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Posts posted by whitedanishpastry

  1. Why thank you for your kind words Temuri.

    I hope for your sakes that you find a buyer quicksmart:

    Joe Kinnear has admitted he has been handed the chance to be Newcastle's interim manager 'because nobody else wants it', and believes Kevin Keegan will return once the club is sold.

    Can't help thinkin that Ashley's holding out for top dollar in an economic climate that's not really that healthy, and now mebbe he thinks that there's no hurry 'cos he's got a temporary manager in. Wise has prolly filled him up with stories about how great Kinnear is, and some of the shit has apparently stuck to the wall. Make no mistake, Wise has a hidden agenda, and he'll do anything and everything to get what he wants - whatever that may be. Probably just a thumping big pay-off, and then he can slime his way back into his old mate Roberto's back pocket at MK.

    One thing Ashley wants to remember is, he ain't gonna get ½ what he wants if you're in the Championship.

  2. Fookin hell, how on earth did you lot let this happen. Was over the moon when Wise fupped off from my club, but this - Kinnear - wouldn't wish it on any club - well, Scum, obviously. Jeez, you lot are in the brown stuff, up to yer ears. Wise is poison, a cancer in your club, you got to get rid of him - And not back to us!

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