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Everything posted by Jill

  1. When I used to play football years ago I saw someone on another team try it and she completely fucked it up, kicked herself and damaged her achilles tendon.. I know, I know, girls can't play football.
  2. One of my mates is going in for it. He's a bit of a freak, very emo with loads of really pathetic tattoos and pink bits in his hair so I'm actually quite worried they'll let him in.
  3. I was hoping this thread was about watching porn/the proms.
  4. Agreed, is certainly is rank there. We went for lunch a year or so ago when it was someone's leaving do (used to work just off John Dobson St) and even when the place was empty they still managed to completely fuck everything up.
  5. A bit, yeah. Not very well, but it's always preferable to college work. Unfortunately I've mostly been listening to stuff like Satriani, Malmsteen, Dream Theater, Vai lately and can't play anything remotely like that.
  6. I'll do it, I need the cash. I would say £750 is well worth it for that model.. Mine was £509.99 and worth every penny. 91981[/snapback] Let's PM..... maybe we can work something out 91992[/snapback] Seriously, feel free to PM, I haven't made a website for ages.
  7. Yeah it's a special. Got it just before Christmas - kind of a "omg I must buy a new guitar" thing which I stuck on credit card and only just finished paying off.. Worth every penny though, plays like an absolute dream even with my complete lack of talent. Totally awesome.
  8. I'll do it, I need the cash. I would say £750 is well worth it for that model.. Mine was £509.99 and worth every penny.
  9. jeez louise.....an thats just off the top of your head ??? 91960[/snapback] Bad day.
  10. Vernon Kay Jamie Oliver Michael Barrymore Elton John Any kids tv presenter Colleen McLoughlin Tara Palmer-Tomkinson Gwen Stefani Lee Evans Chris Rock Julian Clary Jools Holland David & Victoria Beckham Pete Doherty Pete Burns Kate Moss Amongst others.
  11. A fine choice... I love my SG. Mine:
  12. Kittie - Charlotte Static-X - Cold And various other dodgy metal songs.
  13. That's at work but I have the same at home, I think..
  14. My sister had a fake naf naf jacket.. it was "original naff company" or something.. I almost accepted it as a hand-me-down as well but saw sense at the last minute. It was all about cycling shorts, leggings and other equally hideous outfits.
  15. It was awesome to be there like. The reaction from the crowd was immense, and it was quality to see the ref shake his hand as well.
  16. I could just fancy a bit of a piss up, but won't be able to make it to this one..
  17. I think Freddie does it on purpose, make the new coach get to know his existing squad before any ingoings/outgoings. 87871[/snapback] Fair points, but it is a bit irritating to sack him now given that he's been shite for ages.
  18. I thought this was about the sandwiches at my college.
  19. I've flown loads, from a young age (about 1 or 2) but I absolutely hate it. It never used to bother me until one time when I was flying to Lanzarote - can't remember my exact age but I was younger than 10. The plane took off, then the pilot announced there was a problem with the engine and he was turning it off and landing. Obviously they are trained to do this etc but there were a load of fire engines waiting on the runway for the plane to land and it just put me off completely, I absolutely hate flying now and always take tranquilisers if I have to. I had to have valium to fly to Dublin, which is completely pathetic because on a bad day I can take longer to get to work.. And yes I know it's safer than cars etc etc but that whole experience really put me off.
  20. I got a similar package when I got my first (and only) acoustic. The video was never watched and I obtained another when I got my next guitar, which was electric. Both were put in as part of a 'package deal' when I recently sold my acoustic to a friend, still in their original plastic wrapping. Just wing it Boyo, you'll be fine.
  21. Maybe I should play my guitar.. a lad at work just did me a CD of backing tracks for Dream Theater, Vai, Satriani, Malmsteen etc.. It will be sheer comedy to see my attempts at mimicking those guys.
  22. There will almost certainly be something nicely controversial about it.
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