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Status Updates posted by TonyRose666

  1. Think Anita is a better footballer than Tiote. Hope he breaks the play up like Tiote does. Anita should give us more going forward #nufc

  2. He blocks when he wants, he blocks when wants. Stan 'the dogger' Collymore he blocks when he wants #toptool

  3. Adam Johnson will not sign for #nufc. If he does i will eat my soiled undercrackers from the top of The Monument.

  4. Francisco Ernani Lima da Silva #nufc

  5. That Steven Taylor headed back pass whilst lying on the ground was quality. Cracked me up! #Geordieboytakingthepiss #nufc

  6. I'm up! It's gonna be a long 10 hours!! #nufc

  7. This is it! Up and at 'em bonnie lads and lasses!!! HWTL!!! #nufc

  8. I've asked 2 #safc fans tonight where they've got their recent Saha stats from. They appear rather optimistic to me. No reply as yet #nufc

  9. All the #nufc injury craic is mostly smoke and mirrors. Expect a strong side come Saturday. Looking forward to seeing Marveaux.

  10. Debuchy seen going into the Citizens Advice Bureau in Byker. #nufc #wheresdebuchy

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