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Posts posted by safcforever

  1. 1 hour ago, GrahamTaylor5 said:

    My brother is married to a Mackem and I enjoy taking the piss and I also enjoy her family taking the piss. It is funny and the real fun behind a local rivalry.  


    I cannot imagine 'hating' a football club or a bunch of people, let alone a bunch of people for the team they enjoy, or suffer,  watching. 


    It is just bizarre. 


    I put Sunderland till I die on our of curiosity and ended up glued to it. It was just nuts. I have recommended it to friends who don't have any interest because it is about Sunderland and they 'don't care' about them. I have tried to explain that it is fascinating car crash TV but they don't bite haha. I would have been gutted if it had been about NUFC under the Ashley era and I imagine some of the things that went on were probably equally as painful to observe. 

    Thanks for the view

  2. 3 hours ago, GrahamTaylor5 said:

    I wonder what these people are like to meet in real life. It has nothing to do with them being Mackems either. It reminds me of the IT bloke off The Office. I didn't think people like that actually existed. I don't think I would be able to talk to someone like this without laughing at them. Unless they only save their tales for Internet forums.

    Come on man, nobody acts like that really

  3. 18 hours ago, Gemmill said:

    Didn't they want shot of Mowbray though? And today they're chanting his name?! Or am I just wrong about that?

    There’s always a small amount of fans that don’t like the current manager. most fans wanted him to stay. 

    • Like 1
  4. On 16/12/2023 at 02:16, Renton said:

    Sounds like you're turning against your owners marra.

    Still, never mind, you've hired a top up and coming manager in *** checks notes*** Ian Beale so..... Oh.

    The owners are who they are, no amount of shouting at shops will change that 😉 

    • Jaysus... 1
  5. 14 hours ago, Dr Gloom said:

    Why did they sack Mowbray? He got them to the playoffs last season 

    No idea. We’re a young team and finally have a decent structure, even if it is early days in that process. 
    Maybe he spoke up too much to the people in charge. Who knows 

  6. 4 hours ago, Andrew said:

    The group of death proved to be so in the end. Shame that we haven't been able to go further but we acquitted ourselves very well imo.

    Dortmund had our number but we gave both Milan and PSG a tough time home and away. You could look at that shite decision against PSG or Miggy missing tonight etc. It is a game of very fine margins at the top level.


    We're not getting any luck this season and our players are clearly exhausted considering that we've lost the ability to make any subs for several weeks. Its not just resulting in injuries but you can see the level of play drop too, tired passes, tired runs, tired brains making uncharacteristic mistakes. 

    We're better for having had this experience though and we've still got two cups and a very competitive league to play in so the players aren't getting a break any time soon :lol:

    You had a great start to the group. Like someone else said, your time is coming and while it was good for you to be back there, maybe an other season or 2 and you’ll be in a much stronger position to have a good run at it 

    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, Dazzler said:

    Nowt sadder than a pair of these bad boys getting a good swilling with sewage water:


    Lonsdale Benn Mens Trainers

    haven’t wore a pair of them in years, now that Ashley doesn’t own you lot I might pick some up as a Christmas present to myself 

  8. On 07/12/2023 at 07:53, Dazzler said:

    Barton is a complete prick, always was and was never more than a bang average player for us. Gets more props than he deserves because he's continued to wind up mackems long after he left. Personally, I always found his mackem baiting pathetic and desperate, but the knuckle draggers of our fan base have wanked incessantly over it for years.


    Him having a problem with female pundits (most of whom I've found to be more balanced, articulate and knowledgeable than half the ageing wank stains they continue to wheel out) is no surprise though. He probably feels as though his next step to stay relevant is to get on MNF but the lasses are stealing work from him.


    Also him defending his cunt of a brother is no surprise. He's a scum bag same as his skin head crank of a brother.



    It doesn’t help that he gets bites. He’s desperate for it. 

    imagine him being your manager, it would be infuriating. 

    It’s good to see the large amount of people on here calling him out for being a bellend, rather than some on X who are calling him a little scamp who’s up to his old shenanigans 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Dazzler said:

    So then you must think his antics post game yesterday were embarrassing too? Trying to wind up our players, purely because of who they play for instead of celebrating the win.


    I hope there are still some mackems out there that get that he played one full season at Sunderland and dumped you in the shit to sign on at Everton because he cared more about playing for England than his home town club. Because this iconic status he has with some of the Sunderland fans is ridiculous. If there was one club he clearly didn't like nearly as much as NUFC it was Sunderland.

    any player that acts like that is ruining the game in my opinion. players getting heated is acceptable because it’s competitive but the whole trying to get under someone’s skin just for the sake of it says you lack skill. 

    I think it’s clear he still likes the club, we were relegated and players have a short career, so anyone that wants to move on for the benefit of that, is fine by me.

  10. 18 minutes ago, Monkeys Fist said:

    If nothing else, I’ve learned from these last few pages that I won’t get stoned to death in Saudi Arabia, legally anyway, and that I was breaking the law in 1994. 


    Every days a school day, marras. :lol:

    Be careful though. Stoning is still part of their punishments 

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