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Everything posted by Jill

  1. Jill


    I walked from Killingworth to Prudhoe, via South Gosforth, the Town Moor, the West Road, Newburn and Wylam. So a pretty mixed route. Needless to say, the last section was a bit more aesthetically pleasing than the beginning/middle.
  2. Jill


    I've had a week off work and spent most of it eating and drinking so I was consumed with guilt and felt the need to stretch my legs.. it just went a bit further than expected. Good practice anyway as I'm hiking Skiddaw in a couple of weeks.
  3. Jill


    Did I spy you at the West Allotment Celtic match yesterday? Also, belated happy birthday.
  4. Jill


    Must thank you for sharing this! I had a bancake for breakfast this morning and thought it was bloody delicious. I don't normally even like sweet pancakes but I love bananas so this was just about right for me. I went a bit CT mind and topped it with a Weight Watchers yoghurt which wanted using and a small box of raisins meant for kids. Managed a nearly 19 mile walk afterwards armed only with a cereal bar and a bottle of water so it must've done the trick. I'm not a fan of over-ripe bananas too so that'll be a champion way to use them up.
  5. Is hungry a mood? I have a severe case of THE HUNGER. Generally a good mood overall though. Yesterday's GNR was cracking and I've got the week off work. Just need to come up with stuff to do now.
  6. I'm running for Mind this year (obligatory link). They sent me a good luck card a couple of days ago, which was a nice touch.
  7. I'm in a pretty good mood - got next week off work and managed to get everything that needed doing finished off before I left today. Just the small matter of the Great North Run to get through, but I suppose my training has gone okay, and I've hit my fundraising target so I'm happy with that.
  8. Those nerve conduction studies are a strange experience. Mind, mine was only on my wrist/arm so it wasn't particularly traumatic. I found it interesting though.
  9. Agreed. It wouldn't have been my pick but I was entertained enough. I don't think we really needed to see it in 3D but it certainly was visually incredible.
  10. Good news Stevie - now look after yourself.
  11. I've been meaning to go to that for about the last 2 years and still never bothered. As with every other Saturday I did have it down as a possibility this week, but since I need to incorporate the weekly food shop and dropping my dad's present round his before being in town for lunchtime, it might be a stretch. I'll do what I do every week which is either not bother, or just go for a run round where I live as sitting on a bus for half an hour just to run 5K is always the part that puts me off. Hoping they get the Rising Sun one going.
  12. Rubbish match. I hate us being in that kick-off slot.
  13. Same season for the same reason. I only shared the ticket, with my dad's best mate's daughter, but a couple of seasons later she went away to uni and I took over it full time. Because we shared it our dads had worked out a points sort of system for sharing the games out fairly, I missed out on the mackems but got the 4-3 against Man U a few weeks later which is still one of my favourite matches that I've been to. I felt so proud standing out there as a season ticket holder amongst my dad and all his schoolfriends. Also loved the Championship season, because it was fun to constantly dick on rubbish teams and I only lived 5 minutes away from SJP so it was excessively cheap to sink a few drinks beforehand.
  14. I watched Sliding Doors last night for the first time in years. Still canny enough. Prior to that the last film I (re)watched was Zodiac, which took us three nights to get through. I've got a dreadful attention span when it comes to films.
  15. There should be more pubs that are the level of the Black Garter and less arty farty bars. Or at least until I've been paid.
  16. I really loved Hook and Mrs Doubtfire as a kid. I rarely watch films these days but did enjoy some of his later work too. So sad to see another suicide, seems like it's been everywhere lately in terms of the deaths I've heard about.
  17. I do the majority of my shopping in supermarkets out of laziness and because I like to get as much as possible in one go, but I do use the various shops in the Grainger Market regularly as well.
  18. I don't think my running ever looks like I'm in a hurry. I'm slow as fuck regardless of the style. At least it was windy enough yesterday to drown out the sound of me huffing and puffing as I was still sweating out Thursday night's cider intake.
  19. Guessed all other than the Jupiler League and managed 3.
  20. Tried the whole "forward lean" type thing from that chirunning this morning. It seemed to go ok, although I probably looked like a colossal spacker. I was going to go to Newcastle Park Run but I couldn't be arsed to get the bus into town so just did about 3 and a half miles near home.
  21. Going to Coop tonight. I'm not big on chicken places so I don't really expect much, but it sounds like it should be alright.
  22. I've watched the first episode of Breaking Bad twice but can never seem to force myself to watch any more of it, even though I'm sure I would quite enjoy it.
  23. Jill


    I'll sneak them in in my kit bag.
  24. Jill


    Anyone will be welcome. It'd be great to see some of the lads from here as well if anybody is up for it.
  25. All the best for the op, Stevie lad! I appreciated this.
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