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Posts posted by Ally

  1. talks of san fransisco, he from hunters bar, don't quite know the distance but I'm sure it's far


    yes I'll tell you all my problems, you're not from New York City, you're from Rotheram, so get off the band wagon and put down the anvil(not sure if it's anvil or handbook)



    It's handbook.



    Loving the Sheffield-ness of them, mind you, Hunters Bar is a dump!

  2. Charlie and the chocolate factory.



    The old one is one of my all time kids favourites, I thought the new one was no where near as good.


    They didn't even sing the Umpla Lumpa song for gods sake!!

  3. I've heard the first two singles and they did nothing for me. Unless the album comes up with something special I'll just see them as another NME/Jo Whiley wankfest.



    What he said :D



    I hate it in NME how they big up a new band, say they are the best thing since sliced bread etc, and then slate them as soon as they become mainstream and popular.

  4. Whats this sats thing mean? Its always just one of those things you hear on Casualty!


    Poor kid :blush:



    Sats is a shortened word for oxygen saturation. Basically it's measured as a percentage and it's an indication of how much oxygen is being carried by the red blood cells around the body. Sats are measured at the peripheries of the body with a probe on a finger, toe or ear. Full oxygen saturation is 100% and as a nurse I'd be concerned if a patient of mine had sats of below 95% unless they had some kind of long-term respiratory problem. With kids, their sats drop rapidly and dangerously and you can start to see them going blue before your eyes - it's horrible.



    Thanks Nurse Cath :D

  5. Just downloaded the album, pretty good on first listen.


    Am I allowed to post a link, its on yousendit?



    I wasn't aware they'd released an album yet




    Its not been released, yet its all recorded and available for download from various places. Its how they've become so big becasue they made it all downloadable.

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