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Posts posted by gram

  1. mine....people who walk slowly.


    get the fuck out of my way you fuckers.


    and don't get me started on people who stand on the wrong side of the escalator

    I always walk slowly, sorry.

    I hate people talking with their mouth full. Fucking hideous and very ill-mannered.

  2. I have been trying to think of some songs by them and by colleague has been singing one called "Bury Me Deep In Love" but it didn't ring any bells!


    I had nightmares about the Triffid's TV show!

    So besides super7 no-one remembers the triffids?

    And yes Bury me was probably their biggest hit, that album Calenture was their first on a major label.

    Nothing Can Take Your Place was a great song. Didnt like Calenture etc. Debut album was excellent though. Got that on vinyl somewhere. Might dig it out.

  3. His downfall, that Sam seems to have missed, is that he can rarely cross with his left foot and nearly always cuts back in. If he was played on the other wing and put crosses in first time every time hed be a lot more useful!

    Or his right for that matter

  4. He made his name at newcastle and thats when most people remember his glory days. I wouldnt say PSV were 'fantastic' and he played in the champions league for us iirc?

    No he never played in the Champions League for is, Ginola made his name in England for us, but many across the continent already knew of his talents.


    PSG weren't fantastic? That team could well have walked away with the European Cup back then. They had Weah, Rai, Ginola, Roche, Djorkaeff and Gomes, one hell of a team.

    Leonardo came just after too Ginola left. He was some player for them too.
  5. They're neither of them Dustin Hoffman.


    or Klaus Kinski


    or Orson Welles


    or Marlon Brando


    or Jack Nicholson


    or Takashi Shimura


    Thats quite a range............



    Forgot about her


  6. Stellar performance? Bad luck? Disappointing result?


    How little we are willing to accept. We didn't out play rovers, tbh first half both teams did nothing of note and second half well we were well beaten in the end even if it was end to end.

    For the first time in ages we actually saw the team put in a little effort and fight (ho-fucking-ray) but seriously we won't win a thing with the current players and the worth of a decent midfielder was rammed down our neck when comparing Bentley to any of the plodders in a toon jersey.


    Howay man. Carrot and stick. You're going to beat the players up after the commitment they put in yesterday?


    Win things? Are you in cloud cuckoo land? what happened to a few years of consolidation? We never "won things" with Keegan or Robson either, and they'd built some canny nifty teams over more than 15 games.

    No I'm not in cuckoo land. And I think you're over simplified what I meant. Win things as in be competitive against our opposition. By the way but wasn't one of Sam's aims/targets to challenge for the League and/or FA Cup???


    To be honest HF, I just can't believe we've lowered our expectations so much that we applaud a performance because they played with a bit of effort and commitment, the very same effort and commitment they should giving to the club regardless.

    Are you disputing that this isn't the case?


    I'll always applaud effort and commitment. If players continue to put in that kind of effort individually, the cohesion will come with time.


    Sounds like basically you've decided Allardyce has to go and nothing he gets out of the squad will convince you otherwise? If we're only happy ragging on the poor performances and can't find it in us to acknowledge any improvement we don't really have the best interests of the club at heart and are writing the tabloids shite for them.

    I'd rather have a talented waster than a grafter anyday. I hate the 'commitment' shite some pedal. Thats why we are stuck with shite like James Milner etc
  7. And can you think of a manager that we could appoint that would guarantee that he'd be instantly successful at first attempt? Also consider that our start to the season was one of our best for years. I consider it fucking outrageous that anybody is calling for his head because of a poor spell. In fact, it sums up everything that is wrong with the fans of this club. Joey Barton made a good point.


    I'm not demanding instant success, nor am I calling for his head. What I've said is that what I have seen thus far has been very worrying, especially considering the quality of opposition we've faced. We've seen no sign of effective tactics or team selections, something which should be fairly basic for a decent manager. What I have seen is a manager trying to implement a system that was successful with his previous club but simply doesn't translate to the squad of players we currently have and this has been evident in the performances and results this season. 14 games should be more than enough for any decent manager to see the mistakes he is making and rectifying them, if results and performances don't improve between now and Christmas then I'll be calling for his head.


    Well said, one thing that does amaze me is how poorly drillled our defence seems, virtually all of our senior coaching staff were defenders and recent performances aside, we have bought some quality defensive players recently, I just find it so hard to believe that we have seen no improvement with our problems at the back.


    We've not been playing with a fixed back 4 though, have we? Due to injuries there's had to be a lot of chopping and changing. When you combine that with the fact that they didn't know one another a few months back, I think you can expect us to be dropping a few clangers.


    EDIT! If there's one thing you could say about Bolton, it's that they were well drilled. They probably weren't 14 games after he took over there though.


    Bolton used to go on a run of not winning before going on a run of wins. They've never been consistent. Seems we're going the same way.


    is that right ?

    That is what I have heard when he first took over but have no idea cos I havent looked it up. They still did pretty well with him there. Just not sure about him at all.
  8. proof, if ever was needed, that rugby boys are just as arsehole-ish as anyone else.


