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Posts posted by dougiew

  1. I'm surprised about that given the fact it was your third best run in Europe ever, till we put you out in the Semi Final.


    Wel we've made the CWC final three times and won it once, as well as being one match away from the European Cup Final twice, so it's debatable that the 1969 run is our third best effort. And that's not even mentioning 2008...

    I've been to Ibrox four times mate. Three times for football. The first was Ally McCoist's testimonial maybe 93, we won 2-1 it was alright, the second was for a tournament with Man Utd, yourselves and Sampdoria who won it. The last time I'll base on judging the reality. You may remember the game it was when you beat Celtic 5-1 Tore Andre Flo's debut 12 or 13 years ago? - I was in the upper tier of the Govan Stand right at the front near the half way line, the equivalent of the East Stand at Newcastle full of less volatile older supporters. Well that's what it appeared, but it was unbelievable. The noise levels were very good I've seen better at Newcastle though and other places, but if I had a quid for every time I heard the word taig or fenian bastard, I'd have been able to buy the trampy Stadium Bar we were in before kick off. Pure and utter bigotry, nothing playful about it at all.

    12 or 13 years ago, I'd have been 6/7, but I still remember that game :D


    But as I've said before, you'll see a couple of guys going out for drinks on Friday night, scream all manner of bile at each other on the Saturday, then be in the pub having a laugh on the Sunday.

  2. but it isn't supporting your local team is it ?


    Not necessarily, but who consciously decides to support a team? Who sits down and makes a list of pros and cons before making an informed decision? Rangers (and Celtic for that matter) have drawn support throughout all of Scotland for ages and will continue to do so in the future. Both are Scottish institutions.


    Wow, pretty grim reading! Bunch of idiots, not going to defend that sort of thing.

  3. of course, but that is not my point.


    However, people from all over Scotland don't necessarily support their hometown team, they support either Rangers or Celtic. That's not supporting your hometown team. The town [or city because it has a cathedral and is therefore in fact a city however small it is] that I referred to earlier is Brechin. The majority in the town support Rangers, Celtic or Aberdeen.

    Regardless, once you pick a team, you stick with it.

  4. and what about 1969 ?


    The "seperate the idiotic minority from the decent majority" is the same old excuse. What is important is the size of the "idiotic minority" which can and does cause a lot of damage.


    Down here in England, a lot of people, in fact the "decent majority" see the whole footballing situation in Glasgow as being completely driven by bigotry, and a huge amount of drunken idiots who come down here whenever their teams play down here.


    1969 I genuinely know nothing about outwith this thread. If anyone wants to enlighten me, then feel free.


    'Driven by bigotry' is a bit of a joke really, but it's the stereotype of life up here. The truth is that nobody really cares about it anymore. As I said to the guy above, if you came up here with a mate for the weekend and took in a match, you could see for yourself what it's like.

  5. The thing is it's the minority isn't that small. 9 British teams have been in European finals in the last two decades with only one episode like Manchester. Amazing you've apportioned blame on the police tbh, anyway you asked me why I perceive you as scummy, and I've given you a fair answer I think.

    In the grand scheme of things, it is. Entire communities follow the club; is it really logical to say an entire community is scummy?


    As for the police, I'm only giving them a small part of the blame. The police report confirmed that they turned off the big screen in one of the biggest fan zones in Manchester just minutes before the biggest match in the club's history. How on earth can you say that that's a smart move? Again, I'm not 'blaming' the police, I'm just saying that they could have handled it better.


    If you still think we're scummy, best thing you could do is come up for a game with a mate and judge the reality :)

  6. The first paragraph, I'm sorry like but you're not fooling anybody there. I remember when Maurice Johnston signed for Rangers, the BBC had camera's there and people were burning their season tickets, a few probably slipped through the net though. There was even allegations that SAF felt ostracised because his wife was catholic something which to be fair he refutes in his autobiography, but even the fact that it's believable speaks volumes. The rest - poor defence really, but anyway I've illustrated why historically you are a scummy club, you've blamed someone else three times there. Aye Franco what a horrible cunt making Rangers fans behave like that.


    How am I trying to fool people? I'm not denying there have been genuine problems with anti-Catholicism in the past, but nowadays it's just a convenient language of abuse, if anything.


    Who else have I shifted the blame to? Policing in Manchester wasn't the greatest, but the actions of some fans was inexcusable. Same story with 1972.


    Can you not separate the idiotic minority from the decent majority?

  7. I don't mind anyone saying I'm not the brightest, not you though, I have more qualifications than you, and a better understanding of football than you. You're an irrelevant old noise. I'm not surprised your blood is seeped in bigotry to be honest neither.


    Dougie I said your club is scummy because throughout history it has been as scummy a club as you could possibly think of. For 100 years the club policy was like apartheid in South Africa. In Johanesburg it was "no blacks", in Govan it was "no fenians". It beggars belief that was a club policy and even then when people in your organisation try to defend it, it's mentioned as "upholding traditions". Added to that Rangers are THE ONLY club in European football history to win an European trophy and not be presented with it in the stadium, due to the behaviour of them in the stands. The biggest riot in the history of North East football involved Newcastle and RANGERS fans in 1969, and the less said about Manchester in 2008 the better. That is why I believe you are a scummy club, and don't get me wrong Celtic are no better with their terrorist pish, and the pair of yous pass the bigotry which still exists as being affectionately done by the "90 minute bigot". Imagine if there was clubs who had 90 minute racists, I don't see the difference personally.

