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Status Updates posted by spelkender

  1. @LizKershawDJ @SkyNews @NigelNelson @skystephen Don't press; just read that one of those caused permanent hearing d… https://t.co/a2oeiwHRqW

  2. @LizKershawDJ @SkyNews So far as broadcast media is concerned I stick to the X Files motto. Of course there may be… https://t.co/VWZ2AhUdRy

  3. @LizKershawDJ @springsteen Why not just opt out for once? With counselling you'd get over it. Being left with a loa… https://t.co/m23ysCH05u

  4. @LizKershawDJ @SteveNormanReal @PizzaExpress Are you sure your name isn't Liz Cuddleshaw?

  5. @LizKershawDJ @UKLabour Maybe most are recently signed up party members so probably students or groupies taking sel… https://t.co/2FRFltpBFQ

  6. @LizKershawDJ A kite. Then you can help him fly it. It really takes two. https://t.co/SpT5ypPlac

  7. @LizKershawDJ Amazing the number of clairvoyants there are among the remainiac persuasion.

  8. @LizKershawDJ And on top of that the tax you pay is mostly spent on enemies of this country and no good wasters .… https://t.co/icxIUe1ODl

  9. @LizKershawDJ But were you there when he arrived? https://t.co/O37jaVUIDh

  10. @LizKershawDJ Do they get paid for these forecasts or is the knowledge that folk are gullible enough to fall them… https://t.co/BhPHr8IzRf

  11. @LizKershawDJ Do you keep the portrait in the attic like Dorian?

  12. @LizKershawDJ Frying pans and fires is the first thought. 2nd thought is 'Where's that Laurel & Hardy dvd'?

  13. @LizKershawDJ Heath and Thatcher. Didn't we do well. This one definitely the 70's. https://t.co/t35lfDc8wP

  14. @LizKershawDJ I think it's very unkind to watch or listen to aged folk making fools of themselves.

  15. @LizKershawDJ I'm waiting for them come up with a picture of Stilton Man. https://t.co/tT5SS01cNL

  16. @LizKershawDJ It's just money making game. Read local paper court results. Real crimes , assault, theft etc get pa… https://t.co/xOd1O08O8s

  17. @LizKershawDJ Matrons ain't what they used to be.

  18. @LizKershawDJ Maybe this is the reason. https://t.co/T9LRUJZxRw

  19. @LizKershawDJ Sunderland 1973 FA Cup win.

  20. @LizKershawDJ Thanks to Blair/Brown , assorted God botherers and twisted self-hating white liberals.

  21. @LizKershawDJ That's what happens on these blind dates.

  22. @LizKershawDJ The crocodile will still eat us.

  23. @LizKershawDJ The firm supplying the bed has reclaimed the item following a threatened boycott of their stores caus… https://t.co/NcZ8UisQyo

  24. @LizKershawDJ The way he becomes airborne when the penalty area comes in sight I reckon his mother must have been f… https://t.co/jVFwD0qGPr

  25. @LizKershawDJ What about a few flowers to brighten things up even more? https://t.co/WcEQnW694T

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