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Status Updates posted by spelkender

  1. RT @JuliaHB1: David Cameron really couldn’t have spelled it out more clearly. Listen to his actual words. #Brexit https://t.co/Bgmg2IZAaC

  2. RT @KTHopkins: Be outraged at a highly manipulated Muslim protest. But please go on to question the agenda of the editors masterminding thi…

  3. RT @KTHopkins: Brendan -Transforming the national conversation @spikedonline https://t.co/nitkP1j51L

  4. RT @KTHopkins: Dear @BBCNews You showed this protest as real news. Can I have a formal comment please? Katie@katiehopkins.co.uk https://t.…

  5. RT @KTHopkins: Dear @northumbriapol - who is the head of your force please? Are you guys sharia? One of your 'officers' has gone the full K…

  6. RT @KTHopkins: Excellent by Brendan @spikedonline READ: https://t.co/MYSZAXsEEQ

  7. RT @LeaveEUOfficial: The @RoyalMail would rather unveil stamps honouring Game of Thrones than the remaining Few who protected Britain in he…

  8. RT @leedsforbritain: 'There is a new party ...' https://t.co/d1K1vVSEtK

  9. RT @lucyallan: These 10 important men told @AmberRuddHR no inquiry into #TelfordGrooming #TelfordCSE was necessary https://t.co/QEh3D6ngys

  10. RT @lucyfrown: Finally, a female movement I can get behind! #120db is the real #metoo / #timesup https://t.co/jfIDLvSlUY

  11. RT @MarcherLord1: Nailed it https://t.co/ylzVcV0Kf4

  12. RT @MarcusAgrippa4: #censorship #FreeSpeech #ThoughtPolice #Brexit #Trump #populism #Tories #Labour #FBPE #AmberRudd https://t.co/JCe8ZIQUY1

  13. RT @MarcusAgrippa4: You do understand why you are all called #Remoaners don't you? Because you never stop MOANING. #Brexit #UKIP #Remaine…

  14. RT @MarkACollett: Child migrant rapes a 5-year-old boy & is let off with a 'rehabilitation order'. A student sends an 'abusive' tweet & is…

  15. RT @MarkACollett: In politically correct Britain the police would rather dive into the canal to retrieve copies of the Koran than rescue a…

  16. RT @markantro: "We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two & two make four." G.K. Chesterton. How ri…

  17. RT @markantro: This ???? https://t.co/2hQrSj7RAP

  18. RT @matteosalvinimi: La mia prima parola: GRAZIE! https://t.co/DRXiWVAHQp

  19. RT @MeetAnimals: Get a kitten they said, it will be fun they said https://t.co/bTYJNdrq7r

  20. RT @MeetAnimals: My grandma's cat and good timing.. https://t.co/uR6y2mCKOR

  21. RT @MoggMentum: Who would make the best Prime Minister? Please vote and RT for a large sample!

  22. RT @montie: "Treachery with a smile on its face" https://t.co/xF7db0gkDK

  23. RT @NadineDorries: The Iranian people are courageous and desperate to enjoy the freedoms we take for granted in our country. They are givin…

  24. RT @NearFutureEvent: If you ever wondered what English WW2 soldiers think of modern day Britain wonder no longer. There's plenty more where…

  25. RT @Nigel_Farage: Oh no. It looks like Mr Heseltine has escaped from the National History Museum again. https://t.co/PoLcSnh7Ky

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