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Posts posted by south_cheshire_toon

  1. On 04/07/2019 at 20:13, raz1996 said:

    My name is Ryan and I am currently studying at Cardiff University. During the summer months of 2019, I have to complete a dissertation. For this I have decided to research how football supporters travel to football games. As a result of this I have produced a survey on the matter and will be extremely grateful if you can complete it for me. It will take less than 5 minutes. 

    Here is the link 
    https://4eyes.io/s/79B6Z/ and thanks for your time


    Am unable to do the survey as all of the questions require an answer, but i don't go to home games, only away ones.


    Perhaps i'll put some dud info in.


    A better example will be sunderland. Di Canio saw a struggling side and made wholesale changes to it. The existing team, while poor, could have been tweaked with one or two new signings and finish 14th instead of 16th, then a few more improvements and so on and so forth. What they've done is throw the baby out with the bathwater.


    the mackems will be in trouble, mark my words


    What we needed was Mbiwa, Sissoko, Debuchy, Gouffran and A.N.Other last Summer, Maybe Anita and Remy at Xmas. I'd have moved heaven and earth to sign Aubemeyang before major clubs became serious with their interest. Picked up Douglas too. This summer get Gomis, a right back and fluff out the squad elsewhere.


    This season we could have had the following squad















    Ben Arfa
















    That's a European adventure


    As always ( not in jest ), a genius reply. top marks.

  3. OK, so the lack of signing has created a host of posts from people saying all sorts of shit about Ashley, Ambition, Pardew, Kinear and the rest.


    Question I have is ‘Isn’t is best that we don’t, year in, year out, sign a shed load of players?’


    – with the simple fact being that you’d want your players to evolve together and form a good coherent team and then from this the team should perform better and thus progress.


    I know that players only have a certain shelf life and need to be replace as and when needed.


    An example of doing things the wrong way, if you take Liverpool as an example, they, from when Houilier took over and ever manager since, has signed on average, 7 to 9 players each season, and because of the lack of bonding, the team didn’t perform and hence their shite position in the league,


    The owner says we must do better, so manager sacked, and the wheel goes full circle and the next manager does the same.


    It doesn’t take a genius to work out you can’t carry on working like that forever if you want things to improve.


    It’s this situation, I feel the club doesn’t want to get itself into, I mean, I read that at Liverpool, Voridin ? a slacky striker, was paid £60k a week, yet only played a few times, Downing the same and Henderson is on even more.


    So in a way the club has to think about the bigger picture, it has to come up with a business plan and stick to it.


    Problem is that this ‘plan’ will never be shown to the outside world – so the supporters feel as though they are being let down.


    Thoughts ?

  4. Films watched recently on a flight to San Francisco :-


    Skyfall - 10/10

    Super 8 - 8/10

    7 Psychopaths - 9/10

    Argo - 8/10



    And on the flight back :-


    Rise of the guardians - 9.5/10 - best animation ever seen.

    Cloud Atlas - 7/10


    Did start to watch Django Unchained - (about 30 mins - til the pillow over the heads scene - very funny) - 10/10.

  5. There are too many variables to mention to even start getting worried about whether or not we will stay up or go down.


    As I have said all along - i think Wigan will go down - the thought of the FA Cup must now start to be entering their tiny minds, BUT one thing I did notice was that we could stay up even if we lost both the remaining matches, as I think Norwich are in big trouble, a home game against WBA and then away at City, who'll be looking at cementing their position in 2nd for the CL next season.


    We'll know, or have an idea as to what's required after the game this week, as Chelsea play Spurs on Wed, so that will have a bearing on the City game.


    So if they lose both by 2 goals, and we lose by 1, then bye bye Chris.


    Keeping it toon,



  6. http://www1.skysport...and-over-future




    Am I missing something here or is the Sky Sports journo not the best at maths? They're 6 points above Wigan who have 15 points left to play for compared to their (and our) 12.


    I think, like myself they can't see wigan actually winning all of their remaining games, at most 6 points, 1 win + 3 draws etc, so the extra point for the shite give them 7 points over wigan, which will be 2 wins and a draw or more, which i can't see them doing.


    Also as well, checking last years money, there is @800k difference per place, so neither WBA (8th) or Swansea (9th) can make the europe places, but they are close enough to the scouse scum to make those places be worth @ 2.5m if they go upto 6th - so those games won't be a push over for Wigan.


    The london scum and the Arsebandital are fighting for the champions league places, so that only leave villa and by then it could (and will) be all over.


    Keeping it toon,



  7. Since CT couldn't work out the "as it stands" table...






    There is a thought running though my mind at present :-


    IF Villa won tonight, the psychological pressure on Wigan would be very great, as they would be 6 points (2 wins minimum) to make up.

    THIS, placed with the fact that their last 5 games are played in 15 days, NOTE between Swansea and Arsenal (both mid-week games) is the FA CUP final, and as we know, minds can go elsewhere in the run up to it.


    Also if Villa lost, the fact of the 5 games in 15 days would still make them fav's to go down.


    Of our remaining games, I have us winning 2 (Liverpool and QPR) and drawing to the other two (West Ham and Arsenal).