    Been out pretty much all day, having a drinks with friends and catching up and celebrating etc. Towards the end of the night we were in Vodka Revolution, bit of a dance when these rugby fuckers started dancing near the girls we were with, the girls made it pretty clear they weren't interested (turning their backs and moving away), then these cocks start pushing their way between us and the girls we were blatantly out with. The girls get a little scared so we go to leave.


    it starts to get a bit aggressive so I have a word with the manager as we're moving on, just to let him know that these knobheads were making dicks of themselves. He says he's had a couple of complaints about them before us and he's going to kick them out anyway.


    We move on to a different bar, thinking we've left these twats behind, then ten minutes after we've got into this new bar, here comes Neanderthal Ned and his cronies. Barging their way through the bar, throwing their weight around and trying to act the big whosit. They spot us and instantly make a beeline for the girls again. Again the girls try to be subtle and show their backs, they again start being a bit too forward with the girls, which leads to the least tactful girl mouthing off at them. Of course they think this is hilarious and don't take the fucking hint, one of our lads tries to say "mate, they're not interested." or the equivalent. it all kicks off and one of these utter shits smashes a glass against my mate. Luckily he raised his arm, so he's not cut, but it could have been his eyes or anything.


    Now I'm not a violent bloke, neither am I particularly big so if the bouncers weren't there we'd have been in serious trouble, these dicks were pissed and itching for a fight. We all piled in, and like I say, if it wasn't for the bouncers we'd have been kicked to shit.


    I'm fucking livid, you know when you're so angry you're shaking.


    don't know whether we should press charges or just leave it. I was talking to the management after and apparently now that they're banned from the HiFi club they'll be banned from most bars in Leeds, don't know if that's enough or not.



    Bouncers are canny enough in hifi. The Asian one with the dreads is a good fella. The network of bouncers is small enough I guess. You up by the corn exchange when this happened?

    Sorry to hear about it. Rugby lads are generally a bunch of gay tossers anyway. Another public school game where folk bend over a lot - just like cricket "boy, get in the slips"

    Hope it sorts itself out.

  9. Tory cunt!
    Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard has proved he really is a true Blue by declaring his allegiance to the Tory party. After meeting party leader David Cameron, Lampard said: "I had a good chat with him and I really like him.

    Might be taken out of context but he's still a horrible horrible man!


    Why? Because he supports a party which you don't? :razz:



    No, because he's a horrible fat baby who spits his dummy all the time and walks around with his head up his own arse


    What a load of bollocks, as usual.

    Both as biased as each other tbh.

    Bias implies lack of fact. Factually, Frank Lampard is a despicable cunt. No class, no style and an ego-centric tosser with no top lip.

  10. Tory cunt!
    Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard has proved he really is a true Blue by declaring his allegiance to the Tory party. After meeting party leader David Cameron, Lampard said: "I had a good chat with him and I really like him.

    Might be taken out of context but he's still a horrible horrible man!


    Why? Because he supports a party which you don't? :razz:



    No, because he's a horrible fat baby who spits his dummy all the time and walks around with his head up his own arse


    What a load of bollocks, as usual.

    Bias implies lack of fact. Factually, Frank Lampard is a despicable cunt. No class, no style and an ego-centric tosser with no top lip.


    Both as biased as each other tbh.

  11. Tory cunt!

    Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard has proved he really is a true Blue by declaring his allegiance to the Tory party. After meeting party leader David Cameron, Lampard said: "I had a good chat with him and I really like him.

    Might be taken out of context but he's still a horrible horrible man!

  12. What you on about I'm not even there? I've had a season ticket in 15 of the last 17 seasons including this one, while people like you and that other mackem are listening to games on you tea break in the store room at Wilkinsons!


    The first time I went to Sunderland (1991), we had at least 1,000 in there end, and it all kicked off when he scored, we were never, have never, and will never be scared of mackems, or SAFC.


    Got the possibility of a ticket tonight, face value as well.

    SKY boy :razz:

  13. Thought I had it but can't seem to find it.


    Peter hook me up with that shizzle. :razz:


    hmm Im having the same problem, its on Remixes of the Spheres but for some reason I cant find it in my collection....strange.

    Got it here if thats any help

  14. Well aware that I don't rate Milner. However, its fucking frightening that so many are including him in the side despite his complete shitness this season. Shows our squad up for what it is really.

    No way. :razz:

    :( Still been shit all season though! :D

  15. Swap Geremi for Milner and you have my team

    Fuck knows why after his abysmal showing yesterday. Glen Johnson didnt have to break sweat. The kid is piss poor this season and was hardly a world beater last time.


    Cacapa (or Rozenahl), Faye (needed to combat Jones), Beye, Enrique

    Geremi, Barton, Smith, N'Zogbia

    Martins or Owen, Viduka


    Not that I'm overly enamoured with that line up.

  16. I've got a bit of time for Milner tbh. He's won me round as I thought he was very ordinary. He'll get you the odd goal, he works very hard for the side and provides plenty assists despite not being a great crosser. He's a pretty good squad player to have imo.

    4 league goals in the time he's been here isnt great but know what your on about. Good squad player, pretty much like Martins. Martins is far superior in terms of threat rather than technical ability - neither of them are particularly good on that score. Both can be a passenger. We need better than both in the starting line-up if we're going to progress tbh

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