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Posts posted by indigo

  1. So, who would you suggest, who's available and prepared to accept a very, very short-term contract?


    If they feel that someone is needed to help out with the coaching until the club's sold, and recent performances and results would suggest that is so, then what are they supposed to do?


    I get the impression that a lot of people are so bitter towards the club's current ownership that they'd prefer us to lose every game until they're gone, just so they get the opportunity to slag them off even more for the state the club's in.


    They'd get slated if they didn't do anything to try and arrest our slide down the table and here they are getting slated for trying to do just that.


    Yeah, Gerry Francis isn't the best coach in the world, but he's better than nothing and that was probably the choice available to us at the moment.


    The majority of our fans seem to have totally lost all sense of reality, it's fucking madness, totally insane the way people are behaving now.


    If he has been appointed I genuinely wish him all the best, but it doesn't stop me in the privacy of this board to unleash an "OMFG" of disappointment.


    Of course it doesn't, but that doesn't contradict anything I said either though, does it?


    When did I say that it did ?


    So the point of you saying what you said was?


    In fact don't bother answering, it's entirely irrelevant, this has already turned into a "you said..." - "I said..." thing, and I have neither the time or the inclination to get involved in one of those. I'm off out to the pub instead, that's fun, talking about NUFC isn't.


    In fact forget I even posted, it's a pointless waste of time talking about this at the moment, see you later, maybe.


    why sign up to a NUFC forum then?


    That's a good fucking question and in fact it is by far and away the most intelligent response to what I posted so far, well done trigg, I salute you.

  2. So, who would you suggest, who's available and prepared to accept a very, very short-term contract?


    If they feel that someone is needed to help out with the coaching until the club's sold, and recent performances and results would suggest that is so, then what are they supposed to do?


    I get the impression that a lot of people are so bitter towards the club's current ownership that they'd prefer us to lose every game until they're gone, just so they get the opportunity to slag them off even more for the state the club's in.


    They'd get slated if they didn't do anything to try and arrest our slide down the table and here they are getting slated for trying to do just that.


    Yeah, Gerry Francis isn't the best coach in the world, but he's better than nothing and that was probably the choice available to us at the moment.


    The majority of our fans seem to have totally lost all sense of reality, it's fucking madness, totally insane the way people are behaving now.


    Why did you feel it necessary to make this your first NUFC-related post in over a month? To be contrary?


    If you can tell me what the fuck that has to do with anything whatsoever, then perhaps I'll tell you why I posted it.

  3. So, who would you suggest, who's available and prepared to accept a very, very short-term contract?


    If they feel that someone is needed to help out with the coaching until the club's sold, and recent performances and results would suggest that is so, then what are they supposed to do?


    I get the impression that a lot of people are so bitter towards the club's current ownership that they'd prefer us to lose every game until they're gone, just so they get the opportunity to slag them off even more for the state the club's in.


    They'd get slated if they didn't do anything to try and arrest our slide down the table and here they are getting slated for trying to do just that.


    Yeah, Gerry Francis isn't the best coach in the world, but he's better than nothing and that was probably the choice available to us at the moment.


    The majority of our fans seem to have totally lost all sense of reality, it's fucking madness, totally insane the way people are behaving now.


    If he has been appointed I genuinely wish him all the best, but it doesn't stop me in the privacy of this board to unleash an "OMFG" of disappointment.


    Of course it doesn't, but that doesn't contradict anything I said either though, does it?


    When did I say that it did ?


    So the point of you saying what you said was?


    In fact don't bother answering, it's entirely irrelevant, this has already turned into a "you said..." - "I said..." thing, and I have neither the time or the inclination to get involved in one of those. I'm off out to the pub instead, that's fun, talking about NUFC isn't.


    In fact forget I even posted, it's a pointless waste of time talking about this at the moment, see you later, maybe.




    ;) haven't seen a showbiz strop in a while.


    and honestly, indigo, I don't think the reactions on here are anything like what you describe.

