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mikey the eagle

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Posts posted by mikey the eagle

  1. Against Cardiff Hughton set out with his new, more creative line up, to outplay the opposition. It worked (apart from the first 20 mins of the second half).


    I wondered then

    a) would he be brave enough to try it away from home and

    :jesuswept: would it work?


    I fear he'll now revert back to the cautious defensive approach against Swansea.

  2. I'm with Christmas Tree on this one. I sense a deal to be done this week. All the briefings and press reports coming out at the moment suggest negotiations are at that final critical stage. Ashley is trying to squeeze as much as he can from the sale but ultimately he wants out and I believe he'll do a deal.

  3. According to Gary Richardson on 5 live this morning "he understands" there is likely to be devlopments this week with Ashley pulling out of selling the club and appointing O'leary as manger.


    Some fuckwit journo on the programme then commented how O'leary would be a good appointment because he's still in touch with the game and that his appointment would be welcome and popular with the Newcastle fans. Short of describing Colocinni as suited to the championship, I couldn't think of a more stupid thing to say.

  4. In fairness to Harris, it was Gary Richardson who asked "How many buyers are in the running, is it about 2-3?" to which Harris replied "yes, that's a good guess." It wasn't Harris who came up with 2-3


    Why is everyone having a go at Harris. He came across to me as a competent articulate person doing a professional job answering the media's questions as openly and honestly as he could in his position acting as an agent for another party. Far better than anything we've ever got from NUFC since Mort left.

  5. Wait til Sunday. You'll have convinced yourself we're staying up, just to make it all the more painful when we don't.

    I'll be going for a long walk on sunday between 3 and 5, phone switched off. I can't stand the tension, it has me in knots.


    Best go between 4-6 mate

  6. Couple of points here.


    First generally about Ashley. He clearly has brought his commercial principles to NUFC. Sports Direct is a cheap shitty brand where there is no investment in its employees and consequently they don't give a fuck about the business or its customers.


    Whelans comments were the main topic on last nights 606 hosted by the cockney irritant and every premiership footballers self proclaimed best mate 'Spooney'. A Norwich City fan came on with an intelligent and well articulated critique of Ashley's tenure of NUFC. His principle argument was that to allow a club of such assets, standing and potential to falter into our current position took an incredible amount of mismanagement misjudgement and negligence.


    Spoons and his unable assistant Issy Clarke then to my amazement and annoyance began an impassioned defence of Ashley. Their counter arguements relied primarily on the fact Ashley has spent £240m of his own money on the club, and great emphasis was placed on the fact it was his own money – not any consortium’s money you understand - but his very own and that he had been "hounded out" of “Noocarsel” by the fans.


    I'm still calming down now.

  7. "Lua Lua looks a promising player. "


    On what basis are you saying this. Hitting a hopeful shot from 30 yards on the turn 10 yards wide?


    You're talking bollocks mate.

  8. Could work - more interested in what he had to say regarding sale progress.


    I'm puzzled why after so much silence, Kinnnear blurts all this out apparently on behalf of Ashley. He looked like Ashley's spokesman on Sky Sports. I'm suspicious. Is Ashley really going to sell. Nigerian sale breaks down, Kinnear gets an extension, results get better, Wise and Kinnear enjoy good working relationship, protests fade and on we go.

  9. Well done tf and the mag.


    I can't help thinking any campaign is for all football fans in the premiership against big business taking over and taking the piss out of us. To my mind this is not just making a stand for Keegan but its about the future of football, we've taken some shite over the past 10/15 years (bonds, £40 shirts, 1.30 & 5.30pm kick offs, 39th games, Marcelino, re-arranged games at 2 weeks notice etc etc) right lets see who really has the power? the billionairres jumping on the bandwagon or the punters.

  10. I watched this on Wednesday when I was adamant he'd be staying and I was fine - I've just watched it again tonight and I'm a wreck :o


    I doubt that era when he was in charge first time around will ever be surpassed in my mind - still the greatest atmosphere I ever experienced was 25th April 1992. We may not have won anything but we proved ourselves to ourselves and that's what matters to me.


    I understand why everone goes on about the Portsmouth (I'm assuming that 's what you're referring to) game, but I'm always puzzled why people don't talk so much about the Leicester game away the following week . WE were up then down, then up, then down, threw it away in the final minute, pitch invasion then won it in injury time and stayed up for sure. The most amazing end to a game I've ever been at.

  11. Watched the second half. dominated possession but never looked like scoring apart from a couple of cut ins from the right by Duff. Nothing up front (Smith/Milner) and when they did make runs no supply from midfield. Hertha too big, too organised and too clever on the counter for us.


    We look shite. Will Oba Owen, Viduka and Faye improve it? No. We are in desperate trouble if we don't buy quality proven premiership right back, centre half, creative midfielder (probably x2) and a target man who can hold it up and stay fit for 30 games a season.


    God I'm depressed.

  12. Observations on tonight.


    Remember at schoool when we played footy in the playground and the teams got sorted out. You would look around at your team mates and then the opposition and you knew immediately what the result was gonna be. That was how we looked coming out the tunnel.


    We tried to keep things narrow and tight in the middle of the park to stop Arsenal passing through us. It sort of worked for the first half hour but then they started on Charlie Zog. He looked dizzy with them coming from all angles at him. Inevitably the goal came from down the left.


    Offensively it was pretty direct. Not up to Smith as a target man, but over the top for Owen, Smith, Milner and Duff to run onto. The quality of the through balls was never good enough and Arsenals defensive line was organised enough to get the offsides.


    Terry Buthcher on Radio 5 thinks we should be worried.


    The boro game is now massive. Anything other than a win will negate the Keegan effect. Whatever boost he did give is diminishing quickly. You can see it in the players faces. Keegan's got to get some momentum going now.


    Viduka and Emre back on Sunday.


    Given - usual fair, rooted to his spot, distribution woeful, nervous as hell in possession, not making the stops of previous seasons

    Carr - technically the worst player on the pitch tonight and possibly in the premiership. This blokes only strength is covering the back post in last ditch clearances, but he even failed to do this for Adabeyors goal. His passing is shocking. I can think of three occasions when he lost possession in our defensive third of the field when a simple pass was on. He's shite.

    Charlie Zog - had a mare defensively, completely ripped apart in the final 15 of the 1st. Offensively never found any space and never linked up with Duff. Set peice delivery poor tonight.

    Taylor & Cacapa, just cannot cope with Arsenal's movement. The overall dominance of arsenal reflects badly on them two because they get left to try and plug the gaps left by others ahead of them.

    Butt & Roz - defensively they do a job nicked possession and broke things up frequently. But when they do get it they don't have the ability and vision to link things together or to get players.

    Milner & Duff - never got into it - team set up made them too narrow and any through balls into space ahead of them were never accurate enough.

    Owen - showing more energy. Did alot of work dropping into midfield to make the extra man. But showed his frustration at the offside decisions.

    Smith - gave lots of fouls away. never given great service as a target man, spent alot of time chasing lost cause long balls put in behind.

  13. Think he's a bit like Faye and KK might like a 'footballing centre-half' / sweeper a la Albert ideally.



    I know this is going back on the conversation a bit but I agree with the above and think Rozenhal fits the bill. Under Keegan, watch him go.... charging forward way over the half way line. Nicky Butt, you better get out of the way man.

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