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Posts posted by dionysus

  1. and your fucking shit.


    after all the fucking gloating about our fluke against villa, carroll being shite, you shite bastards got what was coming. embarrassed? hahahahah


    If you look through this thread you will find that I have not been anything but complementary about Newcastle. I think Carroll is a top player that should be involved in the England setup. We were second best all over the pitch yesterday and we didnt even show up really. Fair play.


    But my comment still stands about the SOL atmosphere when we beat you lot 2-1 matching yesterdays.

  2. 700 OB on duty yesterday, and walking past them on Barrack Road, there was about 30 of them smart as fuck lasses, I thought to mesel what yee ganna dee if it kicks off like? Get ya tits oot to calm the crowds. SEVEN HUNDRED, am sorry like but that is way over the top when you consider there was only 70 policing Aston Villa v Birmingham City. The toon shouldn't have to pay all that Old Bill bill.


    I'm not one to say I told you so with regards to the game, but I did. We'll beat them at the SOS too where the atmosphere is never as good as it was yesterday for the most part. Thought we should've ripped it out of them even more at 5-0 though, but to be fair there was only about 800 of them left :angry: They looked so so so miserable, and even at 0-0 they didn't contribute to the atmosphere, anyone that rates their support as highly as ours, I'm not on about numerically which isn't even an issue, but vocally, is a tool.


    Have you been to a derby at SOL? I was at the game when we beat you lot 2-1 and can guarantee we matched your atmosphere yesterday.






    your mature

  3. 700 OB on duty yesterday, and walking past them on Barrack Road, there was about 30 of them smart as fuck lasses, I thought to mesel what yee ganna dee if it kicks off like? Get ya tits oot to calm the crowds. SEVEN HUNDRED, am sorry like but that is way over the top when you consider there was only 70 policing Aston Villa v Birmingham City. The toon shouldn't have to pay all that Old Bill bill.


    I'm not one to say I told you so with regards to the game, but I did. We'll beat them at the SOS too where the atmosphere is never as good as it was yesterday for the most part. Thought we should've ripped it out of them even more at 5-0 though, but to be fair there was only about 800 of them left :angry: They looked so so so miserable, and even at 0-0 they didn't contribute to the atmosphere, anyone that rates their support as highly as ours, I'm not on about numerically which isn't even an issue, but vocally, is a tool.


    Have you been to a derby at SOL? I was at the game when we beat you lot 2-1 and can guarantee we matched your atmosphere yesterday.

  4. fair play to the toon yesterday....you played well and we just didn't turn up. Can't put my finger on how we can play so well against man u, arsenal, liverpool etc and then play so poor against you lot!


    Have to admit its the lowest i've felt as a sunderland supporter in all my 28 years. Not just because of the scoreline but the manor in which we played.

  5. Got a shared doc we're trying to open and get the error:


    "The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time. "


    Tried decompiling....get the same error.


    Tried "compact & repair"....get the same error.


    Microsoft help says....


    To resolve this problem, do not allow Null values, or establish a default value on the fields with a bit data type. To do so, follow these steps:


    NOTE: To perform this procedure, you must have the appropriate permissions to modify database objects (db_ddladmin or db_owner).


    1. Start SQL Server Enterprise Manager, and then locate the server where the database is located.

    2. Expand the Databases folder, double-click the database name, and then click Tables.

    3. In the right pane of SQL Server Manager, right-click the table where the field with a bit data type is located, and then click Design Table.

    4. Under Default Value, type either 0 (zero) or 1.


    NOTE: To disallow Null values, clear the appropriate Allow Nulls check box.




    But i wouldn't know if i've got SQL Server Enterprise Manager. Is it standard?




    Dont know if this is still a problem but SQL Server is not a home user software package. Its used by IT professionals on a server environment.


    If your sitting at home and using MS Access or something, then your best bet is restoring from a backup on your computer. (if you have one)

  6. Sunderland and Stoke City are fairly similar in ability but play different football. This year Sunderland have gone forward and Stoke have gone the other way.


    I would say we are better than them now but not last season.


    I'd say you were fairly comparable tbh.

    Aye both boring as fuck and will never come in the top 8. I'll have a £200 bet with any mackem that Newcastle will be in the top 8 before Sunderland are.


    I'd say we're on an equal footing with both them Stevie perhaps slightly below the pair of them which is why I reckon the pressure's on the Mackems this weekend. They have the bigger reputation to live up to.


    Yep agreed. Newcastle go into the games as underdogs really considering you have just been promoted. But thats not a good thing for us.

  7. Sunderland do have a much better side than when we beat you last. Saying that, I think Newcastle have more metal in their side now too. Past results mean nothing on sunday, its all about whats happening now.


    We have shit away form and you have shit home form. Draw is the likely result but I do think both teams could also win.

  8. Both teams' respective creative strengths/flanks have the potential to cancel each other out. Enrique is the most physically imposing fullback that Mohamady will face, certainly up to this stage of the campaign. The said winger earned alot of plaudits against Man City, but his opposition was a played out-of-position centrehalve in Lescott. In addition Mohamady touch on the ball seems heavy, they's have one heck mof a player if his close control rivalled his pace & ability to drop his shoulder [riding a challenge] into his man. Mohamady isn't going to physically overwhelm Enrique by dropping his shoulder & blowing past him, and heavy touches on the ball will be swallowed up Enrique.