    We're all unimpressed by this latest stop-gap appointment and rightly so, You say he's better than nothing? I'm not entirely sure he is and we sure as shit wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for the established hierarchy. However none of us want Newcastle to lose a single game in the season.


    they could have kept Sadler, they could have installed some young coach from elsewhere, they could have done a million and one things, but they've installed Gerry fucking Francis instead.


    I'll see you later... maybe... ffs get a grip you juvenile plank.


    Yeah because it's really mature to insult someone simply because they disagree with what you think, well done you've shown yourself in a good light there, I hope you're proud of yourself, you should be as it's probably the best thing you're going to do this year.

  4. So, who would you suggest, who's available and prepared to accept a very, very short-term contract?


    If they feel that someone is needed to help out with the coaching until the club's sold, and recent performances and results would suggest that is so, then what are they supposed to do?


    I get the impression that a lot of people are so bitter towards the club's current ownership that they'd prefer us to lose every game until they're gone, just so they get the opportunity to slag them off even more for the state the club's in.


    They'd get slated if they didn't do anything to try and arrest our slide down the table and here they are getting slated for trying to do just that.


    Yeah, Gerry Francis isn't the best coach in the world, but he's better than nothing and that was probably the choice available to us at the moment.


    The majority of our fans seem to have totally lost all sense of reality, it's fucking madness, totally insane the way people are behaving now.


    If he has been appointed I genuinely wish him all the best, but it doesn't stop me in the privacy of this board to unleash an "OMFG" of disappointment.


    Of course it doesn't, but that doesn't contradict anything I said either though, does it?


    When did I say that it did ?


    So the point of you saying what you said was?


    In fact don't bother answering, it's entirely irrelevant, this has already turned into a "you said..." - "I said..." thing, and I have neither the time or the inclination to get involved in one of those. I'm off out to the pub instead, that's fun, talking about NUFC isn't.


    In fact forget I even posted, it's a pointless waste of time talking about this at the moment, see you later, maybe.

  5. So, who would you suggest, who's available and prepared to accept a very, very short-term contract?


    If they feel that someone is needed to help out with the coaching until the club's sold, and recent performances and results would suggest that is so, then what are they supposed to do?


    I get the impression that a lot of people are so bitter towards the club's current ownership that they'd prefer us to lose every game until they're gone, just so they get the opportunity to slag them off even more for the state the club's in.


    They'd get slated if they didn't do anything to try and arrest our slide down the table and here they are getting slated for trying to do just that.


    Yeah, Gerry Francis isn't the best coach in the world, but he's better than nothing and that was probably the choice available to us at the moment.


    The majority of our fans seem to have totally lost all sense of reality, it's fucking madness, totally insane the way people are behaving now.


    If he has been appointed I genuinely wish him all the best, but it doesn't stop me in the privacy of this board to unleash an "OMFG" of disappointment.


    Of course it doesn't, but that doesn't contradict anything I said either though, does it?

  6. So, who would you suggest, who's available and prepared to accept a very, very short-term contract?


    If they feel that someone is needed to help out with the coaching until the club's sold, and recent performances and results would suggest that is so, then what are they supposed to do?


    I get the impression that a lot of people are so bitter towards the club's current ownership that they'd prefer us to lose every game until they're gone, just so they get the opportunity to slag them off even more for the state the club's in.


    They'd get slated if they didn't do anything to try and arrest our slide down the table and here they are getting slated for trying to do just that.


    Yeah, Gerry Francis isn't the best coach in the world, but he's better than nothing and that was probably the choice available to us at the moment.


    The majority of our fans seem to have totally lost all sense of reality, it's fucking madness, totally insane the way people are behaving now.

  7. Fucking art :lol:


    Why on earth do they need £200k to amke his head from frozen blood?


    The country is crying out for blood donors as it is they want to fucking waste it on that? Fucking jumped up wankers, fucking art my arse the poncey twats. Why cant this silly twat make it himself and stump up a) his own blood and b.) the cash?



    Erm, it is his own blood and they're not funding him to make it, he made it in 2006 and they're buying from the current owners. It didn't cost £350k to make that's just the price it'll cost them to buy it when it's sold, or in other words the market price for this particular piece of art. It doesn't cost £15m to make an Alan Shearer, or £16m to make a Michael Owen, those are simply the fees set by the market at the time - well maybe not the Owen one, but anyway.


