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Posts posted by Howaythelads

  1. Wanker is your stock in trade response tbh HTL.



    So 5 pages ago tbh.


    This thread kicked off because HF expressed an interest in Gitmo, he didn't even express an opinion, and Rambo went ape-shit. :o






    Did anyone watch it? Obviously not HTL or LM, too scared of being brainwashed by the baddies.


    Weak minded tbh



    Shame eh. My opinions are from experience not those of left wing wanker lecturers who only wankers take notice of :slap:


    PS like the smilie ?



    YOU'VE been to Guantanamo? ;)


    If not, how are you so much more knowledgable on these matters? - genuine question.


    Fact is, as was pointed out, you had a go before I even expressed an opinion. In fact I'd agree with a lot of the methods used in Guantanamo. Convictions mightn't occur because deals are made for information. If there is genuine intelligence that a captor has information I say do anything necessary to get that information. But the ends don't always justify the means, and in those circumstances the victims should be be compensated.



    that is the WHOLE point




    Well the WHOLE point of the documentary I posted a synopsis for was that there was no intelligence whatsoever to implicate the lads it was based on.


    I guess when you called me a wanker, what you meant was "That's not very nice for them, it's a shame stuff like this happens but it's borne of necessity. If only they could get back the last 4 years of their lives. Something should be done to compensate them and their families."



    Did I ? No I wasn't calling you specifically so I apologise if thats what you thought.


    As for intelligence, fact that a TV documentary will only say what it either wants you to believe or what its told to tell you. Another fact is that good intelligence sources would never be publicised or risked losing.


    There is a big difference between "having none" and "unable to prove"....




    Sorry, Dotbum put me right. T'was HTL, not you.



    Just for clarity, although I have already mentioned it. ;)


    I did not call YOU a wanker, that comment was made toward Rob W for an accumulation of posts over time, not for YOUR post near the start of the thread.



  2. As Renton pointed out in the post where he asked the Admin' to ban me, it always looks a bit daft when someone says they're going to jack in with the forum. However, I don't care how daft it looks tbh. I'll save Renton the trouble of going, I'll bugger off myself.


    As bad as my comment was to Renton, I find it shocking that some of you people couldn't see that a person would be angry at being accused of being in favour of executing children. Especially posted out of the blue in the way it was. I also find it amazing that the meaning behind my post wasn't obvious following the comment from Renton, but there you go.


    Thanks for the chat. Some of it was good.




    HTL, don't go on my account. I wrote what I did (about you being banned) because I was genuinely shocked - I think calling someone a paedophile, or even implying it, is pretty low.


    Having said that, I can see the context why you did it, I admit I was partly trying to wind you up (but also partly just mistaken about something I thought you'd said - which I maintain is not a particular unusual view). Looking back on my post I can see it was inflammatory and wrong. What was worse is I referred to you in the third person when you couldn't reply which I have found from experience always pisses people off. Anyway, as you say, if you apologise for what you said, I will apologise for what I said. I don't want you to get banned or voluntarily stop posting because I probably over-reacted.


    So I'm sorry, OK? We were both in the wrong, and should just forget about it. I'm not going to say anymore or it'll sound gay. :o


    P.S. Ask Gemmill about my hissy fits - I'm nearly as bad as Asprilla's Foreskin when I get going!



    Renton, Just wanted to make sure that you did in fact see this Apology from page 8........


    Thanks for the above post.

  3. As Renton pointed out in the post where he asked the Admin' to ban me, it always looks a bit daft when someone says they're going to jack in with the forum. However, I don't care how daft it looks tbh. I'll save Renton the trouble of going, I'll bugger off myself.


    As bad as my comment was to Renton, I find it shocking that some of you people couldn't see that a person would be angry at being accused of being in favour of executing children. Especially posted out of the blue in the way it was. I also find it amazing that the meaning behind my post wasn't obvious following the comment from Renton, but there you go.


    Thanks for the chat. Some of it was good.

  4. In all honesty HTL, I know exactly what you were saying (i.e. I'll make this accusation as you made that one) but Renton made a genuine mistake and apologised. You should do the same and draw a line under it.





    I was writing the post probably while Renton was making his, I didn't see it until later. By then it had been quoted. It's what happens on a forum. I've also gone on to say to Renton that I've made my point that these accusations have no basis and are total nonsense, water under the bridge.


