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Status Updates posted by spelkender

  1. @toryboypierce @English_Woman Whenever & wherever public money involved prices go through the roof & nobody does a… https://t.co/bdoTjL5xgV

  2. @toryboypierce @GavinWilliamson He'll have to go as the appeasement injections aren't working.

  3. @toryboypierce @Michael_Heaver @realDonaldTrump The Nobel lot wouldn't give it to him even if he turn the oceans i… https://t.co/Er0Xz91JMc

  4. @toryboypierce @PauljePaul I think it's because folk keep calling him by the wrong name that Lord Adenoids gets himself into such a tizzy.

  5. @toryboypierce @silverstrivers The Pastafarians. https://t.co/nFVAKRY0vt

  6. @toryboypierce It is, being quite obviously 'conduct likely to cause a breach of the peace'. Don't police read the law books any more?

  7. @toryboypierce We're in the Appeasement Kingdom , what do you expect.

  8. @toryboypierce When the ruling class supports them it's no wonder all the criminals in the world are heading here.

  9. @TRobinsonNewEra @JamesDelingpole Must have run out of nail polish.

  10. @UncleJoesSweets A good turn out for a Summer night.

  11. @WalshFreedom @2tweetaboutit Unfortunately we have no Trump in the UK & we have no peaceful way of getting rid of o… https://t.co/T6KolZlg6h

  12. @WeDoNotLearn73 And all those little prawns getting gobbled up is definitely cruelty to animals.

  13. @WeDoNotLearn73 And certainly no 'It Ain't Half Hot Mum'. https://t.co/ZckuYAsN07

  14. @WeDoNotLearn73 He's thicker than the thickest of the folk who he thinks are thick.

  15. @WestminsterWAG And he pays them to let him be on.

  16. @WorldofAndyCapp @Official_HUFC More likely Fylde as no-hopers.

  17. @WorldofAndyCapp @Official_HUFC They should have stayed at home.

  18. @YesBrexit @MrBrendanCox Virtue signaller in chief.

  19. After the betrayal of Di Canio and the surrender to 'player power' only Hangus The Monkey would take the Sunderland job.

  20. And was a hell of a footballer. https://t.co/0IH0uONTW3

  21. And you know what 'Rule Brittania' says. https://t.co/Y2kMo0yCnL

  22. BBC = Begging Brexit Collapses. https://t.co/qYTcvn5P4w via @TheConWom

  23. BBC News - Police can take days to respond to 999 calls, says report https://t.co/UAfSLLjYhf

  24. Brexit suggests we’re on the right side of history https://t.co/MxhpEOzINp

  25. Casablanca all over again. https://t.co/kNApzR7Vlg

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