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Feltch The Manfat

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Posts posted by Feltch The Manfat

  1. My mate has started for a new firm doing the cavity and loft insulation and he got sent away with this fat mackem for the first week.


    This is on my bairns life btw, I'm not just saying it because of the daft mackem posting shite on here, and this tale was backed up by another lad who works for the same firm.


    They got sent up past Inverness for the week, climbing around in dirty lofts etc and not once did the mackem get a shower or brush his teeth as he hadn't took a toothbrush, and his idea of clean clothes was turning his underpants inside out.


    When my mate brought up the subject of an evening meal when they were back at their digs he said 'I only spend £20.00a week when I'm away', when my pal asked how he managed it, he whipped out a gas stove placed it on the digs window sill and then produced a bag of pasta, a loaf of bread and a tub of Stork margarine.


    Needless to say my mate has already wrapped as the job was a piss take and there was no way he could work away with this animal.


    ahh the old mackem at work

  2. Open question to the resident mackems here. Why in your opinion trying to put yourself in the brain of a geordie, why in your opinion do geordies look down their noses at mackems, what are the reasons and what causes them?


    No thanks. I'l be round greggs, taking me shoes off, smashing up phone boxes in no time

  3. It's everything about mackems man. Their homes, their intelligence, their tehwn, everything about them as people, even their humour is almost Yorkshire like, how can we be so different just 12 miles away?


    I love it how you think that offends us. I love the way I speak. Much rather sound like I do than speak like someone form Newcastle. Possibly the most god awful sounding accent to disgrace the english language. To be honest when you lot speak it just sounds like someone has took a dyslexic, fed him shit loads of ket and shoved a golf ball in his gob.

  4. In my opinion


    1. Man City

    2. Man utd

    3. Chelsea

    4. Arsenal

    5. Spurs

    6. Liverpool

    7. Everton

    8. Villa

    9. Sunderland

    10. Fulham

    11. Bolton

    12. Stoke

    13. The geordie nation - barcelona of the north - everybodys second team

    14. West Brom

    15. Swansea

    16. Wolves

    17. Norwich

    18. Wigan

    19. Blackburn20. QPR

  5. Our attendances are on par with Chelsea and Liverpool ffs, and better than Spurs, Villa, Everton.


    So why don't people give you the same respect?


    Is it because the above teams don't drop a division every few years and you've played as low as the 3rd tier?


    Yet despite all the shit we have had to put up with we still get over 40k. Fuckin unbelievable turnout if you ask anyone except a deluded mag

  6. How can there be any dispute over biggest club in the North East btw? :o


    there is no dispute... Newcastle are the biggest club in north east


    But some of you lot actually believe that Sunderland is a 'nothing' club and that your away followings are 'far superior' to ours. Its this total disregard that pisses us off.


    Our home average attendances have been well over 40k for the past 5 seasons. We take thousands of fans all over the country and sell out almost every away game. Only ones we don't sell out are some night time games to be fair.


    Newcastle are the bigger club, but the gap is nowhere near the 'gulf' that some of you claim it to be

  7. To be honest I only signed up on here before the last derby for a bit banter and to wind you up a bit.


    After I thought I would see how long it would take for me to be banned. I thought I had pushed the boundaries with my Ben Arfa tackle comment and a few others but you seem to be lenient.


    I think it's good for the board to have a few of us superior ones here. It keeps the delusion levels down a bit

  8. I think he refers to the rant where he doesn't think we are aiming to be in top six as opposed to finishing sixth last season!


    Love how you mackem boys look at our forum more than your own!


    I spend most of my day on RTG


    When I'm bored of it I come on here


    When I actually have to do work I don't go on either just check RTG on my break.

  9. Can tell this kid's sitting gnashing teeth hoping they actually do batter us. Has anything in your life hurt as much as 5-1? Imagine if we'd 6-pointered you! Newly promoted Newcastle 6-pointing the "big dogs"


    a part of me died that day

  10. Why lie?


    A lot of people who applied will not get tickets. I go to around 7-10 away games a season and I still could not get a ticket for certain games in recent years (Hull, Arsenal, Newcastle, Everton)


    Sunderland's away support is fantastic week in week out. The difference with us is that we accept your away support is class. For some reason you lot are so deluded you actually think your away support is far better than ours. You lot are in your own little deluded bubble and I don't know wheter to laugh my cock off or be pissed of with how fukin simple you are.


    My god I hope we smash the fuck out of you on August 20th

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