    I've edited the comment already, and although you lot obviously want to believe I meant it, the simple fact is that I didn't. It was posted for the reason I said, and that was to make the point that it's easy for people to make accusations like that, but that some go beyond the line and are nonsense and can be quite hurtful. Mine went beyond the line on the basis that Renton's also went beyond the line. That was the point.


    Fair do's, I do understand that.



    Thanks, Alex.

  5. Fine. Reckon you've over-stepped the mark there personally HTL. You can certainly dish it out, insult people for no reason, but you can't take any criticism, can you?


    Mods, can we ban HTL for this? Tbh if he stays, I'm going. Yeah, I know that sounds a bit hissy but I'm fucked if I'm standing for this.



    Another one of AF's alter-egos exposed!


    Just use the ignore function, Renton, you nancy boy! ;)



    Another one who obviously overlooks as nothing the accusation I'm in favour of executing children.


    Double standards, or what.



    :o What are you on about, that post is taking the piss out of Renton.


    Obviously I posted it to the wrong person. Sorry, like.

  6. In all honesty HTL, I know exactly what you were saying (i.e. I'll make this accusation as you made that one) but Renton made a genuine mistake and apologised. You should do the same and draw a line under it.





    I was writing the post probably while Renton was making his, I didn't see it until later. By then it had been quoted. It's what happens on a forum. I've also gone on to say to Renton that I've made my point that these accusations have no basis and are total nonsense, water under the bridge.


    I've edited the comment already, and although you lot obviously want to believe I meant it, the simple fact is that I didn't. It was posted for the reason I said, and that was to make the point that it's easy for people to make accusations like that, but that some go beyond the line and are nonsense and can be quite hurtful. Mine went beyond the line on the basis that Renton's also went beyond the line. That was the point.

  7. Paedophile is the new one apparently, wanker is old hat.





    You can disagree all you like mate, as part of your juvenile wind-up persona, but I have nothing at all against Renton, he knows that but chooses to ignore it for some reason known only to himself.


    From where I'm sitting Renton has posted an accusation toward me saying that I am in favour of executing children. Quite a bad accusation, imo. The comment I posted above toward Renton is obviously nonsense, as I have no clue at all about Renton's personal life and couldn't care less, it was meant to be nonsense in the same way his accusation toward me was nonsense. I don't expect you to understand, or even if you do, I doubt you'll acknowledge it because childish games is your thing.


    I think it would be better if you kept your retorts to yourself mate, as this exchange between myself and Renton has become personal and really has fuck all to do with you.


    Is it ok to respond to this btw? ;) You were bang out of order accusing Renton of being a paedophile and you know it, which is why you're backtracking. Just like when you wanted to meet up with me, which was plain to all and sundry was for a fight, only for you to pretend it was only for a drink after you realised what a fool you'd made of yourself.



    No, I'm not backtracking at all. It was posted for exactly the way I described. None of us have any way at all of knowing what we are like in person. There was no reason at all for Renton to post the accusation I want to execute children, it was nonsense based on nothing, the same as my post in response. Not surprised you lot are ignoring it though.


    As I said, quite happy for the posts to be deleted, I've made my point although none of you get it.


    I bet you are :jester:



    And shouldn't Renton for his post.........or is that acceptable by your standards?

  8. Paedophile is the new one apparently, wanker is old hat.





    You can disagree all you like mate, as part of your juvenile wind-up persona, but I have nothing at all against Renton, he knows that but chooses to ignore it for some reason known only to himself.


    From where I'm sitting Renton has posted an accusation toward me saying that I am in favour of executing children. Quite a bad accusation, imo. The comment I posted above toward Renton is obviously nonsense, as I have no clue at all about Renton's personal life and couldn't care less, it was meant to be nonsense in the same way his accusation toward me was nonsense. I don't expect you to understand, or even if you do, I doubt you'll acknowledge it because childish games is your thing.


    I think it would be better if you kept your retorts to yourself mate, as this exchange between myself and Renton has become personal and really has fuck all to do with you.


    Is it ok to respond to this btw? ;) You were bang out of order accusing Renton of being a paedophile and you know it, which is why you're backtracking. Just like when you wanted to meet up with me, which was plain to all and sundry was for a fight, only for you to pretend it was only for a drink after you realised what a fool you'd made of yourself.



