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Posts posted by Fred

  1. SSN linking Smoggies, Leeds and us with Viduka on a pay as you play deal!


    your taking the piss aren't you


    It's like they just listed all his ex clubs and made it fact.


    Yeah thought the same, but honestly not taking the piss. Almost spat my tea out when David Craig came out with it like. Not too sure about the wisdom of it but, if anything happens pay as you play makes sense.

  2. Book Description

    All that stands between darkness and light is The Night Watch...


    The phenomenal Russian bestseller (over a million copies sold in hardcover). First of the Night Watch Trilogy, gloriously readable vampire novels set in a richly realised post-Soviet Moscow that have sold for huge advances accross Europe



    Walking the streets of Moscow, indistinguishable from the rest of its population, are the Others. Possessors of supernatural powers and capable of entering the Twilight, a shadowy parallel world existing in parallel to our own, each Other owes allegiance either to the Dark or the Light. The "Night Watch", first book in the "Night Watch" trilogy, follows Anton, a young Other owing allegiance to the Light. As a Night Watch agent he must patrol the streets and metro of the city, protecting ordinary people from the vampires and magicians of the Dark. When he comes across Svetlana, a young woman under a powerful curse, and saves an unfledged Other, Egor, from vampires, he becomes involved in events that threaten the uneasy truce, and the whole city...



    Interesting :D


    it's ace, trilogy


    Not sure i can be arsed to read a trilogy like ;)


    The film is pretty good too but for those who can't read you're still fucked cos it's subtitled.


    Really though, I like the film.

  3. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtm...15/sfnlei15.xml


    Broke his own team mates jaw in a proven unprovoked attack. Not really the actions of someone I want to be overseeing our whole club


    it's an as yet unspecified role but that quote could quite easily be applied to Shearer too (the Dublin incident + Bellamy). i'm interested to here the story behind this and wonder what it means for Shearer. I think, I hope that it means he wont be coming here until he's had a crack of the whip elsewhere.


    I've no idea if it will be a good move or not, he's certainly got experience and seems to be a winning character with a lot of determination. Besides he's a bit of a hate figure too, so hopefully this will just help us close ranks and done the teflon suit so none of the shit the tabloids hoy at us will stick

  4. Anybody ever been to Milan for a weekend out? We're considering that as its the same price as Sweden, but meant to be better and cheaper.


    Milan's canny, the town where the airport is (Bergamo) is lush, but not for your lads weekend - take your lass some other time. Brussels is far from being the most boring place on earth it's a class city, you could travel to Antwep or Ghent for a change, it's not far.


    What about Poland? Some cracking places there. We went to this shitty little backwater called Szczecin a year ago, nowt to do but drink. It was a cracking unknown place we only saw one othe english person. But there are loads of other cool (beter) citys

  5. wanka.gif




    I'm not into football shirts as leisure wear, they're for playing football in. Other than a load of our old ones from when I was a bairn, I've got this one and a Royal Antwerp one that I swapped with a smurf when we played them.


    I went to watch Locomotiv Moscow in the summer and i've got a soft spot for them and viktoria zizkov and Sparta Prague who I've seen when I've been over there.

  6. I eat a shit load of it all cooked at home though. The MSG fucks me up and gives me kermit eyes.


    If you can find a good restaurant that is ok though, i like mangos for that or the dodgy looking one at the end of low friars. Take away stuff is shit, it either comes in gravy type gloop or jam and bears no resemblance to anything chinese.

  7. I don't know what it's like at this time of year but the castle gardens were pretty cool in the summer. Great views and a chance to get out of the crowds. I like Vysehrad too, the original castle a little walk down the river.


    Get ya self up the TV tower, hopefully it wont be as hazy as it was when I was in Munich last week and you might get a decent view. Whilst youre there Zizkov is a cool place to get some dead cheap bait and beer nee tourists (well hardly any, just me).


    Er i'll put on my thinking cap, but my favourite thing to do in Prague is just be there.

