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Status Updates posted by spelkender

  1. @HarrietSergeant Anything that happens in politics at the moment including this sexual abuse hooha is just part of… https://t.co/im2I5in3Ge

  2. @HarrietSergeant Is it appeasement? It is certainly cowardice but then again it could be treachery. Take your pick… https://t.co/7mTR1BAVJy

  3. @HarrietSergeant Knowing where the bodies are buried helps.

  4. @HarrietSergeant Obvious answer from the dumbclucks who run the UK would be to declare everyone on the planet a Bri… https://t.co/Mm274eBLWU

  5. @HarrietSergeant Our big charities are mostly political gravy trains promoting left wing policies while being 'holier than thou'.

  6. @HarrietSergeant Parole board members should be held responsible for any further crime committed by Worboys, suffe… https://t.co/TEXlirp0iy

  7. @HarrietSergeant Say something and your card will be marked for life. That's after your nail varnish is removed and… https://t.co/1cJAEtLE1f

  8. @HarrietSergeant The old hereditary system had descendants of mates of Kings way back but now they're mates of c… https://t.co/EsXij2JZZW

  9. @helenhims @JamesDelingpole BBC = Fake News. Trouble is no matter how much you ignore them they'll never go away.

  10. @helenhims @JuliaHB1 Thinking how upset the 'offencearati' would be makes watching the box sets even more enjoyable. https://t.co/Fp7ad7zDHy

  11. @helenhims @Nigel_Farage @TheNewEuropean Money is no object to the globalist conspirators.

  12. @helenhims @PrisonPlanet @annembee Ask him if the Grand National is a race. He'll probably say it's a fascist orga… https://t.co/xYHPTZd2zV

  13. @helenhims @RedHotSquirrel @Tweets2CV We really should have learned not to trust the establishment. https://t.co/8oH4aSYuQK

  14. @helenhims The establishment foresaw this moment many years ago and prepared for it by amongst other things disarme… https://t.co/QMUhb9mbHa

  15. @Holbornlolz @HouseOfTraitors And she's the top banana- God help us.

  16. @hrenee80 But do they have room for a film studio amongst all those prison camps?

  17. @HughRBennett @AVMitchell2010 @KateHoeyMP I thought we were in a farmyard . The trouble is the sheep who follow those braying donkeys.

  18. @HugoGye @steve_hawkes @BLazarus1 Eleven out of Ten for initiative.

  19. @IainDale @2tweetaboutit He's been watching 'The Invasion of the Body Snatchers' again.

  20. @IainDale @silverstrivers Not a chance. Apologising is for the little people.

  21. @IainDale @WeDoNotLearn73 Wasn't he that postman on 'Cheers'?

  22. @IainDale Archie Andrews with the laughs.

  23. @IainDale Dederot had an explanation for this behavior. https://t.co/JXky3F9X3F

  24. @IainDale Looks like she's in denial. You'd think she'd keep her mouth shut on that subject.

  25. @IainDale Remainiac is becoming a more and more suitable name for certain of tendency.

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