    No, I'm not backtracking at all. It was posted for exactly the way I described. None of us have any way at all of knowing what we are like in person. There was no reason at all for Renton to post the accusation I want to execute children, it was nonsense based on nothing, the same as my post in response. Not surprised you lot are ignoring it though.


    As I said, quite happy for the posts to be deleted, I've made my point although none of you get it.


    This is what kicked it off.........



    Just got up to here reading this thread and my irony meter has gone off the scale. Half the things that HTL advocates (and iirc this includes executing children and publically beating criminals) would fit quite nicely into an extremist state like Iraq that we are "fighting" against. He just can't see it though.
  9. Fine. Reckon you've over-stepped the mark there personally HTL. You can certainly dish it out, insult people for no reason, but you can't take any criticism, can you?


    Mods, can we ban HTL for this? Tbh if he stays, I'm going. Yeah, I know that sounds a bit hissy but I'm fucked if I'm standing for this.



    Another one of AF's alter-egos exposed!


    Just use the ignore function, Renton, you nancy boy! ;)



    Another one who obviously overlooks as nothing the accusation I'm in favour of executing children.


    Double standards, or what.

  10. I think it would be better if you kept your retorts to yourself mate, as this exchange between myself and Renton has become personal and really has fuck all to do with you.



    Take it to PM then. And be very careful about the kind of accusations you make.



    I suggest you go back over the posts to the bit from Renton where he first accused me of being in favour of executing children. Then you can apologise for posting this toward me and not Renton.

  11. By the way Leazes, are you advocating imprisoning people for years purely on the basis of suspicion? Isn't that what Saddam Hussein used to do?



    Just got up to here reading this thread and my irony meter has gone off the scale. Half the things that HTL advocates (and iirc this includes executing children and publically beating criminals) would fit quite nicely into an extremist state like Iraq that we are "fighting" against. He just can't see it though. :jester:



    I reckon he is just looking after what he percieves as the best interests of his own country, like most of us.


    However, unlike a lot of people on here, I don't see how allowing potential terrorists on the streets is a good thing...like it or not we are at war, like we were twice in the last century, just of a different type, against people who want to change the world to one of their liking and take away our freedom, and going by boy scout rules against such bastards and cowards is out of the question



    I think it goes without saying we all want what is best for the country we live in, I know that I do. It's just some of us believe it is worth protecting what makes our society what it is and don't want us to revert back to medieval "justice" or want a return to "guilty until proven innocent". If we incarcerate people at the will of the state, lock people up for years with no evidence against them, what makes us different to Iraq? The same goes with executing children or beating people in public imo.


    There seems to be little point in arguing on these points anyway, I have posted on the internet long enough to know the more stubborn among us (and that includes me probably) will never be persuaded we are wrong. However, HTL seems to me to be an extreme case with very black and white viewpoints. These people always worry me, this might sound daft but I believe that the taliban were comprised of similar minded people to some of the more right-wing dogooder bashers you get on these message boards. It's the way some people see the world in black and white, the underlying certainty and fundamentalism of their beliefs. The world is not a simple place and neither are issues, it's right we should debate them in a free society if we want without claims we are loony lefty sandalistas, do-gooders, unpatriotic, or indeed wankers if we do.


    Anyway, rant over. Like I say I'm not sure I want to get caught up in another of these threads - its got the potential to get ugly. ;):jester:



    Aye, it certainly has when you portray such total rubbish about me without knowing me.


    I reckon from your posts you're a paedophile, mate.



    Fine. Reckon you've over-stepped the mark there personally HTL. You can certainly dish it out, insult people for no reason, but you can't take any criticism, can you?


    Mods, can we ban HTL for this? Tbh if he stays, I'm going. Yeah, I know that sounds a bit hissy but I'm fucked if I'm standing for this.





    So you think accusing me of being in favour of EXECTUING CHILDREN ISN'T STEPPING OVER THE LINE? Fucking hell!


    Listen, my comment was obviously nonsense, as explained just up the page. Your comment was what you believe. though.


    So you're begging for me to be banned? I'm quite prepared for the post and later one's to be deleted, but your post should also. Then it's water under the bridge if you're adult enough, like.

  12. Basically if the yanks think someone is engaged in terrorist activity then can lock them up for security reasons and we should do exactly the same.



    I don't think anybody on here disagrees that terrorists should get locked up for security reasons. And I don't think anyone disagrees that there has to be the possibility of locking up suspects if there is sufficient evidence. The only thing is about the proceedings. You don't need a place like Guantanamo and you don't need to abstain from basic human rights like a fair trial. A normal prison is sufficient enough, as well is a normal criminal proceeding.


