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Posts posted by luckypierre

  1. Did anyone watch that Korean Film (Memories of Murder) on BBC 4 on Saturday night?

    I started watching it and it seemed pretty good but I fell asleep about half hour in.


    Seen it before, its very good. The Host is by the same writer/director, Joon Ho Bung. Very different film though

  2. It was a remake of Infernal Affairs which was set in Hong Kong I think.


    Is that the one with Chow Yun Fat (sp) in it?


    No, Andy Lau and Tony Leung.


    Infernal Affairs is better. I thought the Departed was great and the direction and style of the film was superb. However all the subtlety of the original was lost. Even more annoying was the pandering to American morals with

    The bad guy not getting away with it


  3. apparently the amount Sky were asking for was 10.95 per person per year. Doesnt sound like a lot to me and Virgin will have spent more than that on their smear ad campaign.

  4. Telford :D


    Is Madley near telford (black country) if so I think you are onto a winner here


    There is a little village next to Telford called Madley (Ive stayed in some hotel there called the Madley Court), Telfords about 15 mins away from Wolverhampton and has got nothing there but Inland Revenue buildings and a shopping centre.


    Imagine Washington on Prozac and you have an inkling of the Telford buzz.


    Stevenage comes close to Telford but not quite as bad. Wellington is the best Telford has to offer like Pud, at least theres a few pubs there. Thank God I dont live there anymore :lol:

  5. I completely agree with you re. the Universe. But I don't see why it should necessarily be explained or rationalised, which both Scientists and followers of Religion attempt to do.


    I like Einstein’s view best I think, of “God” in the order of things, not in the conventional sense of any “God”.


    Although I guess that drove him to his unifying theory, which was far too much even for him.


    and made him shit himself when it came to Quantum

  6. From the same article:


    One National Health Service source said: “We have attempted many times to arrange for Connor to have appointments with community and paediatric nutritionists, public health experts, school nurses and social workers to weigh and measure him and to address his diet, but the appointments have been missed.


    “Taking the child into care or putting him on the child protection register is absolutely the last resort. We do not do these things lightly but we have got to consider what effect this life-style is having on his health. Child abuse is not just about hitting your children or sexually abusing them, it is also about neglect.”



    Why doesn't the bit in bold surprise me. I wonder what the mother had to do that was so important that she couldn't take him to these appointments. Perhaps she was expecting an ambulance to turn up to take them there. Scum tbh.


    she was on GMTV yesterday. She missed the appointments because she has depression, had a panic attack and therefore couldnt make it. The only way to avoid these attacks is to stay slumped on the couch, smoke a few Regal and watch Jeremy Kyle.

  7. 1meg+ broadband connection and method of connecting your 360 to it.

    Xbox Live Gold subscription. Many games come with a free 48hr trial, so use those first.


    I played on live with 512 for 3 years and never had any issues. You wont make the greatest host but its definitely adequate

  8. blu-ray, whilst a great idea is massively overpriced and hyped.


    the components that go into a blue ray dvd player cost less than $40...


    also the biggest exponent of change is not you or I, its the porn industry, and they are going hd-dvd. they sell far more dvd's and videos than the normal outlets in the biggest markets in the world.




    problem with blu ray isnt the price, it isnt the quality now as they seem to have sorted that and are almost on a par with HD-DVD, its the fact that they are intent on shafting the consumer as much as possible. Region coding is one of the big reason some studios support Blu Ray (especially Fox), the only reason for which is to stop you being able to get the disc cheaper abroad.HD-DVD has no region coding.


    One of the main reason the porn industry is going with HD-DVD is that Sony wont allow certain content to be put onto Blu Ray. A certain studio that specialises in B horror movies was turned down for a Blu Ray license because it 'wasnt suitable for Blu Ray'. So they not only want to have total control over the price but total control of the content too. If you look at it from a consumer point of you there should be only one winner. Sony are a bunch of cunts tbh

  9. Sony won't admit it but I get the impression that gaming is Sony's 2nd priority with regards PS3


    I reckon that's fair comment. They must have piled millions into the Blu-Ray format with a view to getting one in every home via PS3. Their entire format war strategy is balanced upon it.


    I hope Blu-ray goes tits up personally.


    they've just been started claiming that they've won the war as a blu ray disc finally topped the sales chart ahead of a HD-DVD disc. Small details like the HD DVD disc beaten is Batman Begins and its been out since November dont seem to matter at Sony.

  10. had a preorder cancelled it. Dont even think there'll be a market for selling on either. You can pick up a Jap PS3 for around £300 on ebay at the minute. A fair portion of the UK machines will go straight on ebay. You could end up with a bargain if the buyers market isnt there like the US launch

  11. I have a general feeling iof dislike towards film bores. It annoys me that art house films get high praise for being turgid boring crap because they have a deeper hidden meaning and there use of light with the grainy exposure of the film signifies man's existence.


    I like films to entertain me or being academically fulfilling.




    bit random



    Howl's Moving Castle - Excellent, at least as good as Spirited Away.


    Is til the ending, that ruins the film. Although the book is a bit like that too according to my friend...


    If you're after Miyazaki i'd recommend princess monoke, nausicaa of the valley of the wind, kikis delivery service and grave of the fireflies. None are as good as spirited away but they come quite close.




    Felt let down by Princess Mononoke and to a lesser extent Grave of the Fireflies after all the hype like.



    avoid pom poko, only yesterday and porco rosso then. They are miles behind the others i've mentioned so far. Don't get me wrong, their good, just not as good as the others.


    I loved Pom Poko though. Probably because it never had any of the hype of the others.


    Pom Poko isnt a Miyazaki film, neither is Only yesterday. They're written directed by Isao Takahata who also did Grave of the Fireflies and My Neighbours the Yamadas


    Laputa is still his best work imo but then I prefer mononoke and nausicaa to spirited away

  13. Doubt it. Supposing it isn't all bollocks, I reckon the 'stars' will stick together and Barton will be out the squad next time round.


    Same thing happened to Bowyer didnt it?


    Played alright in a friendly, great cross for Smith to score and then wasnt picked because 'his face didnt fit'. Apparently because he told Beckham to fuck off.

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