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Everything posted by gram

  1. I read somewhere its a myth that you eat more when you stop smoking, most people do it because they have heard it. Your diet should consit of the following: 1 porion of junk food in modortaion a day 1-2 portions of healthy fat a day (Omega 3, mackeral, salmon the like) 2-4 Protein Rich foods a day 2-4 Calcium rich foods a day 4-6 Portions of carbs per day 3-5 protions of veg per day 2-4 portions of fruit per day mixed with excercise you should feel miles better I am doing a 100k Meridia this weekend and cant wait Cheers for the advice.All of that in a day? i'll be hte size of a hoose!! Anyway, bearing i was born in the sixties and we used to each anythign and everything, can you give me examples of where I can get protein and calcium. How big is a portion? currently having rice, with peas, butter beans and steamed haddock!
  2. Progress: Still no tabs (obviously) About a 2 mile run done about 20 minutes of dumbell exercises on me little exercise bench Done 100 sit ups, some of those ab crunch things A very puny 30 press ups cos I was fucked but rome wasnt built in a day! Right, do I do that every day? If so, what the fuck do i eat? starvin now. Is it all pasta or what? Not livin on salad like. any links to a healthy living diet for a lad who who doesnt want a beer gut or bitch tits anymore?
  3. I live 7 miles from work. I might start to cycle there.
  4. Had enough of minor beer gut and need rid of the old bitch tits. Need a bit more energy too. So how do i do this? Well I reckon I will: 1. Stop smoking (dont 1and a half days so far) 2. Run 3 times a week (thinking 3 miles each time is enough) 3. Do some exercise on a morning before work - although this is proving hard as I like a lie in. 4. Eat a bit more healthily. Have I missed out so far?
  5. Where's that from and who said it? It looks like it was typed with Michael J Fox's Toes
  6. Lasses wont be worried about it. Hopefully. Serves the fuckers right for making me snog them after sucking my dick.
  7. Might be cos youre eating too many Mars bars and look like a right fat twat? If that doesnt work then have an affair with a lass from a website to build your self-esteem. No fee required for the advice.
  8. It certainly needed some money spent on it and the City centre area is without doubt looking a lot better. Still shitholes aplenty surround that though.Its not without its good parts. They just happen to be spread out. The music venues in shef piss all over those in leeds tbh. The music scene in Shef is also better than Leeds.Thats probably why i prefer Shef. If you like biggedybong music, had a retro mullet two years ago and wear beige slip-on shoes then Leeds is ok. All major cities have the shit parts tbh, yes Leeds definatley has its fair share, bu the city centre is fast becoming "cleansed" its starting to look rather decent. The venues within the city are well close and easy to walk to one another unless your a fat lazy twat tbh When was the last time you went out in Leeds, the 80s? Last time in Leeds was Monday. You say venues. I say decent places. Leeds has some hideous places tbh. Harehills makes Elswick look posh. Dont be so defensive. i only said I thought it was an average night out and correctly pointed out that the music scene in Shef was significantly better.
  9. It certainly needed some money spent on it and the City centre area is without doubt looking a lot better. Still shitholes aplenty surround that though.Its not without its good parts. They just happen to be spread out. The music venues in shef piss all over those in leeds tbh. The music scene in Shef is also better than Leeds.Thats probably why i prefer Shef. If you like biggedybong music, had a retro mullet two years ago and wear beige slip-on shoes then Leeds is ok.
  10. gram


    Me dad just doesnt want to go back. He's 68. I have been going to the match with him for over 30 years. I enjoy the bickering with him and vice versa but the club have just pissed the pair of us off.We went all over the country with the McGarry, Smith, Ozzie teams etc simply because we were shit and never pretended to be anything else. This Fat fucker is a lying manipulative egocentric prick who needs hoyin in a vat of boiling pig fat.
  11. gram


    We've had 5 managers under Shepherd, all of them disastrous except Robson. What makes you think he will get things right this time? What's the common denominator in our slide down the table in recent years? After today I have been reminded it doesn't matter who we appoint, we're fucked as long as that fat twat you call a fan is in charge. Seriously thinking of not renewing now. Not the only one Renton. i will go to games but i will do it on a match to match basis I reckon. Fuck it, I am just tired of piss poor management. He needs to go.
  12. Just a tip for anyone thinking of reading this, as I have, whilst eating a cheese toastie. Don't
  13. gram


