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Everything posted by Phil

  1. sounds like you synced your entire mailbox after the upgrade.
  2. Seems the pessimists are unable to finish their half eaten humble pie.
  3. Our defense is woeful, but so is theirs. This game will be won in midfield. Hopefully Ben Afra will step up.
  4. Anyone see him and Balls buying sausage rolls at greggs....
  5. The big benefit for me will be the introduction of a transferable tax allowance.
  6. In your industry adwords will pay for themself (deposits etc). Go for just typo's if you proper skint. I'm pretty sure Google still give £50 credit for each new account, so you can have a try for free. Sites with keywords in the URL always rank high, so setting up a few of them would help. I would advise setting them up as separate sites, then post a few questions (with the link) in the photography / Newcastle section of yahoo answer. After around four weeks add a link on them to a page on your main site that has the same keyword in the page title and folder structure. Also, make sure the keyword is in an <h1> tag. Also, if you haven't already done it, you should also register the business with Google so it appears on the map. Make sure you get a few friends to write a review as affects where you are placed. if you setup a few micro sites, register them as well. I'd also recommend setting up a facebook page just for your wedding stuff and offer a discount for 50+ likes. Google are definitely tracking facebook-like trends and will soon be using them. I started my company on a shoe string budget overdraft, if things are really tight I'd sack off all the internet stuff and do some guerrilla marketing at the wedding fayres. There's plenty of ways to get your business card out there without paying for it. Look for any of the stalls with carrier bags and ask if you can drop your card in them.
  7. It wont affect us, Ashley has us paying for players upfront so he wouldn't incur needless interest. It really depends what interest is payable for deferring payments. If it's below 10%, some clubs will be doing it as debt management.
  8. you know that can't happen right?
  9. The 1's get stuck in the blue pipe again?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8kOQ2zvBfU&feature=player_embedded#!
  11. Along side Darren Peacock, keep up.
  12. Same here, Cattermole drops to number two.
  13. Arry seems like the only English choice, but i'm concerned he'd try and wedge his nephew fat Frank Lampard back into the side.
  14. Just got an extra 8GB of RAM and a new media case, mainly for the hot swappable drive bays. I really wanted to get another HD, but gonna hold out for the price to drop.
  15. Yeah, NitroTV will let up install and update XBMC on the fly. Vista also supports SMB, so the rest is easy and can be done via the remote.
  16. They are pretty easy to hack and there's lots of guides online. You basically plug it into a PC and it shows up as hard drive. Then within iTunes you run a restore of a hacked OS. The guide i used also included running a few extra lines of code to install nitroTV, which enabled everything else to be done via the TV/remote. I vaguely remember having issue getting Windows to detect it and had to plug the power cable in until the lights flashed (they do that during a reboot). £15 isnt much extra to have the hacked os installed. Windows 7 is SMB compliant, which means you just need to share out a folder and add the details to XBMC. You use network shares to stream content, so its really easy to do and you'll probably setup several to use in rule filters (movies, tv, music etc..). Apps' (or addons as they are called in XBMC) can be installed via a network share. just double click on the zip file and it installs it for you. Although XBMC comes with a large list of approved addon, which can be added via the remote. Picture quality is 720p and below. I have no issue stream this via the web or locally. Apple TV 2 doesnt support 1080p.
  17. I dont have a PS3, so not sure what it can do. Is there anything in particular you hand in mind? The Apple TV 2 is really just used for streaming content. tbh, I really dont use the Apple software it comes with, so have no idea if its good or bad. I'm pretty sure most of the Apple TV's have been bought to run the lightweight version of XBMC (which a top end media player). Once this is installed you can do pretty much everything the XBMC can do. Again it's main use is to stream content from other PC's or via the internet. I'd only suggest getting one if you knew about XBMC or downloaded a lot of TV/Movies to a file share.
  18. I've got an apple tv 2 with XBMC installed. I've never used the Apple side, just go straight into XBMC. It does everything you'd expect. Stream footy (there are much better sites than LOF), 720p, Icefilms etc... Anything in particular you wanted to know?
  19. I thought it was odd to sub him at half time.
  20. definitely. him and guthrie have been top notch replacements for the first choice in centre mid. one of our strongest areas of the pitch today, centre mid and probably the reason we edged the result. Perch has been ok. But we've been playing far too many long balls in Tiote's absence.
  21. indeed. So why were we interested in this player ? Because we a dangerously light on defenders and he was seen as a stopgap until the summer when we have a sniff of getting the player we actually want, who presumably will be a first choice centre half. The problem occurred because Watford's valuation of the stop gap was too high. If the budget is £8m for defensive cover then paying £3m is not leaving a lot for a first choice defender is it? Filling the squad with unsellable, ordinary players is not going to do anyone any good. That was my understanding aswell. Pardew said in an interview it was now or never for the lad, as we'd look elsewhere in the summer. I think if we'd have bought him. We wouldnt have recruited a CB in the summer, so i'm not fussed we missed out.
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