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Posts posted by ohhh_yeah

  1. On 02/05/2024 at 13:15, Renton said:

    If Trump visibly soiled himself in a majorly public way, say the presidential debate, would his supporters care? 




    • Haha 3
  2. 1 hour ago, Gemmill said:



    I mean, all of this is gonna look a bit hollow if he's fucked off two months from now. :lol:


    But I've got faith, I think he might stick around. He's got young kids who were born here, he's just bought a house, presumably his wife is settled, his dad is like a local celebrity. 




    From Alianca and Rio to Newcastle upon Tyne, a home away from home. Joelinton and Bruno, our Brazilian Geordies.


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    "Just not normal, they would take three or four thousand away in every game and on pre-season there would be three or four hundred with us 3,000km from Newcastle. People treated me well there.

    It's true that that last year at Newcastle was not good so you have to drop your expectations. I knew in myself what I was capable of but also I knew how I'd played in that last year so the offers that came in were not as big.

    Alaves is an important club in Spain but it's not at Newcastle's level. I had no problem with going there and doing the best I could and that helped me reach where I am now.

    I had people from Stoke at my wedding. People from Newcastle too. We turned the beer taps off at 2am!"


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