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mal shiels

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Posts posted by mal shiels

  1. Dear all


    Redshadow, thanks for the support, would be good for us to meet up with you sometime, we'll make contact with you, cheers.


    Everyone else, keep the feedback coming, good and bad, its all being taken on board as we try to move forward. We as the interim committee members of the NUSC have to accept that we will not always have everyone on our side or believing that what we are trying to do is right. Football is all about opinions and free speech and especially so with our great club Newcastle United.


    Once again, i must stress we are not speaking for Newcastle fans and not trying to claim so! We hope to be in a position to do so in the future (at what point depends on how and when we can convince enough fans we are a credible option for them to join).


    With Jimenz now gone things are beginning to move and change and i believe the goalposts will continue to move over the coming weeks. Of course Jimenz going could be a smokescreen we dont know. I personally believe its a step in the right direction, its my understanding he was the real poison in the nest along with Llambias.


    Lets carry on the debate and all get behind our team, stay true everyone!! Cheers, Mal

  2. Hi all, bloody hell that statement stirred up a hornets nest!!


    Comments from all, disapproving or pat on the back are more than welcome, its only with this kind of feedback can the NUSC move forward. Could i just make a couple of points.


    At the moment the NUSC does not claim to speak for the fans of Newcastle United, we couldnt possibly given the fledgling status of the group. The intention is to be in a position, at some point in the future, to speak for a large percentage. We can only do this by becoming a credible long term Newcastle United fans club.


    We believe that there are two streams or courses of action needed at the moment. The NUSC was formed becasue of the grave situation at our club, we believe something needs to be done about it. Mike Ashley is a businessman, he buys and rapes sports brands, thats whta he does, talk to anyone in the sports brand and leisure industry and they will say the same thing. Though his decisions (no ones elses) we are in a perilous position, bottom three, poor thin squad which cant cope with 2 or 3 injuries to key players. That is why we believe we should keep the pressure on Ashley to sell, and not for a bloody huge profit either!!


    The other course of action is getting the NUSC up and running, democratically and properly, with any member having a say and getting the feedback that you have not been getting up to now. This takes time, but i can assure you that there will be an extraordinary meeting arranged, in the future which will allow members to attend / vote on specific issues to do with the running of the organisation.


    Once again i ask for your pateince, we are Newcastle United fans just like you, we are trying to make something happen here, i do beleive we can make the Nusc into a superb large memebrship based club which can have a voice with Newcastle United.


    Many regards

  3. Hello all, thanks for the welcome to the site, great comments back from you all, we'll do our utmost to be in a position soon that wiil convince everyone that the NUSC is and always will be a properly run non profit supporters club for the fans of Newcastle United.


    We intend to have a further press release immeninently, then we are meeting again early next week to move further forward.


    Great point on Sunday for the lads, lets hope its a bit of a turning point, , i couldnt go as im plastered up with a broken ankle at the mo (thats what i get for being a 47 year old trying to play five a side with the young uns!!). Still i'll be hobbling along to help chair our next meeting.


    Thanks for the support so far, keep the debate up and any ideas or thoughts are welcome, all will be taken on baord and discussed.


    Cheers all, Mal

  4. All on forum, i have just registered and joined the forum. I am one of the 'interim' committee members of the NUSC who is very interested in all the points of view posted on here and other Toon forums.


    Firstly can i add to some of the earlier replies and say that the NUSC is being ste up properly with a view to being aropund a long time, bank account, audited accounts, interim positions (chair, secretary, treasurer, etc) being allocated, meetings to be organised and ultimitely a special meeting convened so that all members can have a say in the running and indeed who runs the NUSC.


    The people who have stepped forward are just fans who are sick of seeing our club and team being dragged through the mud and ridiculed around the country.


    All viewpoints are welcome and the feedback on the £10 membership fee etc, and what the NUSC should be doing is brilliant. This will all be taken on board.


    I totally undertsand the people who want to hold back until they see something more concrete, but a great deal is being done in a short time, with much much more to be done. We are currebtly organising pen profiles to go onto the website so that all can see just who is involved and why.


    I would urge you all to give the NUSC the benefit of the doubt, watch what we do, how we intend to try and reperesent the fans of Newcastle United, then once you are convinced, join and help make NUSC into the biggest supporters club in the world.


    Many regards, Mal

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