    If we (and it was my first game of the season on sat) played like we did in the first half for every game remaining then I can see us getting the points required.


    Keeping it toon.


  8. So, after the debarcle of the derby day defeat, much was made of the fact that we had only played on the thursday before - just 2 and 1/2 days since the previous game, whereas the shite had a full week of 'rest'.


    Considering we have now had a week of rest (well 6 days), would that be considered to be long enough to recharge the batteries as they say, and also then taking into account WBA haven't played since the 6th, which will be 14 days ish.


    I know that team train on a regular basis but the effort put in at these session isn't half what happens in a real game.


    So is there an optimum period ? as they say the on a run upto a international break and then the team comes back a fall flat on it's face.


    Do you think the 14 days or so that the baggies has had off is a good or a bad thing ?


    Personally I think it's a good thing for us, as I seen often teams be sluggish on their return from a long break.


    Thoughts ?

  9. I have to say looking at the youtube clip or whatever it was, I am well impressed with the serivces, on how quickly they got there, the guy in the army uniform, looks like he's used to it, going in there ripping out the fencing to gain access etc, also at the end you can see all of the services in the one area - quite impressive - considering that this is something that people have only been trained for and perhaps not actually done in the real world.


    I can't say how much I'm impressed with those people - solid stuff.

  10. I know that some people on here are nervious about the situation and seeing where the points are to come from, but it for the teams below to gain the points, and from looking at Wigan's and Sunderland's fixtures, i would find it hard to see either of them getting more points than us.

    It may be down to the QPR game, and that's late, but i can see it being over (as in staying up) before then.

  11. Im off to Miami on Monday and then Orlando with a trip to the everglades in between.




    We stopped over a few days last year after a cruise around the carribean, stopped in Fort Lauderdale near the Galeria Mall, very cool and nice.

    Did a everglades tour as well, very good.


    Some links :-


    Blue Martini bar near the mall




    Boat tour link




    Was in some doubt about this tour as am not a follower of those that stick their hands in the croc's mouths etc - but these guys were great.


    Have a great time - you'll love it.

  12. With the Wigan game approaching, I'm looking at my yearly away game, and this time don't want to go alone, as my accent put me at odds with those from the north.


    So the question is 'Does anyone know if there are supporters clubs / branches outside or away from the Newcastle area ?'


    If anyone does know then please reply with details





  13. All pretty decent... one thing I'd recommend is embedding them properly so they are full size and I don't need to click each one to view it at a size suitable ;)


    I would say these courses are always going to teach you the basics, so you're never going to post something that blows anyone away... however there are some nice touches that should you use them regularly will help you become more creative and get some nice shots.


    Firstly I'd say you've balanced your exposure nicely so the sky is still blue and the buildings well lit... always keeping the colour in the sky is a great way to make an image look good. If it's a complete blank white nothingness it looks shit... you'll learn over time getting it right all the time is hard and something I fuck up quite a bit still :D


    Secondly the use of reflections and lines is a great tool and you used it well in some of these pics. Especially the one where it's only the reflection in shot, but 2nd bottom is also very nice.


    I can tell they've got you to play around with apertures on this shoot and again this is a key aspect of photography... you've used it well I think in these shots.


    The main thing now is to remember what you learnt and get out there at every opportunity to practice. I often got up early on a Sunday and drove in to Newcastle, or went to the river near mine to practice things like shooting with a shallow DOF, or doing some street photography, so set yourself little challenges and think 'ok on the course we learnt about reflections and it's been raining so I'm off out to get this type of shot'... that way you have a purpose for shooting and it helps hone that skill. Same with DOF and the like.


    If you have friends who have kids then go shoot them (if the parents are ok with that)... they get some pics and you get to practice on a different subject, and just things like that.


    Seems like the course / class was worth while though based on these pics :)



    Andy - TBH - I'm quite blown away with what you have said - Thanks. (Honestly meant).


    So, how to post the full picture, as you can see I'm using photobucket at present - so any help would be great as I'd like to post the full picture.


    Second, someone at work asked what was the course like - and i replied - well for what he did was done in 5 minutes - basically, as you have pointed out, go into manual mode, set the shutter speed to 1/100, set the ISO to 200 and then alter the F stop so the picture is balanced, but he was helpful by pointing out 'views' like the reflections / colour contrast etc.


    But all in all - it was a very good day out.

  14. OK, so shown below are some of (what I think) are the better pictures taken from my 'photo course' from saturday.

    Basic gist - was turn up at the Lowry centre in Manchester and take pictures.


    As normal - let me know what you think.
































  15. Not bad but needs a load of cropping IMO. I'd take a load off the right and some off the top. At the moment there's too much dead space and he gets a little lost in the image. Crop a load off the right and top and there'd be a little dead space still but he'd be much more the focal point of the image and then people will start to wonder what he's looking at... at the moment it looks like he's looking at nothing because we can see some much to that side


    Good points.


    One thing I forgot to say, and unless mentioned will be the same on all of my pictures - is that they are as they are taken, as currently I have no way of tweaking colours or cropping - but in saying this i did crop the one posted about the deer - i post both of them next - when i get chance.

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