  8. I'd like to hoy AGF in to the equation. If you like Autechre and their ilk it has that sort of feeling to me. Her 'explode' album with Delay is mint. He's canny handy too. Oh The Dolls which is their collaboration with Craig Armstrong is interesting too. He might interest some people with his second album 'as if to nothing' his first is a bit orchestral


    Various productions

    Berg sans nipple

    Bohren und der club of gore



    Stars of the lid


    Clint Mansell's sound tracks to Pi and Requiem for a dream are cracking.

  9. As much as I hate the tw@t, i can't help thinking he's got a point here. I'd be fucking livid if i was in his shoes, we all knew fatty was pulling the strings with the transfers so why is he not being mentioned? Kenny Shepherd's involvement is very strange.


    Hopefully the soon to be appointed trouble shooter will gun down all the scum who are fucking up our club


    This whole quest business is a little bit fishy.


    Of course Souness could be talking out of his arse an making excuses...




    he'd never do that though, would he? :lol:

  10. REPUBLIC OF IRELAND international Alan O'Brien is being tracked by Celtic, West Brom, Wolves and Leicester after making it clear that he won't be signing a new contract at Newcastle.


    The 22-year-old winger has been offered the chance to be put through his pre-season paces at Parkhead by Gordon Strachan, but a move to the Championship looks more likely.


    Dublin-born O'Brien has rejected three contract offers from the Toon because he is desperate to play regular first-team football.


    He has won five caps and was Man of the Match in the Republic's recent 1-1 draw with Bolivia in the USA.


    Hmmm thats unfortunate to see him go as im sure he could of been more then useful for us. Apparently has pace to burn as well, which would of been handy.



    Not arsed in the slightest like, he's just not good enough. It might come up and bite us in the arse in years to come but I don't think he's 1st team material.


    He was exciting when he broke into the reserves because he is quick but he's got nowt else. Paula Radcliffe can run quick but I wouldn't want her marauding down our left flank.


    She'd be better than matty pattison mind you :blush:

  11. for anyone going on monday the running order for Spillers Wharf is ;

    Seven heroes 1.40 - 2.10

    Motorettes 2.30-3.00

    Kano 3.20-4.00

    Hotclub de Paris 4.30-5.10

    Joe Jackson 5.40 -6.30

    Enemy 7.00-7.40 :D

    Echo & the Bunnymen 8.10 - 9.00 :rolleyes:

    Maximo Park 9.40-10.45 :D


    My mate has been listening to alot of that Hotclub de Paris he says its easy to get into.


    However i must admit I can't beleive kano is on what a rip of akon.


    Hot club de paris are canny. I'm looking forward to Echo and the bunnymen and hopefully i'll catch datarock too, I saw them last year in france and they were mint.


    Anyone got a running order for the other baltic stage?

  12. I can't defend Lille coaches for encouraging the players to walk off but I think it was an ungentlemanly goal.


    I know Henry has done it plenty of times but if you watch the footage it's the Lille players who pass the ball back to Giggs to alow him to take it quickily - bastards, I'd be spitting chips if it had been scored against us like.


    Goes to show you have to be a cynical twat and put a man standing over the ball to prevent the kick being taken quick, but then you risk the fuckers kicking it off you as bergkamp did with robert.


    I think the actions of the fans and police were fucking awful like. The players were not keen on going off and it was that coach who encouraged it. It was nice to see that the pundits on itv didn't blame the fans straight away, it's not that long ago that hassle like that would be pinned on the fans straight away without question.

  13. Rolf's a legend and a true gent.


    I saw him in Newcastle airport a few years back, he was reading a book (which turned out to be his own autobiography) and i wanted an autograph so very timidly interupted him - I know I hate to be interupted whilst reading and he was mint. It was no bother to him and he did a little rolfaroo for me too!


    I remember some article a few years back where he had been found to be the worlds most popular living artist!

  14. FFS the halfs is not going to happen, why does someone bring this up everytime a new shirt is mentioned. Why not just change it to fucking red whilst we're on since teams wearing red win most shit.


    I dont give a toss what the finite detail of the shirt is to be honest.

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