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Everything posted by spelkender

  1. @PeterSweden7 Molotov! There you are he's a Russian. BBC now interested.

  2. @KateHoeyMP @tyrelle123 @WHO Truly Orwellian. UN seems to use 1984 as a guide book on how to run or ruin the world.

  3. RT @dodo: These little kittens can't stop climbing up the woman who rescued them ???????????? https://t.co/kZDLkIirLX

  4. @melvynprior I like them to form a decent root so that they don't pop out of the ground and the birds can't disturb them so easily.

  5. @thecarolemalone Seems that the top brass have decided that this is no longer the reason for the existence of the… https://t.co/h07Xpuwt1W

  6. @GerardBattenMEP @helenhims After remain dirty tricks you could start to wonder how many fraudulent Remain votes th… https://t.co/CBgWUG5pka

  7. @LPerrins Labour must be worried their young working class voters may drift away with another five years indoctrination.

  8. Our biggest fans this week: @rentonMAGA, @BanDeathCults, @RobertH89940807. Thank you! via https://t.co/Az8dgporqU https://t.co/UDXOmeIke5

  9. @piersmorgan It's just as easy to take the words to mean, 'He was a brave man to sign up knowing the danger." but… https://t.co/XTSUoFExb8

  10. @PhilYiddo @WantEnglandBack I should think buying a dvd of The Sweeney probably counts as a hate crime these days.

  11. RT @MarkACollett: Child migrant rapes a 5-year-old boy & is let off with a 'rehabilitation order'. A student sends an 'abusive' tweet & is…

  12. @99freemind From the play Gaslight by Patrick Hamilton? Also a film. It fits the bill.

  13. RT @UncleJoesSweets: Thousands of Winter Nips coming off production line today trying to keep us warm in this cold weather! High skilful co…

  14. @Fox_Claire I don't watch BBC, If you can't get even why bother getting mad?

  15. @DanielJHannan Elizabeth 1 would have had them in The Tower.

  16. @MichaelPDeacon @silverstrivers That's not a nice way to talk about your voters even if you think it.

  17. @A_Liberty_Rebel They know what matters. https://t.co/Ob4BHCBDvE

  18. @IainDale Looks like she's in denial. You'd think she'd keep her mouth shut on that subject.

  19. @RichardWellings I understand that clams and worms from the sea bed cause more warming than humans. Bet they keep that quiet.

  20. RT @GigaLiving: @DrTeckKhong Our problem is that all our political parties are controlled by Common Purpose now. Here are their cultural ma…

  21. @Fox_Claire Got it. The Delicates.

  22. @GuidoFawkes Proving he's a real politician, that's all.

  23. @LizKershawDJ Amazing the number of clairvoyants there are among the remainiac persuasion.

  24. @DrTeckKhong Simple. The establishment & all its fellow travellers in authority hate everything British. There can… https://t.co/uYweGScQfr

  25. @helenhims @RedHotSquirrel @Tweets2CV We really should have learned not to trust the establishment. https://t.co/8oH4aSYuQK

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