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Status Updates posted by spelkender

  1. @MaryKenny4 What about those breeding for benefits already?

  2. @McPBen @TheLocalFrance Well do without. Missing a meal wont kill you.

  3. @MelanieLatest But surely anyone doing that is a Nazi? Just reading from the BBC songbook.

  4. @MelanieLatest It always amazes me when folk claim to speak for most people.

  5. @melvynprior @BBCRadioLincs An invaluable thing to learn by heart. You never forget it.

  6. @melvynprior @BBCRadioLincs Asked Elaine's advice re small hh found next door in daytime couple of years ago. Put… https://t.co/tfYsI9yf09

  7. @melvynprior @BBCRadioLincs So we are going to escape the clutches of the Evil Empire? I'll believe it when it happens.

  8. @melvynprior @DeliaOnline And you wondered why a lot of Scots seem so miserable.

  9. @melvynprior Bleeding Hearts and things. The cold weather is keeping the flowers looking good. https://t.co/BO1b27G7w3

  10. @melvynprior Do you have hedgehogs?

  11. @melvynprior He must be a student.

  12. @melvynprior I like them to form a decent root so that they don't pop out of the ground and the birds can't disturb them so easily.

  13. @melvynprior Looking good. Harvested these last ones a few days ago. It's been a decent year. 53 plants of 25 vari… https://t.co/wXvyliWLJZ

  14. @melvynprior They've been coming round eating cat biscuits we left out for last two years. No sign this year.

  15. @Michael_Heaver But surely you know the migrants go back to their own countries after the days work is done and nev… https://t.co/JCkxXZneXD

  16. @Michael_Heaver Parole board members should be held responsible for crimes committed by anyone they release & suffe… https://t.co/3fiXpKRubt

  17. @Michael_Heaver To be knighted or being made a Lord in the UK these days would usually indicate that you are a shady character.

  18. @MichaelLCrick @JohnRentoul Good chance most of them lean to the left already.

  19. @MichaelLCrick It's one of those caring-sharing words like 'partners' 'stakeholders' ' colleagues' . Very popular these days.

  20. @MichaelPDeacon @silverstrivers That's not a nice way to talk about your voters even if you think it.

  21. @MichelleDewbs @helenhims @Nigel_Farage @bbcquestiontime I suppose they'll go from furious to incandescent if he's… https://t.co/Oa1cv5wVn5

  22. @MichelleDewbs If there was a choice I'd rather be thick than be a puppet.

  23. @Mike_Fabricant 'I don't deal in IFS' Next question.' Easy-peasy.

  24. @Mike_Fabricant @theresa_may @Conservatives I wonder if the hunt haters hate the hunt or the hunters .

  25. @Mike_Fabricant And you can reckon at least 5% Labour were dodgy postal votes or student multi-votes.

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