    You could could offer a similar argument re: Onuoha, with regards to any negating effect on Jonas' potential contribution and the said player is top defensive prospect imo. And both widewen [Jonas & Mohamady] do track back, and offer a semblance of physical presence to compliment their workrate/defensive application.


    Our biggest concern defensively is Henderson's passing range, his eye for a killer ball. And Bent is due for a goal from open play, and contrary to Ashleysskidmarks esteemed opinion the said player is far from being 'shit'. Collo and Williamson's collective weakness [as a central pairing] is the piercing/direct ball through the middle. As such this derby could be the making of the young lad, in local folklore that is - before any sort of significance pertaining to his mooted in-demand status among the current top 4 is take into consideration.


    I'd be starting Campbell [ahead of Williamson] because: *he's still the best athlete of the three available centrehalves, and us such would dampen the aforementioned weakness that Collocini/Williamson both offer as a pairing. *and over a decade's worth of experience in heated derby games. We don't need 'stargazers' in the heart of the defense in this one, or somebody who might soak up the occasion too much & subsequently get rattled.


    Henderson, despite his forward going endeavour, is still naive defensively and his workrate [or lack of] in the transition passing game is Sunderland's archille's heel in the engine room. Despite him showing so far that he is very efficient & very good deep playing link-up man this is one game i'd expect [or hope for that is] Tiote to put in a more balanced performance between the boxes, with more forward runs. There's room behind Cattermole & Henderson to be exploited, it's there for the taking. Ben Arfa would've torn them shreds. It will be tight, this is Sunderlands best performed back four to visit in many seasons. With that said Tiote [any potential go-foward from him] and Nolan's propensity to be a fox-in-hole type of poacher are the keys to a one goal win.


    Good analysis of both teams. I think its going to be a good tight game....not long now!


    Come on the mackems ;)

  9. I have it and the offline is very good.


    Online is frustrating as hell. If your on the worst team then usually there is a mortar on the spawn point.....then your fecked.


    Its a cross between battlefield bad company and COD MW2. Personally I would wait for blackops.

  10. A reign stretching decade and a half and not a single player from Leazes' man's regime makes the team :D

    There should be though, Shearer has to be in any premier league dream team, I'd also have Ashley Cole in over Evra tbh


    I would agree with that.


    I think young Gareth Bale is going to be one challenging for that spot over the next few seasons. He has been superb so far but there is a long way to go.

  11. To personify all Sunderland fans with "they" and not look at the individual is a little small minded. I am sure you will admit that even some Newcastle supporters can be less than friendly. Most Sunderland fans (if we are honest) are just glad to be playing the derby game again. Its a very special game and one that doesn't get enough credit nationally. Its good for the North East's revenue and shows those southerners how to go on.


    The game will be a closely contested one with some key battles on the pitch.


    Sunderland Strengths

    - We have youth and fitness on our side. Our midfield lads just keep running and closing down

    - Darren Bent for Obvious reasons

    - how you lot cope with Elmohammady because most of our play comes from the right hand side

    - Our defence is rock solid this season and we go into it with 3 successive clean sheets


    Newcastle Strenths (Although you will be able to tell me better)

    - Andy Carroll's aerial threat

    - Nolan and his runs into the box

    - Enrique and how much he can get forward

    - Barton and his ever growing form


    Not doing a lot there to illustrate that literacy levels are what they should be. :D


    Personify is a legitimate word in the English dictionary, meaning "Attribute a personal nature or human characteristics to".


    Thanks to the moderator who reinstated my account. I am only here to talk about football and not slag anyone off.


    Anyway, back on to football matters...


    Someone mentioned that your right hand side is the weak point and I would agree. But your strongest side is our strongest side. We usually play Welbeck on the left, who considers himself as a striker and hasn't really done a lot. If Richardson is fit then he might slot in at left back and make things a little more interesting.


    Evra is a brilliant left back and Elmo gave him a rough time.


    I work with a bunch of you lot past the tyne tunnel every day so I will be getting some stick if you lot turn us over :rimshot:

  12. To personify all Sunderland fans with "they" and not look at the individual is a little small minded. I am sure you will admit that even some Newcastle supporters can be less than friendly. Most Sunderland fans (if we are honest) are just glad to be playing the derby game again. Its a very special game and one that doesn't get enough credit nationally. Its good for the North East's revenue and shows those southerners how to go on.


    The game will be a closely contested one with some key battles on the pitch.


    Sunderland Strengths

    - We have youth and fitness on our side. Our midfield lads just keep running and closing down

    - Darren Bent for Obvious reasons

    - how you lot cope with Elmohammady because most of our play comes from the right hand side

    - Our defence is rock solid this season and we go into it with 3 successive clean sheets


    Newcastle Strenths (Although you will be able to tell me better)

    - Andy Carroll's aerial threat

    - Nolan and his runs into the box

    - Enrique and how much he can get forward

    - Barton and his ever growing form

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