what success really means. And it has nothing to do with buying trophies.


    If you don't want to regard me as a Toon fan, then that's fine.


    The fact that I was totally gutted, and still am, about losing out on that 9th place at the end of last season, is my reassurance that I'm a true fan - and that's more important than what other people think.


    Basically, I'm too busy hoping we do well, to worry about my own standing among Toon fans.

  3. We all knew things weren't perfect between Gullit and Shearer.


    But at least Gullit ranted furiously in his post-match interview about Shearer getting sent off. Very probably an olive branch to Shearer.


    Shearer's attitude stank in the final weeks before Gullit was sacked, and of course he had to be dropped - Gullit wasn't perfect, but he came from the strange world of football, where you drop players that aren't trying.

  4. trophyshy, I know I'm the only person who thinks this way, but...

    I want to respect the club I support, and I cannot respect someone unless they do something clever. Winning trophies by spending more money than everyone else, isn't clever.


    I want to outperform expenditures.


    That's my opinion, other people can have their's. Just try not to be deafened by the cheers from Man U fans in your workplace, when they next win the league - did I say cheers? I meant politce, can't-be-arsed-shrugs.

  5. Shearer was sent off against Villa and suspended for one match, therefore Gullit failed to reinstate Shearer in the side for the derby match, rather than dropping him. If you want to play word games.

    Rubbish. Shearer was on the bench against Sunderland (on Freddie's insistance). He even came on, you fool.


    Gullit was angrier than I've ever heard him, after the sending off of Shearer. He was clearly trying to get on the right side of Shearer. He'd obviously learned that Shearer had loads of power (all thanks to Freddie). Under Mike Ashley, no one has that kind of influence, thank goodness.

    Not even the manager :rip:


  6. Shearer was sent off against Villa and suspended for one match, therefore Gullit failed to reinstate Shearer in the side for the derby match, rather than dropping him. If you want to play word games.

    Rubbish. Shearer was on the bench against Sunderland (on Freddie's insistance). He even came on, you fool.


    Gullit was angrier than I've ever heard him, after the sending off of Shearer. He was clearly trying to get on the right side of Shearer. He'd obviously learned that Shearer had loads of power (all thanks to Freddie). Under Mike Ashley, no one has that kind of influence, thank goodness.

  7. Incidentally, with the Bellamy issue, Shearer was merely toe-ing the party line, i.e. going along with the Chairman/Manager. IMHO :rip:


    I can tell you there is no chance of that. Bellamy has taken on a hero in Alan and there is only one winner of that one. And it is not Bellamy.

    Freddie Shepherd.


    Alex continues not to deny that Shearer strolled around.

  8. Shearer deserved to be dropped (sold, in fact) after the not even bloody trying on the pitch.

    I notice Alex, you aren't denying what I said.

    Any other player who behaved in that way would be crucified by the media.

    That's your opinion, Nick.

    Like I mentioned, I do question the excessive influence Shearer had at times but at other times he was a massively positive influence who scored goals galore for the club. I don't think he did deserve to be dropped, actually. Especially since his replacement was absolutely awful. I also tend to blame Gullit for not getting the best out of him because the whole team, rather than just Shearer, struggled to perform and was largely lacking motivation under Gullit. I think the insinuation that Shearer is given some sort of special treatment by the media is unrealistic too. Unless you mean the local press, but they hardly count when it comes to providing unbiased views.

    Oh well, you continue not to deny that Shearer just strolled around the pitch, and at the same time don't think he should have been dropped. Says it all.

  9. Well just for completeness then, there was no SD dividend paid to shareholders in 2009 or 2010 :rip: So, basically he is giving advertising space away and not reaping any benefits from the company being advertised either.


    It all makes perfect sense.

    He’s not reaping any immediate personal benefits in terms of dividends but the company he owns 70% of is clearly getting a great deal. The company he owns 100% of clearly isn’t. The question is why, when he sits on both sides of the negotiating table, is he sanctioning this kind of arrangement?


    I think your right about FF – the accounts clearly say a cost, which means a cost to the company lodging the accounts. In this case NUFC.

    Well i cant understand why either but the only evidence is this contradictory statement based on the 2007 accounts.

    Some of Newcastle's players are earning the same in one week, as a Sports Direct manager earns in a year.

    So the company he owns 100% of is certainly getting the better part of the deal. It's not his fault that the other clubs in the Prem have even more ridiculously high salaries for players.