    Here in Jormany we had the trial against a muslim terrorist who got a hefty penalty and will enjoy a long time in prison. Remarkable was his last word where he told about his astonishment regarding the treatment he got because his religious feelings got respected as he got the right food, was allowed to read in the Koran and allowed to pray. Nobody was apologetic about his actions and there was no chance his penalty was going to get reduced . And nobody thinks that this terrorist has been 'reformed'. I think this kind of tolerance is setting a far better example than betraying our ideals. The best way to spit in the face of those religious nutters is by showing that we don't have to lower our moral values to fight against them but just treat them as what they are: lunatic criminals.


    Oh yes, and I like it to be a fancy dan lecturer...



    Bold bit.


    I think you're wrong, mate. There are people who will only be convinced someone is a terrorist if the person is actually caught in the act of setting off a bomb. Until that time, their rights are paramount and they should be allowed to roam free killing people at their leisure.

  13. Aye, it certainly has when you portray such total rubbish about me without knowing me.


    I reckon from your posts you're a paedophile, mate.



    And what would you do with a paedophile, if you got your hands on him?



    More to the point, what would YOU do? Send him on holiday to help make him better?

  14. Paedophile is the new one apparently, wanker is old hat.





    You can disagree all you like mate, as part of your juvenile wind-up persona, but I have nothing at all against Renton, he knows that but chooses to ignore it for some reason known only to himself.


    From where I'm sitting Renton has posted an accusation toward me saying that I am in favour of executing children. Quite a bad accusation, imo. The comment I posted above toward Renton is obviously nonsense, as I have no clue at all about Renton's personal life and couldn't care less, it was meant to be nonsense in the same way his accusation toward me was nonsense. I don't expect you to understand, or even if you do, I doubt you'll acknowledge it because childish games is your thing.


    I think it would be better if you kept your retorts to yourself mate, as this exchange between myself and Renton has become personal and really has fuck all to do with you.

  15. By the way Leazes, are you advocating imprisoning people for years purely on the basis of suspicion? Isn't that what Saddam Hussein used to do?



    Just got up to here reading this thread and my irony meter has gone off the scale. Half the things that HTL advocates (and iirc this includes executing children and publically beating criminals) would fit quite nicely into an extremist state like Iraq that we are "fighting" against. He just can't see it though. ;)



    Exactly where did that come from, Renton?



    I thought you were for public flogging. And the hanging of the Bulger killers (who at the age of 10 were children). Sincere apologies if I'm wrong. Mind, a lot of people would agree with that.



    You're totally fucking wrong in point of fact. It would be good if you took the trouble to make sure you know what you're talking about before you attack someone with an accusation of that kind of thing. I don't recall ever reading a thread about public flogging and for the Bulger killers I'd like to see them locked up for good. How's that? Sounds considerably different to the accusation I want to execute children, for fucks sake.

  16. By the way Leazes, are you advocating imprisoning people for years purely on the basis of suspicion? Isn't that what Saddam Hussein used to do?



    Just got up to here reading this thread and my irony meter has gone off the scale. Half the things that HTL advocates (and iirc this includes executing children and publically beating criminals) would fit quite nicely into an extremist state like Iraq that we are "fighting" against. He just can't see it though. :jester:



    I reckon he is just looking after what he percieves as the best interests of his own country, like most of us.


    However, unlike a lot of people on here, I don't see how allowing potential terrorists on the streets is a good thing...like it or not we are at war, like we were twice in the last century, just of a different type, against people who want to change the world to one of their liking and take away our freedom, and going by boy scout rules against such bastards and cowards is out of the question



    I think it goes without saying we all want what is best for the country we live in, I know that I do. It's just some of us believe it is worth protecting what makes our society what it is and don't want us to revert back to medieval "justice" or want a return to "guilty until proven innocent". If we incarcerate people at the will of the state, lock people up for years with no evidence against them, what makes us different to Iraq? The same goes with executing children or beating people in public imo.


