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Everything posted by nufc4ever

  1. Cheating bastard. [/obvious]
  2. I've done a guide to playing .mkv files - the format most high-definition US TV shows are on the internet in - through the 360 over on the dark place if anyone is interested (probably not like, went down like a lead balloon over there ).
  3. Tend to wash my hands after wiping, whatever the style...
  4. Surely if one deposits after having a particularly spicy item of food and subsequently stands up before wiping (mopping), it'd go, well, everywhere? Nasty. Then there's gastroenteritis...
  5. nufc4ever

    Router speeds

    Speed test: http://www.speedtest.bbmax.co.uk/ Your router (unless it's REALLY old) is fine for 6.5meg, ADSL1 goes up to 8meg and ADSL2+ goes up to 24meg I think.
  6. Ditto. If nothing else, shitting then standing up just seems comical.
  7. Never mind pissing us about, what about the fucking cost? Just the same as the directory enquiries 'monopoly', now it costs a shitload more to the end user. Nice one.
  8. It's £14.95 on Sky box office.
  9. Sorry. My point was just that it looks an excellent deal when you see it in Tesco (I nearly bought one myself) but the price is par for the course. FWIW, I've never owned a Sony or an Acer laptop, but I was assured that the Dell I ended up getting was miles better build quality than the Acer. I'd hope the Sony is even better in that regard, and obviously will have the design element. Performance-wise though, I've no idea. Aren't there any reviews online?
  10. I saw this, the Sony is that same price everywhere, even on the SonyStyle site.
  11. Is it something to do with the Dida incident?
  12. nufc4ever


    http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/...p?topic=47219.0 [/disgraceful link to the dark side]
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