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Status Updates posted by spelkender

  1. @iancollinsuk As Remainiacs and their fellow travellers in the media are always right no apology necessary.

  2. @iancollinsuk Jones reminds me of Archie Andrews only he talks less sense. I wonder who's pulling his strings?

  3. @iancollinsuk Some people would but in in this case I wouldn't hold your breath ..

  4. @IBTimesUK I'm with Hermann the German when it comes to Culture.

  5. @Imamofpeace UK ruling class including almost all politicians, civil service and the legal profession are cowards a… https://t.co/oHyW90GJJo

  6. @iowahawkblog @RitaPanahi He's one of a multitude of Moscow midgets sent to muddy the waters.

  7. @IsabelOakeshott @AndrewMarr9 Yes, why don't they say what they mean such as swivel eyed Nazi sub-humans.

  8. @IsabelOakeshott @DestroyTheEU One thing Labour's 'Education! Education! Education' policy succeeded in doing was g… https://t.co/G8ODqCvB2V

  9. @IsabelOakeshott We may think it sensible but to the folk who vote for pie in the sky it's proof that he doesn't kn… https://t.co/8V6X5Zkirh

  10. @IsabelOakeshott Wot no capitals?

  11. @JamesDelingpole Seems the rumours about the MSM are true after all.

  12. @JamesDelingpole When the sneerers have done it will probably do him more good than harm among real people. WE all… https://t.co/3lbiNFarLX

  13. @JamesTapsfield @steve_hawkes Montmorency of the Lower 5th after all these years. I'd recognise you anywhere.

  14. @jessbrammar @silverstrivers I guess all the protesters had all always thought of JC as being just to the right of Roy Hattersley.

  15. @JohnMannMP @UKLabour Dream on John. Most leading politicians are cowards who wouldn't even defend their own people.

  16. @JohnMannMP Competition is good in many circumstances but some things are naturally done better by government , cen… https://t.co/KxmhcI3a23

  17. @JohnnyMercerUK @PlatoSays And a virtue signaller to boot.

  18. @johnredwood Surely they can use the usual media method of explaining it away by saying it was a mental health issue?

  19. @JohnRentoul @Independent Sorry they're for No Brexit and always have been. Only the people are for it and we don't count.

  20. @JohnRentoul @Independent When they turn out a shower of snowflakes to sneer at and berate the thicko plebs what the hell do they expect?

  21. @JohnRentoul @LeftFootFwd However many referendums we have we will never be free of the malignant grasp of the Evil… https://t.co/DF0gAihzCu

  22. @JohnRentoul @NoraMulready Trouble is the new political party will probably be full of politicians.

  23. @JohnRentoul @Peston He's been reading 'The Mushroom Farmer's Guide to Politics' again.

  24. @JohnRentoul If this goes on politicians could get a bad name. Oh! I forgot..

  25. @JohnRentoul Is Mr Miliband still on your Christmas card list?

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