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Everything posted by ArmleyWhite

  1. F**k me what is it they put in the air in Geordieland that makes you all so deluded? The big club quotes you hear from your lot are cracking. Newcastle United From a small town in Scotland Can also be referred to as 'Deluded f*ckwits', 'Barcodes', 'Mags', 'Cartoon Army' or 'Geordies' See Delusioned Can usually be summed up in one question; 'Have you ever seen a Geordie lift a cup?' Or a song/chant; 'This is what it's like to be a Geordie, This is what it's like to be small.. This is what it's like when your team wins nothing at all Nothing at all Nothing at all...' I'm sure the press will w*nk themselves into a frenzy next year when the greatest fans in the world all turn out in their new replica shirts. Greatest fans in the world my f*kin a*se. Sit back and watch on and we will show you how its done.
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