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Everything posted by wontoofree

  1. Hi again. Second, and almost certainly my last, post on this forum, and this time I'm definitely NOT asking for your assistance. Number 9, I exempt from any criticism. Obviously I made a major error in asking the Toon Army for help, although it was more out of naivety than stupidity, as I was under the misguided impression that football fans anywhere would help other football fans out. WHAT A MISTAKE THAT WAS. The bile and abuse was directed not only at Rangers, but more because I am Scottish, and that is what surprised me most. I used to work in Saudi Arabia, and the overwhelming majority of Brits that I encountered were of the 'English' variety. For years I had to listen to, and put up with, things like "The Queen of England", "The future King of England", "English passports", "The Prime Minister of England", and my personal favourite [NOT] "England's North Sea oil", without showing disrespect, even though they are all disrespectful to me. I think you call it 'dignity' - something you slack-jawed, knuckle dragging, brave keyboard warriors seem to lack. Slainte Mhath ps the above is Gaelic, and in no way derogatory.
  2. Hi, New member, first post, and I'm asking for your assistance. Glasgow Rangers has been the subject of unfair victimisation by HM Revenue & Customs over the past few years, the case being sabotaged by the leakage of confidential financial information from HMRC, resulting in Administration and subsequent Liquidation. Despite us finally winning the case against HMRC, it was too late to prevent liquidation and relegation to the lowest level of the League - an altogether shameful action precipitated by HMRC. We are desperately trying to bring HMRC to book, as well as restoring our rightful position in the SPL, and would really appreciate your help by voting for the E-petition linked below. We would also be very grateful if you could take the time to get your relatives, friends and colleagues to vote as well, as we still require a lot of votes. I realise this is a bit of an imposition, but as fellow football supporters, I hope you can help us. Essentially, you only have to supply your name, address and email address. You will then receive a confirmation email, presumably to ensure that your email address is genuine, which you only have to acknowledge, and your vote is then recorded. PLEASE DO ALL YOU CAN TO ASSIST THIS PETITION. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42143 [may require cutting and pasting on your browser] Thank you.
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