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Status Updates posted by spelkender

  1. @JohnRentoul It's just their childlike belief in the magic money tree, Santa Claus and the tooth fairy that makes them seem more juvenile.

  2. @JohnRentoul Problem for the party is that probably the same percentage of their voters don't.

  3. @JohnRentoul Quick to join the ancient brain-dead tradition of tribal politics though. Just imagine being old-fashioned at 20.

  4. @JohnRentoul The mask of the evil empire is starting to slip.

  5. @JohnRentoul The snowflakes will be in meltdown.

  6. @JohnRentoul Yangtse comes to mind.

  7. @jongaunt Nice bookcase.

  8. @JulesSunbeam People still watch the BBC for political NEWS??

  9. @JuliaHB1 @adamboultonSKY Even some journalists are thick it seems.

  10. @JuliaHB1 @English_Woman Labour don't love 'Teens' 'Immigrants' 'Poor' they just love their votes.

  11. @JuliaHB1 @MirandaShirnia It could soon be diagnosed at a new psychological disorder.

  12. @JuliaHB1 @PauljePaul Blatant attempt to embarrass the government. Just so obvious you'd think even Corbynista inte… https://t.co/hArfAXH9sK

  13. @JuliaHB1 @silverstrivers More 'Bewitched' than 'Harry Potter'.

  14. @JuliaHB1 @talkRADIO @DouglasKMurray Yes and the EU elite are loving it.

  15. @JuliaHB1 All this V S-ing is getting like a incestuous love-in. Don't the realise the rest of us probably think th… https://t.co/Ds0uAg9hLU

  16. @JuliaHB1 And where do you think all that snow came from?

  17. @JuliaHB1 But cabs are for the little people. We prefer our chauffeur driven taxpayer supplied limo thank you.

  18. @JuliaHB1 But they still haven't got that free stuff they were promised for voting Labour even when they did it twice.

  19. @JuliaHB1 Doesn't have the name of a cheese eating surrender monkey.

  20. @JuliaHB1 Hypocrisy rules UK, just wave the virtue signalling flag.

  21. @JuliaHB1 I suspect anyone born in this country in the last 40 years hasn't a clue what poverty is.

  22. @JuliaHB1 If each Snowflake is different how come it's so easy to recognise one?

  23. @JuliaHB1 It would be hard to find anything to say that the virture-signalling, safe space seeking snowflakes coul… https://t.co/0GkC4XAa28

  24. @JuliaHB1 Maybe they think irony is the taller on of the two while lowronnie is the little one who tells the stories?

  25. @JuliaHB1 Nick looks like he's hovering around hate talk.

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