    The 'no Catholics' thing for 100 years is rubbish; between the end of World War II and the late 80s, we only signed about 5 Catholics. Plus, bear in mind that a) at that time, Scottish society had general sectarian problems, and B) Celtic had a stranglehold over the Catholic schools, and therefore the Catholic players. However, that's not to excuse it.


    Having said that, now it's really not an issue. We've had a Catholic captain, a Catholic manager, Catholic directors....modern day Rangers accepts all. It's important to remember that we're a modern day football club, as opposed to a historical relic.


    ECWC Final 1972, may I remind you that it was Franco's police patrolling the Camp Nou? They were hardly going to be reasonable.


    Manchester, I don't really have much to say. Poor policing (for example, switching off a big screen for no reason), but, as ever, it was a case of the minority letting down the majority.


    90 minute bigot? Look, if Celtic were founded by clowns, we'd make fun of clowns. It's a convenient language of abuse that very rarely goes outside the grounds. Any statistical measure will show you that Catholics are not discriminated against in modern day Scotland.

  8. Read the Bears Den for a flavour of your projected image mate.


    That said Stevie (McFaul), isn't the brightest and his rants tend to be based on nowt but his own hot air.


    My Grandfather was a ST holder at RFC btw, me though, I do take issue with the OF stitch up of Scottish football and how the league totally sucks because of it.

    I'm a moderator of that forum :D


    You get a lot of emotional guys coming out with a lot of rubbish, but what I will say is that it sucks that it's the fans who are going to have to suffer for this. Murray, Whyte et al; what do they pay?


    As for the 'OF stitch up', as a lifelong Rangers fan, there is honestly nothing I'd rather see than Aberdeen/Hearts/Hibs/whoever else push on to become a third power in Scottish football. I mean, for a country of 5 million, we do ok, but a three way title race would certainly be a lot more interesting.

  9. oh dear.


    Seriously, who cares about a league, any league, that is so crap a team can win 9 titles in a row anyway ?

    If Newcastle was 50 miles further north and NUFC were playing in the SPL, would you not still support them? Just because the league is shit doesn't mean that people shouldn't care about their hometown team.

  10. Housemate is saying this is a perfect opportunity for Rangers to apply to enter the English league system and insisted that it'd be good for English football if they were allowed to enter League 2 rather than starting at the absolute bottom. He thought they'd still be pulling in at 30k crowds for each season that it took for them to get up the Premier League (which he thought would only take 4 seasons).


    It's mental that Annan could be playing at Ibrox and Hampden :lol:


    As a guy who helps run a Rangers forum, I can tell you that although the vast majority would jizz their pants if we were even allowed into the Blue Square, most of us have accepted that going down south's a no-go for the time being.

  11. As much as Rangers are a scummy club, I tell you what I can't understand as well, we've all been to Ibrox, it is without any doubt one of the most beautiful stadiums in the world. The main stand there is in fact my favourite stand anywhere. So this consortium will buy the club for £5.5m once its been liquidated, how the fuck is Ibrox not worth £100m? Even the land must be worth an unbelievable amount of money. Is Ibrox not owned by Rangers FC?


    Scummy club? Fancy elaborating? I know we don't have a great image, but the vast majority of fans are just normal, decent folk who are watching the club we care deeply about being destroyed. It's not fun :(

  12. Can't reassure you, sorry


    BTW I think your club is screwed, even without the debt (which appears insurmountable) there's the EBT dual contract thing to get over, 75 players they reckon over more than ten years all playing whilst inelligible. Even if the SFA don't have balls, UEFA will have.


    No football creditors rule up north either !!

    It's difficult to not post a 1,000 word reply, but the jist of it is that time has pretty much run out. We genuinely need some sort of miracle at the moment to save our club! Gutted isn't even how I would begin to describe it, can honestly say I wouldn't even wish this on a celtic fan.


    Anyway, cheers for the feedback lads, and good luck tomorrow :)

  13. Hi folks,


    I'm a Rangers fan first and foremost, though Newcastle are my English team. Anyway, heard a rumour today that Shepherd is involved in the consortium to buy us. I've heard nothing but bad things, so I was wondering if anyone could offer any reassurance whatsoever that he's not a totally bad guy? :D


    Best of luck tomorrow too; about time the Champions League came back to St. James'.

  14. Welcome to the board, man.


    Just don't ask where the Carroll money's gone.


    Cheers mate, but if you get a Ba in for every Carroll you ship out, then you're not doing too badly!


    It's nowt more than their 'get out' clause, if we hump them they'll give it the "we're focused on the cup you sad mag twats, FTM" but if they somehow win we'll not hear the end of it until we hump them next season.

    Hedging their bets....small club mentality!

  15. Hi lads, Rangers fan, but like to see you guys doing well down there. Just wanting to say all the best for tomorrow. A win could be the catapult to Champions League football, and to go there from the Championship in the space of three seasons really is great going, considering how relatively little you've spent. Best of luck!


    P.S. Any lurking Sunderland fans: don't even kid yourself on that the Everton game is bigger for you than this. In the unlikely event that you do take something tomorrow, everyone knows that you'd happily end the season right then.

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