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Posts posted by TCMag

  1. TC- Total Cunt


    i know you don't mean that, you're just the bloke from the documentry on BBC on thursday

    I didn't know TV had reached s*nderland- clearly the dictionary is still to hit queerside.

    Btw I meant it.


    you're a right live wire!

  2. Yes, yes, Shearer is shit, had eight games in management but who cares about that, he should be winning those eight games no doubt. 2 of those games were Chelsea and Liverpool. Don't worry, it's Alan Shearer, he was amazing on the pitch so we expect him to be just as good off the pitch and thrash both those teams, even though he didn't have any experience before them. 8 games is more than enough for a manager to realise whether he is good or not. Sounds about right.




    I'd agree with that.


    And the bit above about Shearer, too.

  3. isn't because we think we have a divine right for success. we're not glory supporters. we haven't won owt for most of our lifetimes.


    the main reason is jealousy. other fans are jealous of the fact that we have filled a 52,000 for years despite being shite. most other clubs wouldn't get the gates we've had watching such consistently bad football.


    i suspect attendences will dip now - the blessing will be that attention from bitter, jealous fans of other clubs and the media will also slump



    we've had 40k+ for the majority of the season.


    to say they're jealous of our fans is laughable. they laugh at our fans.

  4. 8 Games...




    8 games, 1 win out of 3 winnable ones. utter shite.


    dowie would do better than shearer, cheers for the memory alan but you're no manager.


    8 games, with a squad who has zero confidence and no wins in 16 odd games, yet you expected a miraculous turnaround. We were riddled with injuries, a stale midfield, and a crippled defense through injuries and suspensions. The basics weren't even important before Shearer arrived and the training was a breeze. Our strikers couldn't shoot for shit!!


    He was appointed at the time to give the supporters hope, and hope for the future, yet he's critisiced before he's really got his teeth into the job and with the immense pressure to avoid relegation.




    he said he believed there was enough quality in the squad to keep us up, he obviously never got the most out of the quality.


    whenever we lost we went out with a whimper, and our strikers still can't "shoot for shit".


    and yes, within 8 games i did expect a turn around, he was hired to keep us up. he said he believed he could do it. he didn't. he failed.


    move on alan.

  5. 8 Games...




    8 games, 1 win out of 3 winnable ones. utter shite.


    dowie would do better than shearer, cheers for the memory alan but you're no manager.

  6. the scousers were cunts

    the guy driving 10hrs to cheat on his wife also a cunt so slap it up him


    @benefit bit

    stevie theres a fair few claiming benefits here can't disagree (boils my blood and all)

    but ya can hardly tar "northern ireland" with that brush on a whole and you can't even begin to compare us with anywhere else especially england on an even keel


    fuck sake n.Ireland has a population of less than 2million... England has around 60m


    for example one place in england deals with northern Ireland child support

    the csa in northern Ireland deal with Bradford... (which i'm sure is a fairly small place in comparison to a lot cities and towns in england) but comparing Bradford to our country it would take up around 7% of the entire population.



    benefits on a whole get on my fucking wick though, i earn a pretty decent wage doing what i do compared to most people, obsv because i've worked my balls off and tried to get on.

    but even with that sort of "professional "level salary the chances of me getting a mortgage for a house somewhere semi decent here on my own is slim to none..


    where as if i had done fuck all went and knocked up some slapper i'd have a house for next to nothing and cash for fuck all..


    the wonders of the world, i've nothing against people who rightly need some help getting benefits, but people who deliberately go out of there fcking way to rip the arse out of it do my head in, especially the ones pumping out child after child when in reality they couldn't afford to bring up one on their own.


    fucking hell man, it's only a fucking joke..

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