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Status Updates posted by spelkender

  1. @DavidJo52951945 In another age they'd be talking about treason.

  2. @DCBMEP You'd think they'd have rumbled it with all those Ivan Invanovich's voting at Lower Nidbury.

  3. @DerbyChrisW Problem is that this cow would probably never have been born if the world was vegan.

  4. @DestroyTheEU @GuidoFawkes They go by the 1984 Lexicon.

  5. @DickDelingpole Well it is a more virulent disease.

  6. @Digbylj 1) Ingrained self-hatred hard to remove. 2) Education from 3 to at least 18 involving left wing indoctrina… https://t.co/1zy08Xp98v

  7. @Digbylj But the nice man said that if they followed him they could have all the sweeties they wanted.

  8. @Digbylj For too long fifth columnists and various enemies within have been working to destroy Britain as it used to be.

  9. @Digbylj Probably also applies to champaign socialist union leaders .

  10. @Digbylj Somebody's pockets are deep.

  11. @Digbylj The poor darlings have stabbed their teddies , spit out their hummus and still the grown ups take no notice. 'Snot fair.

  12. @DonaldJTrumpJr Being in the leftist indoctrination factory known as education for twenty odd years before being r… https://t.co/xaPKNVkZL6

  13. @DonaldJTrumpJr Not just you. https://t.co/mvbJqmCwoo

  14. @DPJHodges It wouldn't be so bad if he demanded free speech for everyone but I suspect that is not the case.

  15. @DrTeckKhong @English_Woman It would be interesting to know the true aims of many high profile charities. I suspect… https://t.co/zPuVFr3O1D

  16. @DrTeckKhong @RedHotSquirrel You can say that politicians think they own you from cradle to beyond he grave. Sinister to say the least.

  17. @DrTeckKhong A last the elite have succeeded in destroying Britain of the ordinary citizen. They thought WW1 would… https://t.co/8vbFJmKrld

  18. @DrTeckKhong Corby doesn't need to be PM the Stalinists are already running much of the country.

  19. @DrTeckKhong Governments have planned for generations for this day of treachery. Why else have they promoted out of… https://t.co/SXtMgcZ4CU

  20. @DrTeckKhong Simple. The establishment & all its fellow travellers in authority hate everything British. There can… https://t.co/uYweGScQfr

  21. @DrTeckKhong So that's where Owen Jones suddenly appeared from.

  22. @DrTeckKhong The way the private motorist is hammered at every opportunity it's obvious that the powers that be don… https://t.co/99j2M16zjo

  23. @DrTeckKhong They're quite keen on euthanasia too. What next? Breeding for spare parts. Don't put it past them.

  24. @DrTeckKhong This says it all. https://t.co/TPLi60uYXf

  25. @DVATW @2tweetaboutit @johnredwood How disgraceful suggesting an increase in population makes for more need for ho… https://t.co/7rGDmiE9Af

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