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Everything posted by Bonamental

  1. I think that's what has attracted me to it. Too many games these days seem (to me at least) to be all dark or gothic or whatever. Nice bit of blue skies etc
  2. Nice to see things in general stay the same
  3. Absolutely shit. Out last night till 5, dragged to Kingston by work people which is a nightmare to get home from. Spent ages in the freezing cold trying to get a taxi, which cost a ridiculous amount. Plus the girl I'm crazy about couldn't do much more to avoid me and then when trying to get her home had a massive go at me. She possibly got off with my best mate in the office afterwards as well. So add that to the wallet shrinking, completely writing off a day of a long weekend I feel fucking great. .....Who has just this second sent me quite a long apology and I've just slightly melted. Women.
  4. Never played any Bioshock games, but the ad looks great. Slightly like Borderlands/Fallout to play?
  5. Welcome to the punch. Bit boring really. Not worth checking out.
  6. This Assassins' Creed 4 malarkey. I got an email from (I think) Game promoting it, with release dates for PS3 and XBox, but also saying release dates for next gen consoles tba. Really? Did they put titles like that on both ps2 and ps3/xbox and xbox 360 when those came out? I honestly can't remember. Would have thought Sony would be putting as much pressure as they could on the likes of Ubisoft and I guess Rockstar for GTAV to only release them on next gen consoles to drive sales.
  7. Only just got in from work, bastard m25, no radio commentary, is it as shit as the stats on the BBC suggest? Are we playing Ben Arfa up front or Sissoko?
  8. Apart from that, is it any good? Is it basically the same game as before but with the new Dante and the different weapons on the shoulder buttons?
  9. BBC4 are showing this starting I think this Wednesday at 10. Unfortunately that probably means they will show the first series, people will get turned off it and it will disappear.
  10. That's exactly what I did today. And I don't have the excuse of working night shifts either.
  11. Only seen Argo and Life of Pi out of those. Argo was very good, enjoyed it more than Life of Pi. Arbitrage and Flight look like they might be ok.
  12. Big bloke was checking his phone quite a lot during the film, so was lighting up a lot. Then it rang and he answered, but tbf after "hello" I couldn't hear him. Some other guy took exception, went over jabbing his finger at him, then went off to get some members of staff who came in and had a word. When the film ended the guy with the phone went straight over to the guy who complained and stared shoving etc, but never actually descended into a proper fight. Was more annoying this morning in Life of Pi, three old people in front of me talking and "ooohing" and "aaaahing" through a lot of it.
  13. Feeling so tired now. Not been in the gym for a couple of weeks with being ill and then working in London and not getting back till late. Back in on Thursday but without a run, so today tried a run. Couldn't get past 4k, and it was a slooooow 4k. Felt like a massive effort the whole way. Hate being ill when you've built up a head of steam in the gym, just seems to destroy any small amount of fitness I've built up. Not dropped my weights from when I put them up just before being ill though, so happy with that, although felt a bit sick at the end!
  14. Watched the new Die Hard last night. Its not a Die Hard film. The fight that almost broke out in the cinema when some guy was on his phone would have been more entertaining. Then went to see Life of Pi in 3D this morning (listings suggested it was on its way out, so wanted to catch it before it disappeared). Looks awesome, and is pretty close to what I remember the book being. From my very basic knowledge of film, I thought Ang Lee did really well with it.
  15. Love this song, and Joe Bonamassa just played it on his Planet Rock show. Awesome.
  16. Never seen it, that's the funeral one with Michael C Hall in isn't it? What kinda show was it? Straight drama, bit of comedy, what?
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