    That Kate Moss thing is shite like.

  8. Apparently Robinho's on £6m a year after tax which is £115k a week after tax.


    Wasn't that Euros?


    I was of the belief it was in ££££s seeing as thats UK currency.




    You don't say. <_<


    Might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I heard that bloke on SSN give the fee and the wages in Euros, for no apparent reason.

    Aye, was euros


    42mil euro fee 6mil euros a year wage


    I stand corrected. Mon apologias.


    No worries, it was strange thing for him to do, must have wanted to come across as all suave and continental.

  9. Apparently Robinho's on £6m a year after tax which is £115k a week after tax.


    Wasn't that Euros?


    I was of the belief it was in ££££s seeing as thats UK currency.




    You don't say. <_<


    Might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I heard that bloke on SSN give the fee and the wages in Euros, for no apparent reason.

  10. Cunt reporting for duty. :D


    I'm happy to explain why you've been banned... ...oh look you've figured it out.



    Shit, I think i've just cracked it ;) A couple of weeks back I gave frigging Stevie my log in details for the Watford forum......which happens to be identical to NO.



  11. 1 Just been permanently banned from Newcastle Online

    2 Asked for account to be deleted but they've settled on permanent ban

    3 It's against the rules of the board to expose people when they're as two faced as three or four of them are

    4 Watching Barcelona highlights now and I'm delighted they've thrown the title away cos of their arrogance

    5 Never drinking Stella and red wine again


    1 Not surprised that Stevie's spouting bollocks again.

    2 Wondering if he knows that he's gone off on one with only half the "facts" of the situation.

    3 Amazed at the hypocrisy of him calling other people two-faced when that's exactly what he has been.

    4 Disappointed because underneath all the parochial bollocks he comes out with I actually thought he might be a good lad.

    5 Thinking: "Yeah right, it's not like you've not said that before!!" about his number 5.


    Ladies can we not go into this on here, the last thing we want is a N-O bitchfest kicking off.





    Don't worry, that was my first and last comment on the matter, nothing more to say really.

  12. 1 Just been permanently banned from Newcastle Online

    2 Asked for account to be deleted but they've settled on permanent ban

    3 It's against the rules of the board to expose people when they're as two faced as three or four of them are

    4 Watching Barcelona highlights now and I'm delighted they've thrown the title away cos of their arrogance

    5 Never drinking Stella and red wine again


    1 Not surprised that Stevie's spouting bollocks again.

    2 Wondering if he knows that he's gone off on one with only half the "facts" of the situation.

    3 Amazed at the hypocrisy of him calling other people two-faced when that's exactly what he has been.

    4 Disappointed because underneath all the parochial bollocks he comes out with I actually thought he might be a good lad.

    5 Thinking: "Yeah right, it's not like you've not said that before!!" about his number 5.

  13. Narcism.


    (which the Germans misunderstood and made nazism out of).


    Didn't Narcissus give the world Narcissism?


    He was a Greek.

    Pedant alert. Are my lot allowed to claim the invention of Nazism at least? :lol:


    I was hoping you'd appreciate efficiency and precision of my answer. ;)

  14. Ronin, was alreet.


    No it isn't.




    Why do you dislike it?


    I absolutely hate it, it's complete and utter shite of the lowest order.


    A small selection of the reasons why I hate it:


    - Massive gaping plot holes.

    - Ridiculous storyline.

    - Shockingly bad acting.

    - Rubbish dialogue.

    - Sean Bean.

    - Sean Bean.

    - Excessively long car chase.

    - Poor cinematography.

    - Lame special effects.

    - No basis in reality.

    - Sean Bean.

    - Loads of other stuff

    - Sean Bean.


    It's shit.

  15. Do you think across here suggests that he's from a continental European side?



    From the north-west probably.


    Heinze can't get a game for ManU, but they don't want to let him go and he doesn't want to leave the club.


    [/wishful thinking]


    Maybe not!!


    I put Heinze into google to see if I'd spelled it right and look what came up:





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