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Everything posted by Ken

  1. That being said, this pitch is slow and grippy and 300 is a good score. Your spinners should be effective in this. Battlers will need to force things as the ball softens up. Baffles me why we don't play Lyon. Playing him here was a no-brainer.
  2. I wouldn't say crushed. 303 is a very reachable target. I will be switching between this and the tennis tonight.
  3. Easy to say when you have a decent team playing in that format. ODI's aren't a fan's favourite because of the middle overs being perceived to be tedious and boring. Younger generations have a shorter attention span.
  4. A very good side. The summer of cricket here was getting very boring let me tell you. Nice to see the poms pick up a few consolatory accolades on their tour here.
  5. Saying that adjudicators, human, aren't necessary in any sport let alone cricket is daft. Have a word.
  6. Too early to say that it is beneficial. Has been used over here in Australia and it has had its teething problems. Farcical at times but I guess FIFA use us as guinea pigs because we aren't a big player in the world. There are positives but the stoppages in play that I have seen have turned off people here, not a country to turn people off football for these reasons. Other things to do and other sports to watch.
  7. He should re-join England's ODI squad immediately in Australia and replace one of Woakes or Moeen in the starting team. I am assuming that the ECB told him that he would come back for the NZ tour 2 months ago so he had been preparing for that eventuality.
  8. Ken


    I have private health insurance but we also have something similar to the NHS that being Medicare.
  9. Ken


    Well, he told me I had a high level of uric acid amongst other things, I guess it wasn't the priority at the time. He also told me I had high blood pressure, a cholesterol problem and that I was in the mid to high category group of a chance of having a heart attack. So he gave me medication for the cholesterol, I went vegan for nearly a year and I started kickboxing. I am not overweight, I never have been but it goes to show what inactivity and bad diet can do. Yeah, I will go to my GP shortly for a full checkup again.
  10. 10 years already is it? Fuck me, time flies when you're having fun.
  11. Ken


    Sorry to hear about your plight. i probably should see a doctor shouldn't I? Last time I had a blood test which was 4 years ago it came up with high uric acid levels. So I know it isn't a question of if but when I will get it considering my father and my grandfather suffers periodically, and had suffered from gout. Don't really want to have a blood test at the moment because I know it won't read well given what I put my liver through over the festive season if you know what I mean. I ate shitloads of seafood and pate, things that spark an onset too. I'm doing a dry January and treating my body with respect now so I might wait a bit until I go for a proper checkup.
  12. Ken


    Well I hope that was all it was. I've never felt that much pain before, even after a first session of kickboxing after a long layoff have I ever experienced that kind of pain. It was just random, out of nowhere while I was sleeping.
  13. Ken


    I was wondering that. Most get it in their toes, and it involves redness and swelling. I didn't get that. I knew that Indomethacin was merely an anti-inflammatory so very little side effects but me dad took convincing to give it to me. Another problem it appears...
  14. Jason Roy. Why has he not been involved in the chat?
  15. Ken


    Think I may have had my first bout of gout. Woke up 4am Sunday with my foot throbbing. Pain was in my instep around to the outer edge of the foot and I think a bit on both sides of the ankle although I couldn't tell because of the pain. I couldn't walk, and couldn't get any relief whichever way I positioned my foot laying down or standing up. Resorted to hopping around the house which was painful but the less painful of of all options. Being Sunday and with my gf away and the doctor closed I had no ability to do anything. Called my dad who has suffered gout as a last resort and he gave me his Indomethacin to take even though he initially refused. Took two doses in the day and by night I was good.
  16. Mark Wood has looked lively in this first white ball game. The ball he delivered to get Warner out was a peach. Has consistently bowled at 140-146kph. Plunkett doing ok too. Good contest so far...
  17. Now you're comparing me to essembee are you? You have gone way too far now. Stop aiming for my balls.
  18. The crowds dipped in Melbourne in the latter part of the match because people could see that given the shittyness of the pitch a result was improbable bordering on the impossible. In Sydney people stayed home because it was just too bloody hot. I agree that competitiveness is key and that was the point I was making in my earlier post re. the ECB. We are at least more competitive when we go over to your backyard and the players have not hidden the fact that they are focusing their energy to retain the Ashes already. Winning over on your turf is the holy grail. A couple of players are willing to miss the big pay days in the IPL to play county cricket, Shaun Marsh being one of those. I agree, the games will be a lot closer in the ODI's, your squad for them is stronger than the squad that played in the test series which is a good thing as it keeps things interesting. I want to see good games, not just good old fashioned pommy bashings like we saw throughout the majority of the test series.
  19. Yeah, you've had better results than us over the last year.
  20. The thing is, the ECB are most concerned about what happens on your own turf and they are dysfunctional. Have heard enough stories about them - Liam Livingston being told not to play at 3 but 5 in county cricket because that is what they see him in the future if he were to make it to the England team. You play your players up the order to get experience ffs. Record crowds in Australia mate. England need to keep up. You aren't exactly at the forefront in other forms either.
  21. Your touring debutants have fared well tbf - Stoneman and Malan. You'll never be a threat here unless you develop players with genuine pace - Jofra Archer looks likely but I don't know what his status is, talk that he has to wait a few years before he can represent at international level. I have a soft spot for leg spinners, I appreciate their craft, I hope Crane can kick on from here. The kid certainly has a bit of heart.
  22. 43 degrees out there today. Must be a bit of a test out there in the field. I almost feel sorry for them.
  23. Calling a draw was premature. The wicket is turning big time so Lyon will definitely be amongst it in the 2nd innings. Mason Crane looks a canny leggy. His figures don't do him justice, great flight and turn. The lad has a good career ahead of him.
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