    There seems to be little point in arguing on these points anyway, I have posted on the internet long enough to know the more stubborn among us (and that includes me probably) will never be persuaded we are wrong. However, HTL seems to me to be an extreme case with very black and white viewpoints. These people always worry me, this might sound daft but I believe that the taliban were comprised of similar minded people to some of the more right-wing dogooder bashers you get on these message boards. It's the way some people see the world in black and white, the underlying certainty and fundamentalism of their beliefs. The world is not a simple place and neither are issues, it's right we should debate them in a free society if we want without claims we are loony lefty sandalistas, do-gooders, unpatriotic, or indeed wankers if we do.


    Anyway, rant over. Like I say I'm not sure I want to get caught up in another of these threads - its got the potential to get ugly. ;):jester:



    Aye, it certainly has when you portray such total rubbish about me without knowing me.


    Edit :Point made, post edited. Now waiting to see if Renton withdraws the comment I'm in favour of executing chidlren.

  17. If I'm not, then who is ?


    BTW, I'm 51 not 81.



    For fuck's sake, IQ tbh.



    is that meant to be an intelligent answer



    No, it was a stupid reply actually. It was also the same as calling you a wanker, but nobody will get jumpy about it and bookmark it ;) because it's acceptable when put across without the disgraceful behaviour of actually 'calling somebody a name'.

  18. By the way Leazes, are you advocating imprisoning people for years purely on the basis of suspicion? Isn't that what Saddam Hussein used to do?



    Just got up to here reading this thread and my irony meter has gone off the scale. Half the things that HTL advocates (and iirc this includes executing children and publically beating criminals) would fit quite nicely into an extremist state like Iraq that we are "fighting" against. He just can't see it though. ;)



    Exactly where did that come from, Renton?

  19. Who the hell is James Brunt?



    Blunt, not Brunt


    You're Beautiful?


    That's not a compliment by the way as I tend to picuture you as a Father Jack type figure with schizo/psycho tendencies, randomly shouting your footballing opinions at people ;)



    Don't need to shout, when I speak, people listen. :jester:

  20. What annoys me are arsewipes who post the kind of anti-West drivel I see in this thread, they're too stupid to realise that the very principles they're undermining are those that allow them to post their shite. If they really think we're so bad my advice to them is that they piss off and join those they clearly support. Hunting around to find any snippet of information that can be used to undermine the role of our people in this battle is showing support for the terrorists in my eyes. It increases their strength against the West and they know it too.



    If you want to be governed by a system where people (innocent or not) are locked up, abused or killed without trial why don't you piss off to a country where that kind of thing is acceptable.



    Err, but I don't. According to people such as yourself though, I already live in such a country. Wouldn't it be an eye opener for people like you if this country really was like that.



    Well if you don't, why are you condoning that behaviour from your own and other goverments? I never suggested you already live in such a country, we have a fine tradition of law and order based on our courts of law and trial by jury, but if the abuse of human rights isn't commented upon and highlighted it will only get worse.


    You're like one of them 16 year old lasses with a little shit for a bairn who won't have a word said against it. Sit their pissing yourselfself laughing while it's effing and blinding around the bus and getting all offended when someone suggests you discipline the bairn. The type of bairn that grows up to be a twocking charver.


    It's not unpatriotic to slag off your government. It is unpatriotic to let them break the basic human rights my Granda fought for.



    Funny, that's how I see you tbh. You couldn't be more wrong about me, my kids would testify to it like.

  21. can't believe anyone could believe such an absolute load of complete shite


    The amount of people with middle east sympathies ..... that won't go and live there



    Well they wouldn't, would they! They wouldn't be allowed to bleat on the way they do.

  22. The first maybe three lines of his response will be specific to what you've posted.  The rest will be his stock in trade list of questions about other chairmen, other clubs, higher attendances, bottomless pits of money, employing managers with good CVs and backing them and all that palaver.  And I know I'm guilty of not responding to his questions, but that's because I've seen people go to the trouble of writing big long responses which get them nowhere, so I find it easier and more rewarding to just mock him. ;)





    The reason you don't answer the questions is because you have no sensible way of doing so. Good of you to admit it, though.


    BTW Can you please give a link to one of these "big long responses which got them nowhere?" I've been following this thread and I haven't seen anything that refutes any of the points made byLM.


    You can't exactly criticise the concept of appointing a manager based on a good CV, can you?


    You can't refute the fact that Fred has backed all of the manager to the hilt financially.


    You can't refute that we used to get lower attendances than we get now, and that other clubs have that same potential but don't get the same level of attendance.


    All you can do is babble on about Fred being fat and that he makes daft statements to the media. Wow! Must be a shite Chairman.

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