  10. Towards the end of Gullit's reign, and before being dropped against Sunderland, was Shearer working very hard on the pitch. Or was he strolling around with a miserable look on his face, not trying at all?


    I post this thread, so that Shearer is given a fair hearing.


    If there are people who clearly saw that Shearer was as keyed-up as always, in that period, then this is their chance to come forward, as witnesses for Shearer.

  11. Sorry, Alex.

    Stevie Ross,

    This article proves that Freddie kicked Bellamy out, simply to please Shearer.



    But Nick, Bellamy had fallen out with the club's managers. Robson couldn't control him and Souness was hired, at least in part, to wield the stick. No doubt Shearer bad-mouthed him to Shepherd but it well known that Bellamy was on the outer with management by then anyway.

    Well, none of us was present, so we can't be sure what role Shearer played.


    What nobody denies is that towards the end of Gullit's reign, Shearer strolled around on the pitch, not working at all, and then suddenly, when Bobby came, Shearer turned on the effort. Nobody who watched matches then, denies this.


    This means that Shearer had MUCH too much influence on things, and, in my opinion, the club took a wrong turning, when they signed him. It cost them lots of money, he was only world-class for one season, and his big salary helped the club get into a big debt.


    Of course we should try to win things, but not by getting some rich bafoon who needs popularity.

  12. I don't think I implied that there's "little else". My point is that without being the supporter of a winning team - even once - the experience of being a supporter has a hollowness about it that you can't deny. You can't tell me that all these people on this forum don't feel an ache that will never really be quelled until this team of ours actually wins someting?

    I don't agree at all. It's all about achieving more than you thought you would achieve.

    Man U and Chelsea fans are so bored with winning the league, they can only get pleasure when they surpass their rivals' number of league title wins.

  13. First of all, you didn't stop at New Year. You stopped when you had your last cigarette.


    After one year of no cigarettes at all you will not miss it.


    But you may feel a bit nervous being near cigarettes, because you know that one smoke is enough to undo all the work.


    The point is to forget why you enjoy smoking, and if you are going to have 'odd lapses' then that cannot be done.

  14. It's absurd to suggest football matches that gave you great pleasure (not the cup finals but getting there) and the games in Milan, Rotterdam etc., etc. were meaningless because we never won anything.

    I've never suggested that.

    Read properly what people write.

    My point is that no matter what the club achieves is not impressive if it's based on getting the club into debt.


    Plus, Bellamy, one of the most important players in Bobby's team was sold against his will, simply to please Shearer.


    Freddie was a disaster.

  15. Anyone certainly COULD do better than Freddie. There is no doubt about that. Freddie was abysmal, and wasted loads of money on, among others, Michael Owen.


    Thank goodness Freddie no longer has anything to do with Newcastle United. I still find it joyous to utter those words.


    Fucking hell. If supporting Fat Fred to nth degree and seeing no wrong he done is LM, you my lad are the fucking polar opposite. You fuckers never heard of grey? As in the stuff in the middle?


    Freddy for any short comings was not abysmal like. MO was a fuck up, but was Shearer? Ferdinand, Beardo? Lee? Robert? Bellamy? Given? and on and on and on. He was a twat who loved his face on Sky sports and in hindsight, Id say didnt manage the clubs finances that well. Im not sure where it went wrong, but it did. I always blame the season Partizan stopped us getting back into the CL, I think then it started going tits up. but come on, We were in with the shout of the league under two of his managers, couldnt have been all bad surely?

    In my opinion, the contract that Shearer was given in 2004, which gave him about 100,000 a week, was another colossal waste of money, on behalf of Freddie.


    Bellamy was sacked by Freddie, simply for falling out with Shearer. (another stupid Freddie decision).

  16. Anyone certainly COULD do better than Freddie. There is no doubt about that. Freddie was abysmal, and wasted loads of money on, among others, Michael Owen.


    Thank goodness Freddie no longer has anything to do with Newcastle United. I still find it joyous to utter those words.

  17. Thank you, Kevin, for putting us plebs right. Although it was not expressed by anyone, we all quite naturally, thought that Gandhi was perfect and had no flaws at all. I feel really enlightened. You've lifted me out of plebhood with were exhilirating observation.


    Now that we know that Gandhi wasn't the amazing genius which we obviously thought he was (never mind that no one on this thread has said anything to that effect), perhaps we can turn out attention to the actual question I ask in the initial post.

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