    This is the lowest point since the early 90s. We arent as bad as we were then cos we have oak doors etc. However, we have a rudderless ship. Its not my job to say who should take over but you look down the road at Niall Quinn and he just has so much more class and style, not to mention brainpower, than our fat useless fucker. Its getting embarrassing. We have all seen it coming (at least most us have) but surely he cant ride this out. Yesterday he was in the position where all he needed to do was keep his fat useless mouth shut and appoint a decent manager. Does he content himself with that? Does he fuck. Ignorant, arrogant twat.
  14. gram


    Shepherd has to go. This mornings childish rant is embarrassing. It really is. A manager can just about get away with it but we dont have one of those cos the fat fucker screws that up more often than not. I cant believe even the most staunch supporter of the fat fucker can defend the state he has got our club in. Leazes, get yourself back on here....
  15. Until there is a picture of them on the Internet that doesnt count
  16. Why is the chairman of our club acting like a bellend again? You do this in private not in public. He has a pop at Owen in the most unprofessional way he can. Its his way of saying "If Owen goes its his fault, not mine" Well, you fat useless turd - it is your fault. You are the one who employed a fella simply not up to the job. Players see a club in decline and don't want to piss their career away. Seems reasonable to me. If I was Michael Owen I would out of there like a shot.
  17. Game set and Match old Boy, It seems the Fish has it. I'm off to tell Spaff, Henry and Fizzy that we can pass round the Pimms You are assuming that popularity with the masses is indicative of style. Youre just another Salmon plodding up river with the rest of the run, fishy boy.
  18. Kasabian are appallingly bad live and even worse on CD. Stereophonics are the least charismatic bunch of dog turd i have had the misfortune to see. Other than that, I agree. Joking aren't you? that gig they done at the Arena last Christmas time was fucking immense. They are just comedy to me. They just dont have that real charisma or attitude that they want. Seen them twice, once supporting The Who before they were big and I was in stitches at them. The second time I just couldnt help wondering what the hell they were trying to do. Its the pretendy 'attitude' thing that grates most of all.
  19. In Order: Houllier Sven Sam Was very unsure as to which of first two to say was better. Both have very very good club records. Not sure Sam is a 'Newcastle' manager - i.e. up to it or someone who understands it.
  20. Kasabian are appallingly bad live and even worse on CD. Stereophonics are the least charismatic bunch of dog turd i have had the misfortune to see. Other than that, I agree.
  21. gram

    A sus

    The guitar chord? No I rarely use it.
  22. all joking aside I'm surprised by this. I'm out a lot and have yet to be at a loss for somewhere new to go in Leeds. No matter what kind of night you fancy I'd reckon you could find a club/bar/pub with that theme in Leeds. The venues are decent, from the bigger Leeds Met and Leeds Uni rooms, to the more intimate Jospehs Well and Cockpit style night. The bars are what you'd expect in any major city these days, the standard Vodka Revolution and Living Room stuff, but some cool little pubs like the Angel do well also. I'm not trying to sound like tourism officer for Leeds, but I'm honestly surprised you think Leeds has little to offer. I dont dislike Leeds. I did my Masters there.Leeds doesnt have a venue anywhere near as good as the Leadmill. Thats a fact. The Cockpit is ok. The Corn Exchange area is utterly pretentious at night but not too bad during the day. The bars that are decent are miles apart which is a pain in the arse. It does have some ok places and I have visited it a lot. Just as a group we always have far better nights in Sheffield. None of us are local to the area but we all work here.
  23. Fuck me, if you're posh I'm royalty. If Leeds is great, Newcastle is utopia for a night out? I'd probably go for Leeds... biased because of where I'm living at the moment and all the benefits that come with that. But still, I'd have both of those cities over Sheffield any day of the week. 3 words When Saturday Comes Meh. We live in the middle and choose Sheffield every time. Leeds is an ok night out. No better. Too much hassle there, Sheffield is far more chilled out and better nightlife. No particular affinity with either tbh but Leeds just has little to offer.
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